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I was thinking that yesterday actually.

A lady at work was freaking out because her teenager wasn't answering his mobile phone, and hadn't checked in for a few hours, and I was thinking jeeez how did parents manage before - lol - I know how they did it in our family - no news is good news :thumbsup:


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Rosie the 'Doog' brand dog-walking belts are good I think, don't stick out as much as a bum-bag and has spots for poo bags and treats :)

IME if the dog has a rego tag on the ranger will try to call the owner to get their dog before it goes to the pound - they don't want more dogs in the pound if they don't have to. The ute thing is weird though, our rangers have cool little slip leads that roll up into a ball :) (yes I am another person that can't just ignore a loose dog :o )

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Just back from Quarantine and have to give a BIG thumbs up to the Quarantine mob (people have had a lot of really bad experiences). They are on the ball, friendly and ever so helpful and I actually feel they are there for the dogs thumbsup1.gif Great work

And the mail on my new dog was totally wrong. I was told that she was sedate eek1.gif NOPE eek1.gif she has a crazy button just like the rest of them rofl1.gif

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Yay for visiting Chica :D It would be so exciting to have a dog in quarantine to visit :D And even better when they get sprung :thumbsup:

Last night was good :) Varda got a bit confused with the length of the heelwork routine and missed 2 positions and a forward :p But she was less blonde than some of the dogs seemed to have been last night :D And would have gotten 2nd if they awareded more than first ;) Always the bridesmaid :p

Ptolomy, Cider's litter could nearly make me go over to the "dark side" being Group 3... if I hadn't heard her in the car last night that is :rofl:

RosieFT, I would go an armband mobile holder. Go on ebay and see what you can find :)

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Hahah is there actually such a thing as a sedate toller? They're all crazy aren't they? It's part of their charm!

Ptolomy, Cider's litter could nearly make me go over to the "dark side" being Group 3... if I hadn't heard her in the car last night that is :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:

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Ptolomy, Cider's litter could nearly make me go over to the "dark side" being Group 3... if I hadn't heard her in the car last night that is :rofl:

rofl1.gifrofl1.gifrofl1.gif Hmmmm She loves men!

Well done with Varda last night - it was a tough gig the CCD ring being where it was and being bridesmaid is a really good effort.

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Guest RosieFT

Hahah is there actually such a thing as a sedate toller? They're all crazy aren't they? It's part of their charm!

Ptolomy, Cider's litter could nearly make me go over to the "dark side" being Group 3... if I hadn't heard her in the car last night that is :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:

ummm Amy, coming from a terrier owner, that makes them sound UBER crazy....

Mirrawee - good idea :-) .. my last ebay phone cover order was a disaster.. have to be more careful! They are fixing their error, but it is taking WEEEEEEKS! But i am becoming a tad hooked on internet buying.. so will go forth and prosper..

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The thing I was most impressed with Varda was me nearly falling down when I twisted my ankle in the hole on the first left about turn which I thought would throw her completely but she kept working :thumbsup:

Now to find another night show that doesn't clash with anything else to see how badly we can fail CD :rofl:

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Ptolomy, Cider's litter could nearly make me go over to the "dark side" being Group 3... if I hadn't heard her in the car last night that is :rofl:

That scream is ear defeaning, but I tell ya what, I would trade it for Millie's barking when left in the car, and her barking at me even when I am standing there holding her lead because I am not busy entertaining her :mad I'm surprised she isn't a barker in the obedience and agility rings, and works in complete silence!

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Ptolomy, Cider's litter could nearly make me go over to the "dark side" being Group 3... if I hadn't heard her in the car last night that is :rofl:

That scream is ear defeaning, but I tell ya what, I would trade it for Millie's barking when left in the car, and her barking at me even when I am standing there holding her lead because I am not busy entertaining her :mad I'm surprised she isn't a barker in the obedience and agility rings, and works in complete silence!

Has she always been a barker? If she has I haven't noticed, I do know she barks when in the car etc but I didn't realize she did it while u were holding here too. None of mine are really noisey, Masn is the shy silent type and Gibbs only makes funny little sounds when he is frustrated ALTHOUGH if I am working Gibbs Mason will bark his head off if he is tied up. Actually barks at me even ifim not working another dog to voice his protest, ratbag

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Yes, she is a barker in those circumstances. Will start barking at presentations if I sit out with her. She's barking at me, little b!@#$. But I'm no behaviourist, I don't know why, nor how to cure it. I have to put her in a stay to shut her up, or keep lining her up at heel, or otherwise keep her working to shut her up.

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So I have a week left in Jersey before mum and I head to crufts. I cannot wait! so excited about the shopping and all the different events to watch.

So jealous of you being in the UK in spring time :laugh: Have a wonderful time, and enjoy yourself at Crufts :thumbsup: Have a look for Holly&Lil, they do the best dog collars :D


Its been 6 years since my last litter and I am sitting here with fingers, toes and eyes crossed that there might be hearing the patter of little red feet at the end of April.

Ooooo how exciting! will have everything crossed for you :crossfingers: And good to hear all is going well at Byford :)

Rosie, sounds like a very adventurous morning! Well done for helping out and hope they are reunited with owners soon :)

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Ptolomy, Cider's litter could nearly make me go over to the "dark side" being Group 3... if I hadn't heard her in the car last night that is :rofl:

rofl1.gifrofl1.gifrofl1.gif Hmmmm She loves men!

Well done with Varda last night - it was a tough gig the CCD ring being where it was and being bridesmaid is a really good effort.

How exciting, Toller babies and a new Chicca girl. I do not believe she has a crazy button, she looks like a perfect angel in her photos :)

Or maybe the ones here are sedate and over there they are uber crazy...........hm something to ponder :D

Very well done to all in the obedience at the Classic last night, some great results :)

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Day two of the Classic and Brookie has his mojo back!!! After a pretty ordinary start on Thursday he pulled it together tonight and he worked his little socks off:-) Lovely, happy enthusiastic work!!! Win in Open 196, 2nd in UD 190 and a pearler of a UDX round with just one hiccup costing us a 198 quallie. He sat on my return after Distance Control but otherwise an awesome round and 1st place nq.

The prizes? Mugs... AGAIN!

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Day two of the Classic and Brookie has his mojo back!!! After a pretty ordinary start on Thursday he pulled it together tonight and he worked his little socks off:-) Lovely, happy enthusiastic work!!! Win in Open 196, 2nd in UD 190 and a pearler of a UDX round with just one hiccup costing us a 198 quallie. He sat on my return after Distance Control but otherwise an awesome round and 1st place nq.

The prizes? Mugs... AGAIN!

MY mugs have picture of wine bottles on - hmm ? appropriately chosen I think rofl1.gif

Well done on your terrific results last night - good to see him back to his best. Thanks for the play afterwards too - Strauss sure enjoyed it.

Thanks Hannah for showing and looking after the boy last night thumbsup1.gif I think I am pretty lucky to have a boy who is happy to go off and do things with other people. I took him into the obedience ring, where he won Novice (cough cough god only knows how) and then Hannah took him up to the show ring and then later on he wandered through the show dogs to go and have his photo taken before coming back to the bottom oval and playing ball with Brookie. I wouldn't swap him for all the tea in China!

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I also noticed Strauss had 3 different handlers in Group Special (2 for BIG when his initial handler had to get her dog in for ruBIG) :rofl:

Long night last night and it will be even longer tonight! Banjo was a loser dog in the Kelpie - I don't think I will bother entering him in under Canadian judges again as he always does nothing under them ;) In the Lappies it was Minor night with Taavi taking BOB, Anikka rBOB, Arlo was rDCC and the other 8 month old, Lumi, was rBCC. Taavi then took out Minor in Group so he has to go back tonight! After his owner has worked a 7am-7pm shift. Lucky she has tomorrow off :rofl:

Bugger to hear about the mugs again for prizes :( Did you at least get pretty ribbons?

We managed a bottle of wine and an Advance slopper towel for BOB and the Classes In Group got a nice rosette, a 1kg? bag of Advance, some pet milk and some pet wipes (baby wipes but with a pic of the pet instead I am assuming :laugh: )

I told Erica to give her Mum the wine so the next time Taavi digs or destroys something she can say he has already paid for it :rofl:

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