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Happy Fifth Brithday Fergus!


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Today is Ferg's fifth birthday. From the moment I got him he has been my heart dog and words fail to describe how he has enriched my life.

He has the most beautiful temperament and I often get stopped on walks and told how gorgeous he is. He has stayed overnight at the vets a few times and I'm always told how sweet, gentle and funny he is. In fact when he had bad gastro a few months ago and stayed overnight on a drip, the head vet said that the vet nurses were carrying around like a baby all night :) . Even when he was in pain he never snapped at the vet and just given a gentle lick when he's been hurt.

He is also one of those dogs that speaks great dog, which helps him avoid trouble. When I first got Lucy (puppy farm rescue) she stood as still as a statue, terrified. Fergs had a sniff then left her completely alone for 24 hours. He didn't try to play with her or bounce in her face - he knew she needed time. I got up in the wee hours of the morning to find him outside with her, sniffing around with her following him. He gradually introduced her to the house and slowly began playing with her over the coming months as she learnt to relax when I was around. He has been instrumental to her rehab where a happy-bouncy-in-your-face type dog would have made her life hell. If we go to the park he avoids trouble makers, where other dogs seem to want to say hello to everyone.

He is as smart as a tack and has great problem solving skills. I know most people say that about their dogs but he regularly blows me away with the things that he solves. He loves free shaping and problem solving. When we went to the Uta Bindel seminar 2 years ago I had a few people telling him that they wanted him. Even Uta came up to me during the break and told me how smart and motivated he was.

He is a snuggle bunny and will drape himself on me when I sit down, and yet when I go to work he is completely relaxed when I walk out the door.

He looooves his training and is so focused. I see people struggling to get their dog's attention at school and I'm glad I've never had to go through that. He loves his agility and is great at it - shame about the handler. He is very patient with me as he is my first agility dog and I still have my learner's permit.

But the true spirit of Fergs can't be summed up in words. He is just the most awesome dog who has brought me so much happiness and joy.

Fergus McGergus, I never knew how much I needed you until you came into my life.

Some happy snaps:






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Oh what a lovely man you have there megan. I didn't realise you had 2 dogs as I have only seemed to have heard about Lucy. But thats what happens when you have a reactive one, they seem to almost consume you & just about every waking moment you have LOL.

Fergus is very handsome & sounds like a dream to own. Isn't it wonderful to have such a meaningful relationship with mans best friend :)

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It's funny BC because my sister says I only talk about Fergus :o

Lol, thats funny alright. I have a wonderful boy just like your Fergus. He has a temp to die for & has been so good to my Stella. They are BF's.

Almost forgot to wish your Fergus a happy 5th b day. Enjoy it lovely man :)

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