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When To Stop Furminating?


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I've recently bought a furminator off Ebay and it arrived today. I tried it on Bailey and after a full 30-40 minutes of furminating him, there is still lots of fur coming out. Does anyone has an idea when do I stop? Should I be furminating him till there is not much fur coming out?

Edited by luffy4688
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Hey luffy

The furminator may be cutting his coat which would account for a lot of hair. I would just give it a break and go at it with a comb tomorrow and if there's still tonnes maybe give him a bath to get a lot of it out.

When Sarge is in full shed I do at least a 2 hour grooming session to get the bulk of it out. Do I :confused: or :cry: ?

ETA I think it's impossible to reach a point where you brush a corgi and only a few hairs come off...unless you had a naked corg :cry:

Edited by Mim
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Sorry to hijack - are these furminators any good??

So So good if you have a dog with an undercoat. It does wonders on my GSD - so soft and shiny afterwards. And i've even used it successfully on a Greyhound! lol. He loved it!

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Hey luffy

The furminator may be cutting his coat which would account for a lot of hair. I would just give it a break and go at it with a comb tomorrow and if there's still tonnes maybe give him a bath to get a lot of it out.

When Sarge is in full shed I do at least a 2 hour grooming session to get the bulk of it out. Do I :laugh: or :rofl: ?

ETA I think it's impossible to reach a point where you brush a corgi and only a few hairs come off...unless you had a naked corg :o

Thanks for the advice Mim! :rofl:

I'm coming to terms as well on the impossible to get to a point where few hairs come off part. lol. :laugh:

I believe Bailey is well on his way to be an Olympic class shedder! :D

Stop when he looks like a mexican hairless dog.

:D ;)

:D :):rofl: :rofl:

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Also be careful with the Furminator, they do a good job of stripping out loose undercoat but will scratch the skin if used in a too heavy-handed manner.

Drag it through the coat, but don't press down hard or you may abrade the dog's skin.

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I use one for my Ragdoll cat

I could keep going forever so I just decide when he has had enough and stop

he then looks cooler and more comfortable

they are fantastic saved a lot of getting the vaccum out

oh gosh, I need more sleep - my first thought was "you vaccum your cat?"


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Furminate.... I tried the special vacuum cleaner attatchment my old mum swears by for her corgi. Slavette Number 1 didn't keep a secure enough hold on Merlin. A trip to A&E, a tetnus jab and a few steri strips later and it was decided to stick with the furminator and comb in future.

Merlin is one of the most easy going and placid dogs of any breed I've ever known but the vacuum cleaner attatchment episode has lead to the death of two upright Dyson vacuum cleaners. With the help of Pixie he made sure they were dead dead. The executions were carried out on the few occasions they were left home alone for a couple of hours.

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LOL the poor vacuums and ur poor pocket those arn't cheap!!

If ur wanting a furminator the ons sold on ebay are usually sold by Clipperworld - by from them direct and if u have an abn its trade prices so cheaper again :laugh: www.clipperworld.com.au

love their stuff there and they are VERY helpful :)

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