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Dont You Hate It When...


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Dont you hate it when a dog barks all night ?

Dog across the road barked from 9.30 (just as I went to bed) til about 1.30-2am!!

I was soooo angry towards the end I screamed out the window FOR DOG SAKE SHUT THAT DOG UPPPPP!

Funny how the dog was quite after that, surely it just shouldnt have gotten to the point where I had to do something about it?

I would never let my dogs bark at night, and my dogs dont...IF they do I investigate as usually its because there is something wrong. Repetative barking for 4+ hours is just not cool.

Now Ive had an annoying, cranky, tired day cause that silly dog ruined my beauty sleep...I need it god dam it! :)

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Now Ive had an annoying, cranky, tired day cause that silly dog ruined my beauty sleep...I need it god dam it! :eek:


We had the same thing over Christmas... non stop barking all day from the new neighbours two mini schnaus.

A polite note stuffed under their door did the trick, dogs have been quite most of the time since (only the odd bark).

But I just dont get it either, do they not notice them barking!!! or do they just switch off??? :)

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A new little dog has just moved into our street. It hates fireworks and storms, but also seems to be left alone a lot and barks non-stop. The owners don't seem to have a clue that it might disturb the neighbours - they are happy they've moved into a dog-loving street (most of us have one or two). That doesn't mean we like hearing their yapper at 3.30am, especially when it sets off our normally quiet dogs!

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Perhaps the owners work nights and have no idea ?

No they were there, they were outside at about 10.30 having a loud conversation with one of their mates who was leaving, they do this often, the dog was barking while they were talking and they just ignored it :)

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There is a little Pom X behind us that doesnt stop barking.

I have learnt to shut it out but I feel so sorry for him. I have never seen our neighbour walk him.

Sometimes he gets out of their yard (as she leaves the gate open!) in the morning and she cant get him back in as he just barks at her so off she just drives to work!

I have had to corner him up his driveway and into her yard and close the gate. Im scared he will get hit by a car.

When I told her this she just said 'Oh how did you do that? he doesnt listen to me'

I ended up printing this off our local council an annonymously put it in her letterbox


Hasnt changed a thing :)

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If my dogs bark at night (usually only when something is going on they are unsure of) I get up straight away to quieten them down so they do not disturb others.

I wouldn't let it go on for longer than 30 seconds at night - because I know how much it would annoy me if it was someone else's dog barking continuously.

The only time I have allowed her to bark is when the idiots next door were playing frisbee at 11.30pm at night and were continually banging the frisbee into the colorbond fence over and over. It stopped them after a few minutes when THEY realised how disruptive THEY were being at a ridiculous time of night.

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If my dogs bark at night (usually only when something is going on they are unsure of) I get up straight away to quieten them down so they do not disturb others.

I wouldn't let it go on for longer than 30 seconds at night - because I know how much it would annoy me if it was someone else's dog barking continuously.

The only time I have allowed her to bark is when the idiots next door were playing frisbee at 11.30pm at night and were continually banging the frisbee into the colorbond fence over and over. It stopped them after a few minutes when THEY realised how disruptive THEY were being at a ridiculous time of night.

Yeah we had some stupid drunk teens laying all over the front lawn a few weeks before xmas they were slowly making their way down the street so I let the big scary black mutt run the fence barking at them which moved a few of the squeally girls along the boys were abit more stubborn so then I opened my front window and pretented to be on the phone and said very loudly "hello officer I live at XXXXX st cessnock there are a bunch of drunk teens out the front" this made them run for their lives :)

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Yep sometimes people need to have some sense knocked into them about how disruptive THEY are being...

I also let her bark if the silly neighbours sit on the roof (for no apparent reason) in the middle of the night (or sometimes during the day and stare into our windows) until they get down. But for any other neighbours or disturbances I attend to her barking straight away.

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The two dogs next door to me are nuisance barkers but whats more annoying is their owners yelling at them to shut up! I feel sorry for those dogs though because in the four years I've lived next door I've never seen them walked :laugh: .

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We have some dogs a couple of houses up that sometimes bark throughout the night. We turn the electric fan on to block out the noise otherwise it upsets our dogs, needless to say us!

I don't know how owners can ignore a dog barking, I know I can't.

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I hate barking dogs!

I do the odd night shift now, i have told all my neighbours, and given them my work number, told them if the dogs are barking, call me and i will get dad to go over and lock them up.

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My dogs can occasionally bark at night. But we are on a rural property and they are generally barking coz kangaroos have come visiting! If they start barking again after they have been told to be quiet they are locked in the house though coz even though it doesn't bother the neighbours (they are too far away) it disturbs MY sleep :laugh: I don't know how anyone can sleep thorough a dog barking right outside their window!

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We have 2 dogs that bark in the garden that shares the back fence of our house.

Their barking sets off one of ours.

We got a note (we believe from them) saying that our dog is keeping the neighbourhood awake at night and we should control our dog with a citronella collar, or keep it inside..... If they actually knew we had 2 dogs it would have helped... the fact that the note said "We keep both our dogs inside" meant we know it was them!

The fact is, they have tried to blame us.

It is their dogs that bark (one in particular) and when they bark, the other dogs in the area start. I even have video evidence of our two just walking around quietly with their dog in the background barking away!

Some people have some nerve... sometimes I wish I had the nerves to go tell them, but just like their dogs, the owners are ferral!

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We have a couple of neighbours who can't hear their barking dogs over their air cons. We only have fans so we get to hear it all and it upsets my other half a lot. I have somehow learned to put up with it.

However I do get upset when they go away for extended periods of times and leave their dogs at home being fed and watered by a friend once a day. They really start to guard the yard then and you can bet you are in for some rough nights when this happens. The poor dogs just can't understand why they have been left at home.

Ignorance is how some people cope with their lives!

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I can't stand barking dogs either. It's the main thing I love about Malamutes - no barking.

I won't let them make a peep at night time or early morning (not that they really do anyway), but if they start playing at an inappropriate time then they are called inside immediatley.

Edited by Malamum
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Try being next door to a boarding kennel whose proprietors have no idea how to keep their charges quiet... barking 24 hours a day from about 30 dogs who aren't exactly happy about being dumped into kennels while their humans go for a holiday...

You don't even want to hear the excuses that the proprietors have come up with as to why their charges bark non-stop. Maybe exercising the poor buggers for more than 1 hour a day would be a start... or moving the fence fighters to kennels next to non-reactive dogs so they won't set each other off... don't let 5 bloody dogs loose in the area directly in front of the kennels where all the others can see them... grrr!


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