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Penis Stuck Out!


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Our boy devours his at night, just when we turn the light off. He starts doing his "dishes" at such an appropriate time. He sleeps in his crate at the foot of our bed, and i swear the noises he makes licking it, are so loud. We try very hard not to laugh, or atleast not so he can hear us. Sounds like he is slurping soup.

I always tell OH he is just jealous. ;)

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There's been several posts written about this very problem, http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=169155 it's not as unusual as one might think. It can be dangerous for him though, if he does it again, dont hesitate to give him a helping hand, just make sure he doesn't get to like it. :D

Or You... get to like it I mean :D :mad:mad:mad

errrrr no, it's not my scene. Hey, you know there's a law against that anyway :D

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I am so glad that in the nearly 11 years that we have had our boy we have not had to deal with this problem. I had absolutely no idea that it was even a possibility.

And OMG - thinking about the consequences of getting some hair stuck is making me :D

Thankfully our new puppy is a girl.

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ergh, this is a very very regular occurance at my place with Arnie. He has his own water based lubricant in a pump action bottle on the coffee table so it's easily accessible. "it's not for me, it's for my dog" doesn't sound right :provoke:

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:crossfingers::thumbsup: Sitting here laughing at the screen .

I have 1 boy and thankfully have never had this problem with him :bolt:

Never realised that someting like that would be so common, guess you learn something new everyday :wave:

Glad to hear it all ended well GoldD !

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:rolleyes: :laugh: my little dog had the same problem..the vet said to use glycerine and massage it back in slowly..Well he couldnt stop humping his stuffed wombat and had it so far stuck out he had to have emergency surgery ..... :laugh::laugh:

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I had this problem with Orson a few weeks ago. He has always humped his bed and pillows with no probs at all cos I always stopped him. Didn't notice him doing it until I saw him standing there and I saw this huge swollen thing :laugh: It eventually went back in and all seems well.

I was so embarrassed!!!!!! The thing was I didn't think that it could happen so I was so shocked!!!!! I thought that since he was neutered, there's no possible way for him to....... :rolleyes:

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I thought that since he was neutered, there's no possible way for him to....... :happydance:

*whispers* Don't bet on it....many years ago, my parents neutered mini poodle tied with their desexed terrier x bitch. Just because the hormones are removed doesn't mean the machinery won't work! :thumbsup:

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hmmm must be that time for it as my 7mth old got in trouble with his bit too yesterday. Ice pack didn't work, neither did the vegetable oil spray. BUT when I turned my back to call a friend for advice he set about licking off the oil and got himself sorted, thankfully as her next suggestion didn't impress me at all :thumbsup:

Edited by Freckles
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