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Small Dog - Companion For Border Collie Male (4yrs)


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Hi ,

I am looking for some advice on what sort of small breed puppy to get for a companion to my border collie. He is an outside dog, and so will the new puppy, however much time is spent with him, with daily outings to the beach. I was thinking maybe a cavalier king charles, but any suggestions would be great.


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A cavalier would not be suitable. They were bred to be an inside dog, and are never happy to live outside. It is unfair to get one and make it unhappy it's whole life. No matter what else you do, it will not be happy outside, and will probably develop behavioural problems, dig, or escape and be run over.

Sorry, not really any suggestions either, more information on your lifestyle etc would probably help

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A small breed pup may be too fragile to be left unsupervised with a BC. If subjected to unwanted attention or rough play by the BC it could end up with defensive aggression issues or injury. I know of a large breed pup that got OCD when (against breeder recommedation) it was left to play for hours every day with the BC in the home.

If the primary purpose for buying the dog is for it to be a companion to the existing one I'd be looking at an adolescent rescue of working breed origins and the opposite sex to yours. You won't lack for choice.

Most small breeds have neither the coat nor the body mass to cope with living outside 24/7. No way would a bracchy breed like a CKCS cope living outside in SA heat.

Edited by poodlefan
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We have always had corgis and shelties that have lived both inside and outside. Mainly outside during the day. Haven't had a problem with this.

There is a vast difference between a dog shoved outside and forgotten and a dog that lives outside and has heaps of things done with it. I am assuming the OP is in the second category.

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No shelties are not outside dogs. An outside sheltie is a barking sheltie

I'm glad you posted this. Our shelties were definitely not totally outside dogs. They had a large, weather-proof secure verandah deck, with doggie door access to a grassy courtyard for going to the toot. And another doggie door into the house. A large backyard, too, for running-free play.

We also owned a Cardigan Corgi and she had these same living arrangements.

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We have always had corgis and shelties that have lived both inside and outside. Mainly outside during the day. Haven't had a problem with this.

There is a vast difference between a dog shoved outside and forgotten and a dog that lives outside and has heaps of things done with it. I am assuming the OP is in the second category.

Yep, our sheltie is like you describe, he's outside during the day & sleeps inside at night, he has heaps of things to do & is much much happier outside then being kept in the house!

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There is a big difference between an outside dog and one that spend some time outside, mine do as well but they are happiest when they are with their people where ever they may be.. An ideal situation for a sheltie would be a dog door so they have the choice.

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Borders are pretty snobby and prefer their own breed. Why not just get another Border?

Otherwise they can get on well with other herding or gundog breeds but they don't understand Terriers at all. They often get on well with Toy breeds but a Toy breed would not be suitable to have as an outside dog. Borders prefer to be inside with you as well but can and do survive as outside dogs.

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My borders HATE gundogs. They find them very offensive for some reason. Except Brock and he loves everyone! My 2 border collie girls are pretty little at around 46cm tall.

Really, mine have always liked the clown like Gundogs. Goldies, Wiemaraners, Vislas, Springers, etc. They just can't handle anything that stares at them or acts agressively in any way. They have all been uncomfortable around Terriers and any of the guard breeds but absolutely adore the friendlier Toy breeds.

My male at the moment loves every dog and person but has a particular passion for Pom baby puppies. The tinier the better and he is so gentle with them.

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Corgi or sheltie. I find my border collies prefer other herding breeds, snobby little things that they are!

second this...

No shelties are not outside dogs. An outside sheltie is a barking sheltie

Doesn't this depend on the sheltie? I know they bark - but that is when they are left alone. Friends outside shelties only give warning barks when strangers come to the property.

My girls are both inside and outside shelties - and give warning barks when strangers come - but they aren't outside only dogs.

A sheltie would love the daily trips to the beach and a romp with a border. Mine get to have a daily run around on the reserve near us each day with the border two doors up. They all love it. BUT - wouldn't another BC be better?

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