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Why Do You Like The Kinds Of Dogs You Do?


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For me the crazier the better. I tend to click with and enjoy the dogs that other people love to hate. I like the out there, in your face, confident dogs, the busy dogs, the dogs with drive, the one's that wreck things, jump on things and generally make a nuisance of themselves. That's the Staffords in general.

I find the more "emotional", sour, sedate, less active, low drive dogs a bore. Having said that I own a roller coaster of a Whippet and love her to pieces.

I am in this frame of mind most of the time.

I have had several dogs from RSG and their attitudes fit in with me to a tea. Denis the Pug was manic and crazy and just the perfect amount of affection and loyalty to boot. Clarke is much the same, a complete independent air head with a touch (big touch) of crazy but will respond well to me and is a smoocher too.

I have had a lot to do with various breeds and haven't hated any, I haven't lived with them all but have travelled with them and have found none to be up your nose 100% and they have awesome quirks.

In saying that, I am enjoying having Brock the Beagle at home with us, he's a totally in your face dog, he is smart and learning very quickly, has the stubborn streak well and truly down to a fine art and is going to be fun to work with.

There are very few breeds I have seen and will avoid.

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ohh Great thread!!!!!

I would say Bitty has the perfect temperament for me in a dog. Sunshine and rainbows. Has an off switch when needed but has so much energy and is perpetually excited and happy about life and everything in it. Cheeky and a bit naughty but not in a shitty/bad way! Just the right amount to cheek to make me giggle. Affectionate, loves cuddles and snuggles but then perfectly calm when left on her own.

Constantly uses her powers for good rather than evil.

She's so fun, bright and seemingly brainless but underneath that cheerful exterior is a very intelligent dog who solves problems quickly, picks things up easily and is very inventive!

Bubby is extremely loyal and mellow. Very stable and rarely does anything naughty. Everything can change in the world but Bubby probably wouldn’t. He is my rock. I’d have another dog like Bubby in a heartbeat but Bitty is the whole package.

I don’t like wilful or narky dogs. I wouldn’t like a dog that was stubborn and wanted to know “why” whenever I ask them to do something. I would not enjoy being “challenged”! I’d just end up resenting the dog and thinking “What a nasty little thing you are”.

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Both my dogs suit me perfectly even though they are very different

The cocker is non stop all the time wanting attention. She's always on the go and always happy. Not overly affectionate and won't do what you want unless she wants too. Basically she's me in dog form!! Lol

The beagle is cool, calm and collected. She's never worried and will do anything I want. She's a Velcro dog. She's easy to train but can be very naughty/cheeky when the mood takes her.

They suit me because between the RSI if them I get everything I need from a dog.

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The velcro dog, what breed is that???? I want one.

This one. She'd get under my skin if she could. She loves to be on you.

She'd have that Mal whipped into line in no time too. :hug:


Better send that Princess over here, she wont look so cute covered in Malinois spit.

He would love her:)) He also likes to be on you, could be a perfect breeding pair...Pooinois???

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Yep Vizslas are definitely velcro dogs.

FHRP's Flynn demands lap time when he stays and he'll squash the Toy Poodle to get it. :)

Not that there's anything wrong with that... :hug::hug::cheer:

I've become very fond of foxhounds too...

I like most dogs, i can meet an individual of a breed I dont normally enjoy, and really bond with it.

as for actually owning one for 15 years, I have narrowed them down very much over the years.

I do like portugese too. and POODLES are a big yes..

OH has banned more dogs for life :) but you never know what is around the corner, s I refuse to get into a squabble about it................yet.. :D

I have several Coren books too, I have tremendous respect for his writing etc. he's excellent.

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Is drive different to personality? I have a pretty low drive dog and a pretty high drive dog and would be hard-pressed to say which I liked more. It's not like I can't do anything with my low drive dog. He loves training, he just does it a lot differently to my other dog. I love the way he concentrates so hard, but throws a little tantrum if he can't get it almost instantly. I have to give him a little pep talk and remind him that he's very smart and he can do this if he just calms down and stays focused. It's challenging in its own way, not boring at all. It's much harder to train him than Erik the point and shoot dog. I like finding solutions. Erik is way fun to shape, though. He's unbelievable, and I love the way he throws everything he has into everything he does. I love that he's always up for some rough and tumble and tug, and that his enthusiasm for life is so infectious.

I can't say I really care whether a dog is high drive or low. I just like 'em to be clever, independent thinkers that are not especially interested in how I feel.

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I don't like small dogs and when we got Akira, I wanted a dog that was medium sized, active (I love taking her for walks and throwing the ball for her even though I'm not exactly athletic myself) and I wanted a dog that was smart. Akira's a little too smart at times, but she's definitely everything else. :hug: I love the fact that she's really independent - when I was studying, she'd go and do her own thing and it was wonderful. She's pretty stubborn, and this is challenging for me (probably because I'm also pretty stubborn too) but when she's switched on she is SWITCHED ON and picks up things so quickly. I like it that she doesn't need to be near me all day every day - she follows me around, but it's at a distance, though there will be times when I'm making dinner that she's sitting on my feet, but I think that's food related, not me related. :hug: Sometimes though I do wish that she was a little more cuddly, especially at night when she goes outside and does her own thing while we're watching TV.

We chose to get a lappie as our second dog because we love the Spitz temperament (I don't think I'll ever have a dog other than a Spitz again) and because Akira gets along extremely well with lappies. I like that they're a little more laid back than Sibes as well - I don't know that we'll ever have two Sibes at once, because I don't think we'd cope. Akira can be challenging enough as it is. Plus I like that they actually don't mind cuddles sometimes. :cheer:

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My absolute love though is mostly gundogs. I have found them to be intelligent, super focussed and easy to train, very loving, very human orientated, and very 'needy' :) :D :)

I love their demands and needs and wants and the nose in EVERYTHING you do, always a face stuck in mine, always interested in all I am doing etc.

Yep, TOTALLY my Labs right there :hug: I can't rustle in a bag without 2 noses appearing inside it for a sticky beak :hug: I can't bend down to the ground to get a DVD out of the cupboard without 2 faces appearing to lick me to see what I'm doing :cheer: Lucky for me I love them wanting to be apart of everything I do :)

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My Vallhund Hugo suits me perfectly. "He is the cheese to my macaroni". He's very playful, very cuddly, bursting with personality, and on top of that, he's smart as a whip too. Typical Vallhund, apparently. :hug: I also love his appearance, a robust dog with a beautifully intricate coat. A real big dog in a little dog's body! That part was important for me because I don't really fancy myself owning a girly dog and Hugo is just.. masculine. Also--little dog food bills and vet bills and everything else. It's hard finding a small, masculine dog, unless you want to go for bull breeds, which I'm not really a fan of in general, so Hugo was perfect for me.

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I just like 'em to be clever, independent thinkers that are not especially interested in how I feel.

Ohh I am of two minds about this.

When I am down and out or in a temper, Bitty just has no clue! She carries on like it’s the Best. Thing. Ever. This will usually make me giggle and I’ll maul her muzzle and get on with life.

Bubby is very sympathetic and comforting when I am in a temper or sad! It’s lovely to have moral support but then I find that I indulge in my moods when with Bubby simply because he’ll sympathise!

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Our deerhound Mungo was my favourite dog ever - he was huge, gentle and basically just "deerhounded" around doing his own thing plus he looked incredible when he ran full speed. He was a real thinker and invented his own games.

By contrast OH's favourite was a GSD X who was always alert and busy being a watch dog and looking after her family-us.

I love our Lappie because she is smart, confident and independent and beautiful looking.

I guess I like big, hairy , smart , independent dogs that are self reliant and can cope with crap training from me. I like my animals to express their own personalities without too much control from me.

I guess my choice of dogs reflects my love of cats - I really am a cat person so dogs that are more cat like appeal to me. :confused:

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I like a big dog, but not a noisy, clumsy, drooly or needy one - the grace and elegance of the Borzoi, their sense of humour, their intelligence, a general arrogance with strangers but a deeply affectionate and playful nature with friends and family, their lack of unnecessary barking, not needing hours of work everyday to keep sane, and at times a certain feline element to their nature, suit me down to the ground. I find them very beautiful and very easy to live with.

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I like a big dog, but not a noisy, clumsy, drooly or needy one - the grace and elegance of the Borzoi, their sense of humour, their intelligence, a general arrogance with strangers but a deeply affectionate and playful nature with friends and family, their lack of unnecessary barking, not needing hours of work everyday to keep sane, and at times a certain feline element to their nature, suit me down to the ground. I find them very beautiful and very easy to live with.

A Borzoi is next on our list - sounds perfect

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About 10 years ago it was time to look for a new dog. The rules were, easy coat, prefer guard dogish, willing to get involved in dog sports and for some reason, I prefer slim lined. The Dobie, fits all these requirements, little did I know then, all their little tricks and traumas that they play. Their kleptomaniacs, they like to dig and if their outside and can see you inside, they all have their own ways of letting you know about it. But I love them.

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