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Goodbye My Precious Brianna, 26 March 2004 - 17 February 2013


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So sorry to hear if your loss Wendy! I remember Brianna's face from your avatar. What a beautiful girl she was.

My greyhound Zahra has just berm diagnosed with spleen cancer and am waiting to have tests done on Thursday. I just hope that I have a bit more time with my girl before I have to let her go

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I lost my Bella to haemangiosarcoma at Christmas, reading your tribute and feeling your heartbreak has brought it all flooding back, it's been 10 weeks and it still hurts like crazy. I am so immensely sorry for your loss of Brianna, Wendy. I know that a part of your heart has gone with her. Hold on to your memories of her as hard as you can.

I don't know what else to say other than my thoughts are with you.



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Thank you so much everyone for taking the time to write such beautiful words of comfort, support and understanding. It means so much to me to know that others understand the depth of our loss.

Mudlark, I am so sorry to hear that you lost your boy to haemangiosarcoma. It is a horrible and heartbreaking condition. My thoughts are with you in your loss. :hug:

Cazstaff, thanks so much for your understanding. I know what you are going through, so it means so much to me that you took the time to write. I truly hope Brianna and Buddy have found each other. I am sure they would love each other. :hug:

Cheyenne_Fury, I hope that the prognosis for Zahra is good and that you get to spend lots more time with your girl. Thinking of you!

W Sibs, I feel so much for you in the loss of your beautiful boy Charlie. I hope he and Brianna have found each other at the rainbow bridge. :rainbowbridge:

White Shepherd mom, I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Bella. I understand your pain and hope it eases soon. :hug:

It has been two weeks since I lost my beautiful girl, and I have cried every day for her. I still see her and hear her, and everywhere I look there are things that remind me of her. I wake up each morning thinking she is on the bed with me, or I find another toy that she has left lying somewhere. After being out this afternoon I noticed her snuffle marks all over the front window, from where she sat looking out every afternoon. My husband wanted to clean the window, but I asked him to please leave it just a little longer. As we find Brianna's toys around the house we have been collecting them and placing them on her bed, which still sits in the centre of the family room. Eventually they will all be packed away, but not just yet.

I was blessed to receive some beautiful studio photos of her a few days after she died. They had been taken for an advertising agency a while ago but never used, and although we had been told we would eventually be given the image files, we had not seen them. I contacted the agency, told them that we had lost Brianna and asked if they could track down the images. I was so thrilled to receive them, it felt like I had gotten a little piece of my girl back. There are seven photos of Brianna by herself, and three of her with me. They have brought so much comfort to me over the past week or so. We will be getting some of them framed, and some made into other items to remember our beautiful girl. Here are some of the photos of my precious girl. They truly capture how special she was.






It means so much to me to have these photos, and to know that the look on her face in the ones of her by herself is because she was looking at me. I miss my darling girl so much! There will never be another dog like my Brianna.

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Thank you for the mention WendyH. 10 weeks on and I still cry for Bella, her beds are still in their usual places with her toys on them, even Casper stays away of his own accord. Her nose marks are still on the windows where she paced to on her last day, her bowl is in it's place wrapped in a bag to keep the dust out. The little wooden box with her ashes, a snip of her fur and her collar is behind the glass door of the wall unit facing the kitchen - her favourite room! At night I light a candle by her photo, a chance to take a moment out of my day to talk to her and tell her how much I miss her and to say goodnight to her at the end of the day when I blow it out.

I guess I'll move on in my own time. She was with me over 10 years, I am in no rush to let her go yet.

The photos of Brianna are stunning and you will look at them time and time again. I want to have a painting done of Bella, I just wish I had some gorgeous photos like you have.

Thinking of you with hugs.


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Oh Wendy, tears are rolling down my face reading your tribute to your gorgeous Brianna :cry:

I don't come on to DOL as much these days but I always remember your posts about Brianna and always though what a beauty!

She had a wonderful life with you and your family and didn't suffer by the sound of it which must bring you some peace.

She will always be in your heart :hug:

xxx Hilary

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What gorgeous photos you have

Its been 8 months today that Tara passed over and I still havent moved her bed or her toys

it gives me comfort to have them around still

Little things like her toy Rosella that talks ,I stepped on it the other day and I turned and looked for her

almost as if she was here

I have had trouble coming back to the Rainbow Bridge thread as it too hard at times

There is one that is our real heartdog and we will never forget them

:hug: to you and all others who have lost their loved ones

it took me over a year to move some of Sam's bedding , but in our own time

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Thanks CNB, Harley and k9angel, she was a very special girl, and the photos truly capture her so well. :) I am so thrilled with them.

Ann, I am so sorry that you are missing Bella so much. They leave such a huge hole. I am so very thankful for these beautiful photos of Brianna. It means so much to have them.

I am going to get a couple of them printed to put on the wall, but I am actually thinking of having one made into a Woven Photo Blanket by Shutterfly. :) I think they are absolutely beautiful.

Hilary, thank you so much for your kind thoughts about Brianna. It means so much to know that other people thought my girl was beautiful.

T&S, yes there is one who is our real heart dog. Brianna was mine, and I know that Tara was yours. These precious cocker girls really take a piece of our hearts don't they?

I am so grateful to all of you who have posted on this thread. I don't know how I would have gotten through the past three weeks without your support and kind thoughts. It truly helps knowing that other people understand the grief I am experiencing. So many people don't get it. They think Brianna was 'just a dog'. Receiving validation from people like all of you who have taken the time to write such kind words means so much. Just knowing you understand means everything to me. It tells me that my feelings are genuine, that Brianna was worth it, that I have suffered an immense loss and it is all right to feel the way that I do. I will be forever grateful to each one of you for your kindness and caring. :hug:

Edited by WendyH
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks so much DD, I do treasure them. They were the most precious gift I could have been given after losing Brianna.

Thanks Chezy, I can't remember, did you meet Brianna?

Today would have been my beautiful Brianna's ninth birthday. It is hard to believe it has been five weeks since we lost her. The time has gone so fast, and we all miss her desperately. The house is so empty without her. Here a couple more photos from the photo shoot. They truly show what a precious girl she was and the wonderful relationship we shared.

We were so blessed to have Brianna in our lives. Happy birthday Brianna! Mummy loves you and misses you! xxx



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Yes I did meet her , beautiful girl I remember with waggy waggy tail :)

Thanks so much DD, I do treasure them. They were the most precious gift I could have been given after losing Brianna.

Thanks Chezy, I can't remember, did you meet Brianna?

Today would have been my beautiful Brianna's ninth birthday. It is hard to believe it has been five weeks since we lost her. The time has gone so fast, and we all miss her desperately. The house is so empty without her. Here a couple more photos from the photo shoot. They truly show what a precious girl she was and the wonderful relationship we shared.

We were so blessed to have Brianna in our lives. Happy birthday Brianna! Mummy loves you and misses you! xxx



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