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The Cat Came Back


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The whole attitude about cats being aloud to do whatever they want makes me mad.

If my dog were on someone elses property they'd call the ranger and I'd get a fine, but cats are allowed (supposedly at least, as nothing seems to be enforced) to go wherever they please. :eek:

I would also be taking all associated bills to the neighbours.

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Sorry to hear about this :thumbsup: I had to write to my neighbours (Kept a copy myself) that have cats because when I got Willow, I knew of his history with cats and I didnt want to be responsible if he killed one - he and cats simply do not get along. :o Hope your hand is ok!

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Hi Everyone, and thank you for your responses.

Kate and myself are both on antibiotics (Duke wants to know why he is left out - because he didn't pick up any injuries!). I still have a finger that is not happy to bend at all, but everything else is starting to work pretty well.

What I still can't understand is why the cat didn't head for the nearest tree - it was practically next to him. I feel so sorry for the cat, but I did my best, and certainly when all three of my neighbours moved in I did warn them that any cat in my backyard would not likely make it home with a heartbeat. Interestingly, one of the vet nurses suggested putting up a sign saying that cats did not fare well in my backyard. First time I have heard that cats can read!

Thank you again for your support and advice, it means a lot to me.


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Vet nurse obvoiusly doesnt understand that its a huge courtesy that you even warn your neighbours. I know someone who encourages wild birds to their yard - cats get the hose then they get trapped if they come back again - end of story then its their owners problem to get them backfrom I guess the pound.

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So tonight my neighbour has come over and ranted a lot about my "evil dogs" and how he is now terrified for the welfare of his kids and I need to do something about my dogs - although I don't think he is disputing that the cat was in my backyard.

Sigh. Nobody calls cats evil when they kill lizards and birds, do they.

I will be calling the rangers in the morning for a chat about the situation.

At least he said he doesn't bait animals.


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This is so NOT your fault Christine. I have cats, 3 of them and they are all indoor cats. They have access to an outdoor enclosure 24/7 and I would NEVER let any of them loose outside. Its the irresponsible cat owner who is to blame for what happened.

Your dogs are not evil or vicious, they were just being dogs and they were safely confined to their own yard. Its a horrible thing for you to have to go through.

RIP Kitty

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Oh Christine, like you said Duke was being a typical terrier and the cat was in HIS yard!

Stupid bloody neighbour, good idea to contact the ranger and have a chat so they have your side of the story straight should it turn sour.

That's BS about them being an issue to his kids, being Irish I assume they aren't out offlead? And it wouldn't matter anyway, kids are not seen as prey. :laugh:

I feel for you, we felt terrible when our old Irish killed a chook that came into our yard. :laugh: Couldn't imagine if it had been a cat. I'm sorry this has happened to you.

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So sorry this has happened-awful situation. I hope it's resolved soon.Good luck.

It's not your fault, you have tried to do the right thing.

I hope the owners realise soon that they were in the wrong. Shame they weren't more careful of where their cat roams.

Hope your hand is better.

R.I.P Puss :laugh:

Edited by MelissaS
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so sad for the cat, but certainly not your fault. Dogs look at cats and birds as trespassers, which they are when they come into our yards.

Hope your neighbour calms down and realize that it was their responsibility to look after their own pet.

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So tonight my neighbour has come over and ranted a lot about my "evil dogs" and how he is now terrified for the welfare of his kids and I need to do something about my dogs - although I don't think he is disputing that the cat was in my backyard.

Sigh. Nobody calls cats evil when they kill lizards and birds, do they.

I will be calling the rangers in the morning for a chat about the situation.

At least he said he doesn't bait animals.


If your fencing is secure I dont see the problem, his kids need to keep out of your yard. Is this neighbour the owner of the cat? As long as your dogs are safely contained you are doing the right thing.

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So sorry about all of this :laugh:

My neighbour told me it is nice my dogs like cats, because when she gets her new cat, it can come over and sit in my yard - I told her no, my dogs like MY cats, if another came into their yard, i wont be held responsible for what happens.. she never got a cat :cry:

I would ring the ranger and put a complaint in about their cat, that it attacked your dog and bit you and that it came into your yard and started it - Sad it died, but you need to cover your back

RIP Puss, and hope the stupid owners never get another pet

Edited by Teebs
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Having a talk with the local Council is a must.

As the cat was in your yard, you are certainly in the clear as far as the dogs are concerned......but it would be best to explain what has happened and that your dogs are always contained in a secure yard, are kept on leash outside the yard and they would certainly not attack this neighbour's children.

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So tonight my neighbour has come over and ranted a lot about my "evil dogs" and how he is now terrified for the welfare of his kids and I need to do something about my dogs - although I don't think he is disputing that the cat was in my backyard.

Sigh. Nobody calls cats evil when they kill lizards and birds, do they.

I will be calling the rangers in the morning for a chat about the situation.

At least he said he doesn't bait animals.


I'm sure they are just reacting to the loss of their pet although it makes it no easier for you. Ultimately although no one wants to see an animal killed by another the blame lies with the owner of the cat for not keeping it confined to their own property. If your dogs had killed it out in the street then both parties would be to blame and you then may have had a problem with the council and your dogs. I hope you and your dog mend quickly and it does not cause any lasting issues with your neighbour.

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:laugh: Very sad situation all Round. I see from the neighbours point of view a little.. and I woudlnt take their rant with too much to heart cos Im sure that Id react the same way and alot of people would. But.. they where warned.. and they did nothing about it im affraid.

Your dog was not out, your dog did not pick up their cat roaming around outside its yard... their cat... was uncontained, and on your property. And a Small furry animal is VERY different to a child.. but of course this is the same argument that everyone brings up in this situation. I know that Brutus is virtually harmless to children, I watch the neighbours girl feed him bacon rinds (under supervision from both sides of the fence of course) and he licks them out of her hand like she where made of glass.... but... If a cat or any other thing came in the yard with no one around to tell him to drop what he was doing.. Brutus would merely see it as a stuffed toy which is to be shaken and have its stuffing ripped out as soon as possible... as stuffed toys are the greatest things ever invented (course i dont think so when i gotta pick up all this stuffing).

And there would be nothing "vicious" about it. He has seen cats before... and when he was a puppy im sure he thought they where strange dogs that hissed at him... infact this hurts his feelings. Hah. But I know if some random cat/animal jumped in the back yard he would probly kill it.. and not intentionally... but when a small animal meets 40kilos of playfull Doberman... and your silly enough not to contain your cat...animal.. etc... that is what happens. ( Should we ban stuffed dog toys? I think we should.. i mean we are obviously encouraging this killer dog behaviour). If my cat got out of the house, and went into someones yard and got killed... there would be noone to blame except us for not keeping her in. If she was killed by a loose dog then two parties are at fault, me and the owner of the loose dog. I really hope that it doesnt escalate into something very nasty.. you dont need that kind of stress!

Definatly talk to the ranger, stop any of this "Dangerous Dog" accusations dead in their tracks before it gets out of hand for you and your neighbours. Good Luck with it all!

RiP Poor Kitty :laugh:

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:laugh: Argh this made me so mad reading this thread, a completely avoidable situation.

I really hope they bring in cat containment laws in WA soon.

Nothing annoys me more than cat owners who profess to love their cat yet let it roam at danger of all sorts of things, especially since these people had a near miss before.

It's a dog (a terrier no less) that attacked a cat, which is instinctive, it's hardly going to go stalking small children now :laugh:

I dare say the cat wouldn't have made it out of my yard either in that situation :laugh: Thankfully there don't seem to be any roaming cats in my new neighbourhood, unlike the last one.

Definitely keep notes on everything. I hope you and Kate recover well Christine.

So frustrating!

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That is so sad. :laugh: RIP poor cat. If only its owners had cared enough to contain it. I have four cats plus lots of foster cats, and every single one of them is indoor-only. My dogs are OK with the cats but I still wouldn't trust them unsupervised. I am a total cat nut and I strongly believe that cats should be contained. Its easy to cap fences or buy a cheap enclosure or just keep them inside!! It just takes a bit of effort but unfortunately so many people still think cats are low-maintenance, easily replaceable pets. :laugh:

I am sorry you had to go through this and I hope you and your dogs are OK.

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So tonight my neighbour has come over and ranted a lot about my "evil dogs" and how he is now terrified for the welfare of his kids and I need to do something about my dogs - although I don't think he is disputing that the cat was in my backyard.

Sigh. Nobody calls cats evil when they kill lizards and birds, do they.

I will be calling the rangers in the morning for a chat about the situation.

At least he said he doesn't bait animals.


Better print this out - that should sort them out . Tell them they are lucky they havent been reported for not being repsonsible and keeping their cat inside and safe.


TWO medical professionals have been fined for failing to stop their seriously injured cats from getting outside following a two-year RSPCA investigation that cost the charity £13,000. Paramedic Simon Butterworth, 32, and wife Lesley, a 29-year-old nurse, admitted failing to provide necessary care and supervision by failing to prevent injured black and white cats Stella and Guinness from leaving their home.

The couple, described as responsible pet owners of good character, appeared at Teesside Magistrates’ Court yesterday.

The couple, of Appleby Close, Darlington, along with the RSPCA, made an appeal for information in The Northern Echo in June 2008, after both cats returned home with mysterious injuries, receiving skin damage, broken ribs and internal injuries in two incidents.

As a result of the injuries, Stella died and Guinness had her tail docked.

It is unclear how the cats were hurt, but the couple have always denied injuring them.

Yesterday, Kieran Rainey, in mitigation, told the court that the couple, who recently had their first baby, were experienced and responsible pet owners.

He said: “They had two cats and both were injured by someone or something else.”

He said the couple had struggled to keep their pets inside because of the nature of cats.

The court was told that both Stella and Guinness escaped from the house despite the couple trying to keep them inside on vets’ advice.

Mr Rainey added: “This is the first and only time they have fallen below the high standard of care they set for themselves.”

He said an incident where the couple’s cocker spaniel, Scrumpy, then a six-monthold puppy, tried to play with Guinness, causing her to hide under the sofa, was an oversight on the couple’s part.

He added: “Both are of impeccable character. Both have been in steady jobs all their lives”, and said it would be inappropriate to ban the couple from keeping animals.

The RSPCA case had cost £13,000, excluding vets’ fees.

District judge Kristina Harrison fined Simon Butterworth £560, and ordered him to pay £500 costs.

She fined Lesley Butterworth, who is on maternity leave, £100, ordering her to pay £100 towards costs.

Judge Harrison said: “I do not think it is appropriate to impose on you a disqualification of having control of animals.

I take into account the professions you are in and your previous good character.”

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Hi all. I spoke to the senior ranger who says "it trespassed on private property, case closed.". Neighbour is still ranting and raving, and I am starting to think it was his job to put the cat in that night - and forgot, because he sounds more about guilt than grief. Nevertheless, Kate and Duke are very jumpy currently, particularly when he starts yelling, so I have put them on rescue remedy and I am locking them in at night until the neighbour settles down. For the first time ever, I am starting a second round of antibiotics as my hand after a week is still not back to normal.

I'd love to see cat containment laws come in too. Although, most of the people I know already keep their cats in at night simply to spare wildlife.

And my Mum insisted on padlock and chain for the gate - just to ensure nobody 'accidentally' lets the dogs out....... Sometimes, what a world.


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