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Rain, Rain, Rain


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I just thought I'd see what everyone does with their dogs when its raining (seeing as its here to stay)

We use the time to do a lot of training inside, go out for walks when its not too heavy and play Diesel's favourite game hide and seek loI mean I'd love to be able to still do all the normal activities but I dont think my OH or the state of my house could cope.

What I wouldn't give for a giant indoor dog area, with agility equipment....

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We play chasies up the hallway, train, go out to play in the short times it's raining less or if we are lucky has actually stopped and they sleep a lot.

I have very good dogs but 5 days of rain they are starting to go a little mad :thumbsup:

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I figure that you can't get any wetter, so I take mine swimming. Life jackets on and chuck them all in the back of the ute and off we go.

I save pounding the pavement and the road work for the nicer evenings.

I have a pool for the dogs now and that's what I do with them :thumbsup:

But, rain, hail or shine... life goes on an normal at home :rofl:

I do have a big double garage that's we keep clear for the dogs when they are too energetic for inside the house though. We set up the bubble machine in there for them.

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We still go for walks, even if it's pouring, as I don't want them to go nuts while we're at work. When home I do lots of shaping games, at the moment we are doing a dumbell retrieve and getting in a box/basket. Practice static heelwork and long stays. Throw toys up and down the lounge and roll around on the floor with dogs :thumbsup: Mostly they are happy once we get home from work just to have a 5 minute training session then lounge around on their nice dry beds inside with us :rofl:

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Lots of shaping exercises :rofl: , dumbell work, perch work, rear end awareness, end contact behaviour and other things you can do under cover in a small area. They get out for walks as long as it is not pouring, though I was on my own with the toddler yesterday and the rain didn't really let up so no walks as wet dog + me I can do but wet dogs + me + wet toddler not so much :thumbsup: Normally OH gets home in time for me to do a walk on my own.

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I would be playing fetch.....but it is raining so heavily that they will have to make do in exercising themselves and given that they don't like getting wet.....they're not complaining, lol. Given that I live on acreages, they have a vast space to frolick and run to their heart's content....right now, they're happy to be snuggling on their bed under the verandah....

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I put on a rain jacket and we walk in the rain. They get walked twice a day regardless (unless it is unsafe). We also do a bit of clicker training most nights.

It is a much more peaceful walk when the weather is bad - far fewer off leash dogs bounding up to us.

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I missed walking last night because of the rain

never again with a young kelpie in the house

and my other 3 who can cope with the occassional missed walk were stirred up as well

does not lead for a peaceful evening for me at all!

tonight I have to go and get something from a friend, so will bundle the four of them in the car, drive to her place which has a huge fully fenced front yard and let them run, and towel them off before putting them back in the car and driving home. Tomorrow night I will just have to put on a raincoat and take them all out, two at a time

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I have just returned from one of my walks with my middle boy and we were both drenched :thumbsup: When we left our house the sun was shining, five minutes later it was pissing down so me and my boy had to huddle under a large tree at the start of one of the reserves we were walking to. Thought we would wait it out as it has been so changeable, so figured it would probably stop in a few minutes. Ten minutes later it was still peeing down and my boy was giving me a "WTF are we doing out in this rain mum" look :rofl: but at least huddled under the tree we weren't copping the full brunt of it. When it eased slightly we made a dash to some undercover seating in the reserve, but by this time we were soaked, hair plastered to my head, clothes soaked, had to take my glasses and put in my pouch as didn't have anything dry to dry them with ;) After 10 minutes undercover it stopped raining so off we went and continued our walk, as I figured we would probably start to dry out as the sun started coming thru again.

I was able to walk my youngster this morning in between showers :o and whilst there was a couple of light showers during our walk, we didn't get that wet from the light showers, but my youngster got a good soaking and very muddy by cooling down in some puddles by lying down in them, dragging himself thru them on his tummy and then rolling around in them (typical lab :rofl: ) after a play session on the fenced in cricket oval with his new SWF buddy he met last week. His buddy's owner was laughing at my boy's antics in the puddles and was saying thank god his white boy didn't copy my boy :eek: at least with my boy being black you don't see the mud as much and being a short coat he is very easy to clean, so I don't mind too much when he is frolicking around in the puddles as he has so much fun :eek: .

Yesterday was the only day I have been unable to get any of them out for a walk as it just rained constantly and pretty heavily but all the other days that is has been raining consistently including today, I have managed to get one or two out for a walk, so have been rotating them. I play a lot of indoor retrieving games with my youngster to keep him occupied awhen the rain keeps him indoors for extended periods, but he is actually pretty good and does chill out a lot with the older boys and if he misses a day's walk for any reason, he is still very good, but I probably would be pushing it with missing consecutive days :eek:

Off to put a load of wet and dirty dog towels in the wash. :cry:

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My dog gets 3 walks a day rain, hail or shine.

At least one is a "training walk" so we might go up to the shops (undercover thank goodness!).

At least one walk is at a leash free park where she can have a run.

I have a fantastic raincoat and gumboots so i don't get too wet.

One of the things I love about dogs is that they make you get out into the fresh air, no matter what the weather is like!

The labrador coat is perfectly suited to wet weather, and a towel down will see Mindy as good as new in no time!

Today she came up to the shops with me to get some coffee and brekky in the morning. We didn't get out again until 2pm when we walked to the dog park and had a swim (she did, i didn't).

I plan to take her for a walk around the block again later tonight.

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