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But inevitablue she is only a baby. I might ask if you know she was in sheep mode why you then attempted to do some obedience with her. Was that setting her up for failure by asking her to perform on those conditions. I think its especially critical to in the early stages only set the dog up when they have ever chance of succeeding. Asking a baby herding breed who has enough sustained interest on the stock as it sounds like your youngster has at the moment and trying to get them to do obedience to the level I would want - hmm forget it. Maybe when they have grown up but in the early stages its a distraction that I wouldn't even ask the dog to cope with.

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Sigh, very true words Ness. Yesterday I think my 'super dog' bubble burst. It was a spur of the moment thing, and in hindsight she was never going to focus.

Sometimes (often) my ambition gets the better of me. Herding for her finishes in 2 weeks so no more of that until winter next year.

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No way could I do an obedience round during a herding day with Poppy. I can heel her down to the start peg off lead and her stay is pretty good. Have recall obviously. But whenever I've had an obedience play outside the sheep ring, it has been pretty crap.

Herding means I have a great drop on recall though!

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Lol, same! (DOR) :laugh:

The obedience has helped lots in the herding. Waits, recalls etc.

Yeah, I needed a slap yesterday! But she went reserve Challenge Bitch today, first time out of Baby Puppy... God I'm sounding like one of those 'pushy sporting' parents. :o

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So Its just dawned on me that we will need to start training for the novice ring otherwise we are going to get our CCD title whithout being anywhere near ready for the other rings. What changes in the novice ring from CCD?.

Looks like we will be going back to dog training earlier than I though :laugh:

Hi Spoilt lab lives here ok off the top of my head Novice is all Off Lead, in one exercise you have a choise of Change of Position or Retrieve dumbell on Flat, if you go to ANKC site, then to Rules you will find Obedience trials pdf all the details are there for the different classes :D I have added it for you


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There are a few other minor differences other than Novice being off lead and the extra exercise.

The total points are different (200 vs 100) so there are more points for heelwork (and more to lose) as well as more in recall.

Distances are longer in Novice. Recall is (at least) 15m vs 12m. SFE is 2m vs 750mm. Stays 12m vs 10m.

The down stay is 3 minutes rather than 2 minutes.

There is a finish required at the end of the recall.

We gained our first two Novice passes faster than I thought we would so we are trying to get ready for Open now. This is my first obedience dog so I am suddenly realising what everyone meant when they said you need to train for the level above :laugh: Everyone in obedience land is constantly teaching new things!

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Thanks Wuffles! Im going to give my obedience club a call and see what night their trial specific class is on as I dotn really want to go back to the general group classes as we need to knuckle down on a few specific areas not just the general heel, sit, stay etc etc.

Im very much looking forward to our first time in the ring! Trainign this afternoon will be a walk to a different park focusing on heeling and turns. He is all good at the left turns but its the right turns where he goes wide and I feel he relies on being guided by the lead for right turns. Any tips on right turns?

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So just got off the phone with the obedience club pres and am not feeling very confident now. Ill be going back to training this Sunday and will just hope and pray all the work over the next 4 weeks will pay off. We have been going to proper obed classes on and off for 5 years. So its not like teaching him everything for the first time.

I will only get 3 Sundays at obed training as Im going away the first week in August so will miss the 6th/8/11 and the trial is on 21/8/11. Oh god now I feel like Ive rushed it :(

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So just got off the phone with the obedience club pres and am not feeling very confident now. Ill be going back to training this Sunday and will just hope and pray all the work over the next 4 weeks will pay off. We have been going to proper obed classes on and off for 5 years. So its not like teaching him everything for the first time.

I will only get 3 Sundays at obed training as Im going away the first week in August so will miss the 6th/8/11 and the trial is on 21/8/11. Oh god now I feel like Ive rushed it :(

It's not the end of the world if you are not ready for the trial - you aren't obligated to go :) If I were you I'd just go about your usual training at home, go to class when you can, and see how it goes. It's nice to have a goal to work towards but you need to do what's best for your dog and if you feel he's not ready on the day there is no shame in waiting a bit longer! :)

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The whole point of me entering was to put a date to something we have been going to do for the last 4 years :laugh:. If I didnt bite the bullet and enter we probably wouldnt ever start trialling!

I was told that you can tell the people who train at home and who go to clubs etc etc as it shows in the ring. That just dampened my spirits a bit.

Has anyone else heard that they are trying to get rid of the CCD ring all together?

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I was told that you can tell the people who train at home and who go to clubs etc etc as it shows in the ring. That just dampened my spirits a bit.

Rubbish, except for you can tell the ones who have paddock bashed and who haven't.

As long as he is proofed with distractions it will make no difference if most of his training is at home, in the middle of town or at a club. Keep doing your thing, train him and make sure he will work around distractions and you will be fine. I go to Dog Club but have never trained in a full class as yet. Sometimes I will pop in for the stays, or do a bit of heeling close by but that is it.

Has anyone else heard that they are trying to get rid of the CCD ring all together?

No and I would wonder wy since I think it brings more people to trialling

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You can often tell the dogs that don't go to club classes because they are madly wagging their tails in the ring ;) That's not fair either but my point is that it's much more about how you train, rather than where you train, although clubs are useful for distraction training and ring run throughs. Clubs that have good instructors will also pick up on your ring craft e.g. footwork for turns, change of pace etc and hand position, body language and give you tips if you are struggling with something. A good trainer is a good trainer. A good dog is a good dog.

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You can often tell the dogs that don't go to club classes because they are madly wagging their tails in the ring ;) That's not fair either but my point is that it's much more about how you train, rather than where you train, although clubs are useful for distraction training and ring run throughs. Clubs that have good instructors will also pick up on your ring craft e.g. footwork for turns, change of pace etc and hand position, body language and give you tips if you are struggling with something. A good trainer is a good trainer. A good dog is a good dog.

Good post SD :thumbsup:

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There has just been a rules review - so CCD will be staying for the next couple of years at least :D

Thats great to hear, it will give me a chance to get at least 2 more of ours through CCD :D

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I've been told I need to paint the ends of my wooden dumbbell so that my dog can see it. Have you guys painted yours, and what type of paint did you use?

White water-based fence paint.

It's the Sydney Interclub Challenge this Saturday! I can't wait! Jedi is in Open and Soaks is a reserve CCD dog. It's going to be so much fun. Jedi nailed his mock Open trial last night aside from some DB spitting on present but nothing I can't fix between now and then.

Is anyone else going?

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We went to a different park today which had some kids on the swings and along with the mum, nan and their dog so was good for a bit of distraction. He did really well. I was very happy! The lady with the staffy came up to talk to me about what we were doing so I utilised the situation and asked her to do a stand for examination for me. She was a bit over zealous with her patting and he thought it was a good game so moved around to lick her. Shall be practicing that with some more people!

Tomorrow we are meeting up with Dotty on here and her Aussies to do some group training and Ill be doing the down stays and sit stays surrounded by the aussies to get an idea on how solid our stays are. Then on Sunday Im meeting with a trainer friend of mine who is going to run us through our paces and give me an unbias opinion on how we are going. Saturday we are also going to a new dog club to join in their trialling class which will be good.

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