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Update About Auntie And Her Dog


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Hi everyone well here is an update about my auntie and her untrained jack russell cross fox terrier. My parents ended up getting angry with my auntie cause she wouldn't keep her dog clean eg bath it once a week and throughly brush her. So my parents said enough is enough since you won't keep your dog clean the dog has to sleep outside. Since the dog has been outside it has been scratching and whinging at my bedroom window. My stupid auntie wouldn't do a thing about it. Last night I had enough so I went out threw water at it, as it won't listen when told to get to bed. Then my auntie comes out complaining god I made Lady her dog pee everywhere, My mum then said no she threw water at it cause it wouldn't stop whinging. My auntie cracked it left the house took Lady her dog with her. She has gone out of town for a week and has taken her dog with her. My parents are hoping that she moves back there.

I do have some questions

Rascal is now searching and looking for my auntie and her dog lady, How long will it take for him to get use to them not being here?

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Not sure how to help just saying that dogs don't need a bath every week unless they have a skin problem that the vet says needs attention that often. I try to do mine once a month, my skin problem dog more often if possible.

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Well this dog does need a bath weekly as it rolls in poo,chook poo,dirt,mudand even pee. This dog stinks, But in saying that I know its not the dogs fault its my aunties fault. When my auntie does bath it she doesn't do a good job within a minute she has finished bathing her dog. It takes me about 15 minutes to bath Rascal as I make sure I do a good job, Then a further 5 minutes brushing him.

I might have been wrong in throwing water at her, but she has been whinging and scratching at my bedroom window for 12 days. I think I am entitled to a good nights sleep, My auntie don't care,she doesn't go out there and tell her to go to bed or stop her from whinging and scratching at my window. We have had visters here and they said all they can smell when they come inside is dog, This is after my mum has cleaned the whole house all day. This dog rubs herself all over the carpet, Even drags her vagina over the carpet. Barks at everything that moves, She even barks at the tv.

This jack russell cross fox terrier even snaps and kunges at Shelley my female golden retriever, She won't stop humping Buddy my mums male golden retriever.

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Well this dog does need a bath weekly as it rolls in poo,chook poo,dirt,mudand even pee. This dog stinks, But in saying that I know its not the dogs fault its my aunties fault. When my auntie does bath it she doesn't do a good job within a minute she has finished bathing her dog. It takes me about 15 minutes to bath Rascal as I make sure I do a good job, Then a further 5 minutes brushing him.

I might have been wrong in throwing water at her, but she has been whinging and scratching at my bedroom window for 12 days. I think I am entitled to a good nights sleep, My auntie don't care,she doesn't go out there and tell her to go to bed or stop her from whinging and scratching at my window. We have had visters here and they said all they can smell when they come inside is dog, This is after my mum has cleaned the whole house all day. This dog rubs herself all over the carpet, Even drags her vagina over the carpet. Barks at everything that moves, She even barks at the tv.

This jack russell cross fox terrier even snaps and kunges at Shelley my female golden retriever, She won't stop humping Buddy my mums male golden retriever.

Sounds to me like the problem is with your aunt, not her dog. Tackle the problem at its source.

I'd have woken my aunt every time the dog woke me. :)

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Hi everyone well here is an update about my auntie and her untrained jack russell cross fox terrier. My parents ended up getting angry with my auntie cause she wouldn't keep her dog clean eg bath it once a week and throughly brush her. So my parents said enough is enough since you won't keep your dog clean the dog has to sleep outside. Since the dog has been outside it has been scratching and whinging at my bedroom window. My stupid auntie wouldn't do a thing about it. Last night I had enough so I went out threw water at it, as it won't listen when told to get to bed. Then my auntie comes out complaining god I made Lady her dog pee everywhere, My mum then said no she threw water at it cause it wouldn't stop whinging. My auntie cracked it left the house took Lady her dog with her. She has gone out of town for a week and has taken her dog with her. My parents are hoping that she moves back there.

I do have some questions

Rascal is now searching and looking for my auntie and her dog lady, How long will it take for him to get use to them not being here?

That is truly disgusting. That poor dog was already completely distressed at being thrown outside and you go and throw water on it. You should be ashamed to call yourself a dog owner. :mad:mad:mad

That was my first thought when I read that, too. Seems to me more like someone's fueling the drama to get their own way :coffee:

Also, given the OP never replied again in that other thread after I posted a suggestion.. http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/222949-vent-about-family/page__view__findpost__p__5385499 here it is again ;)

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Sounds to me like the problem is with your aunt, not her dog. Tackle the problem at its source.

I'd have woken my aunt every time the dog woke me. :)

Yep, I'd have thrown the water on the aunt, not the dog!

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Sounds to me like the problem is with your aunt, not her dog. Tackle the problem at its source.

I'd have woken my aunt every time the dog woke me. :)

Yep, I'd have thrown the water on the aunt, not the dog!

Exactly what I thought too

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Did you have a crate that the dog could have slept in? may help with the transition from inside to outside? or even just reduce the destructive behaviour (scratching) at night time.

I'm sorry, I don't know if there have been other threads about your Aunt and her dog.

Is you Aunt willing to consider hiring a behaviourist? may help in addressing some of the issues.

Is it possible that your Aunt may have taken offence/ felt like it was an attack on her and her dog. I think if that is the case you may need to take a diplomatic approach....maybe say something like ''We know you love your dog, and she is a great dog, we are just concerned that she and you may not be happy. We wonder if maybe hiring a behaviourist may help in giving you some skills to work with your dog and make sure your dog and you are happy''.

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Well if you knew my auntie if you enter her room when she is sleeping and wake her up she cracks it then starts slamming doors. She has already started a fight with my mum over this. She says the dog can't come inside dog can't stay outside, Then says you have cats inside, My mum then says yeah but the cats don't stink,meow at everything they see. This dog always goes to the front window to see if there is anything to bark at. When my auntie takes it outside to go to the toilet it barks, The dog is good when my auntie isn't around, doesn't bark,whinge. When she wasn't living with us the dog was a nightmare, If we stayed at her house we got woken up every 30 minutes to the dog runing outside barking. She wasn't even meant to have the dog where she lived. The landlord lived next door and absolutely hated the dog, cause it would wake him up early morning with its barking.

Theres no training my auntie or telling her what to do,as she thinks she is a know it all. She believes dogs don't need training. There allowed to bark and do what they want when they want to do it. This isn't her first jack russell this is her second one, The first one was the same as this one. The first jack russell ended up runing away. If I did wake up my auntie she would have started a full on fight with the whole family.

Since she has moved here she has been nothing but trouble, Shelley and Buddy can no longer have toys as lady my aunties dog destroys them. Shelley can't even walk past Lady without her snapping at her. Lady barks in Shelleys and Buddys ears and taught Rascal to do the same, He doesn't do it when my auntie or lady are around. Rascal also barked alot with her around, doesn't bark much when she isn't here. People accross the road couldn't even work in there front garden without lady barking at them.

My auntie wasn't even meant to bring her dog here when she moved in, We already have 3 dogs. Cause of Lady the jack russell cross fox terrier, Shelley now hates both those breeds and shows her bristles and gets defensive.

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Did you have a crate that the dog could have slept in? may help with the transition from inside to outside? or even just reduce the destructive behaviour (scratching) at night time.

I'm sorry, I don't know if there have been other threads about your Aunt and her dog.

Is you Aunt willing to consider hiring a behaviourist? may help in addressing some of the issues.

Is it possible that your Aunt may have taken offence/ felt like it was an attack on her and her dog. I think if that is the case you may need to take a diplomatic approach....maybe say something like ''We know you love your dog, and she is a great dog, we are just concerned that she and you may not be happy. We wonder if maybe hiring a behaviourist may help in giving you some skills to work with your dog and make sure your dog and you are happy''.

My auntie will not get behaviourist to come see her dog. Why would she she won't even train it or walk it. She won't even take it to obedience class at all.

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kick your aunt out

Or move out of home.

Since she has moved here she has been nothing but trouble, Shelley and Buddy can no longer have toys as lady my aunties dog destroys them. Shelley can't even walk past Lady without her snapping at her. Lady barks in Shelleys and Buddys ears and taught Rascal to do the same, He doesn't do it when my auntie or lady are around. Rascal also barked alot with her around, doesn't bark much when she isn't here. People accross the road couldn't even work in there front garden without lady barking at them.

My auntie wasn't even meant to bring her dog here when she moved in, We already have 3 dogs. Cause of Lady the jack russell cross fox terrier, Shelley now hates both those breeds and shows her bristles and gets defensive.

I've had to edit a response to this several times because I'm having trouble nicely expressing how the quoted material above sounds to me.

So, apologies in advance if this offends-

You're blaming everything on your aunt's presence and not taking any responsibility for your own contributions to the mess. You blame, play the victim (and post threads asking people to take one of your dogs) and paint your aunt as being an unthinking, uncaring monster who is ruining the lives of everyone around her (and ruining your dogs too, apparently).

If your aunt is there to stay (and you, for whatever reason, can't move out of home at the age of 26), you need to suck it up and start thinking constructively, rather than just posting constant whinge threads where you reject all advice offered to you, just so you can go on playing the victim.

If you want things to change, post factual descriptions of your problems and then actually employ the advice offered. Otherwise, you're wasting our time and your own.

Again, sorry if this comes across as nasty or whatever but after following your threads this closely, this is how I see it.

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I would move out for the sake of my dog.

If that is not possible, maybe try and train Lady yourself?

It sounds like she is a bit neglected and would benefit and maybe even enjoy some training.

I'd give her a nice bath, take her out and play with her and do some training. Perhaps that will make her tires and want to bark less?

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I think she means that when her auntie isn't around in her parents house the dog behaves. When the dog and auntie lived away from her parents home and they stayed with the auntie the dog was a nightmare. Essentially I think she means that her auntie is the entire problem and when she has influence over the dog the dog plays up.

you are correct there.

I would bath it but this dog doesn't like to be bathed and she will snap at you if you do something she doesn't like. This is the main reason why my auntie won't tell the dog no etc, Cause if she does the dog turns growls and snaps at her. I do pick up after my dogs each and everyday. Can't be with them 24/7 following them with the pooper scooper. I can't Train this dog myself as she won't listen to me. I know the dog could be real great with the right owner, My auntie isn't the right owner for this dog. Actually she shouldn't own a dog. You should see what Lady does to my auntie when she wants to be feed and my auntie doesn't feed her right then and there, She grabs my auntie by the arm gently,paws at her leaving scratch marks on her skin,growls and then jumps on her. I know this isn't the dogs fault its my aunties. I do have a question tho why is it up to me to take on this dog eg train it,bath it etc? specially since its not my dog and non of us wanted it here. Yes I love dogs and do not like seeing them treated this way, But the way I see it if I take the responabilty for it it will just teach my auntie to pam it off to someone else.The way I see it if you want the animal you take responabilty for it, If you can't do that then you shouldn't own one.

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Hi everyone well here is an update about my auntie and her untrained jack russell cross fox terrier. My parents ended up getting angry with my auntie cause she wouldn't keep her dog clean eg bath it once a week and throughly brush her. So my parents said enough is enough since you won't keep your dog clean the dog has to sleep outside. Since the dog has been outside it has been scratching and whinging at my bedroom window. My stupid auntie wouldn't do a thing about it. Last night I had enough so I went out threw water at it, as it won't listen when told to get to bed. Then my auntie comes out complaining god I made Lady her dog pee everywhere, My mum then said no she threw water at it cause it wouldn't stop whinging. My auntie cracked it left the house took Lady her dog with her. She has gone out of town for a week and has taken her dog with her. My parents are hoping that she moves back there.

I do have some questions

Rascal is now searching and looking for my auntie and her dog lady, How long will it take for him to get use to them not being here?

FFS do we need another update!Firstly don't throw water at the dog because it won't listen(it's obviously not the only one).Secondly why am I here?Thirdly(is that a word)MOVE OUT. :banghead:

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So you have sent a short coated dog outside in the middle of winter to sleep... and then proceded to throw water on it? Poor thing was probably freezing let alone worried that it had been seperated from it's pack.

You certainly don't sound like a dog lover :(

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So you have sent a short coated dog outside in the middle of winter to sleep... and then proceded to throw water on it? Poor thing was probably freezing let alone worried that it had been seperated from it's pack.

You certainly don't sound like a dog lover :(

Exactly my thoughts.

You have posted in the rescue forum and you didn't impress me there either. You didn't listen to anyone's suggestions on how to be a good dog owner - you wanted to rehome your chihuahua that you keep OUTSIDE in a Victorian winter during the day together with your Auntie's dog and didn't reply to all the worried posters.

What is the matter with you and your family? I don't think any of you should have dogs.

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