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Thinking About My Next Breed... Shortlist Now Chosen!


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The dobe I cared for was a lovely dog but a little too much of the loony for me :p It was a happy loony but still too much for me, it's the same happy loony that a lot of the weims and GSPs I've met seem to have LOL

Yeah, I'm not too into really loony dogs either. Usually very sweet dogs, just a bit too much, my IG is loony but then she is small, loony big dogs are a different story. Puppies can be loony all the like but I like a calmer adult dog, they can still be clowns, just not bouncing of the walls! :laugh:. Wonder if this dobe you looked after was a minority or normal for the breed?

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I rarely suggest my own breeds but have you considered a Dally?

I haven't no! The treasurer on the committee at the local club has them, and I've helped handle them and others before, one of the few breeds I've handled for other people, the others being Paps, Danes and Staffords (got my start showing with Staffords!). Beautiful clean dogs, nice personalties and well trained, at least at shows. Although her dallies broke her leg when they came hooning down a hill at top speed and her big boy slammed into her!

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I rarely suggest my own breeds but have you considered a Dally?

I haven't no! The treasurer on the committee at the local club has them, and I've helped handle them and others before, one of the few breeds I've handled for other people, the others being Paps, Danes and Staffords (got my start showing with Staffords!). Beautiful clean dogs, nice personalties and well trained, at least at shows. Although her dallies broke her leg when they came hooning down a hill at top speed and her big boy slammed into her!

More than happy to answer any questions you have. I love my lad - it took consistency, patience and a sense of humour to get us through the teenage years but we worked each other out. Independent by nature but definitely trainable - Zig competes in agility and obedience and we dabbled in showing when I had time. He is very aware of not running into me even when playing with another dog. Being an entire male most other males dislike him but the girls just adore him. He's brilliant with my cats, foster kittens, puppies and kids. There can be a dog fight going on in front of him and he just ignores it as long as the dog is not threatening him directly. My ESS is currently in season and he is still super keen to train with me although his mind is elsewhere at times. Plus he's super handsome I reckon :D

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I think a Curly Coated Retriever would tick all the boxes for you...

Only seen one here at a show, but there might be more up north, so I can't say I've ever even thought about them. I'll add it to my rather long and ever growing list to look into more deeply.

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Some dobes are loonies some are not.

Most are actually really comfort seeking and will overtake the rights to the sofa :laugh:

I now have a grandmother that will sleep all day - she is 7, a mother that is 4 and is fetch crazy but will will be happy to sleep on top of me for 12 hours if given an opportunity.

And I have a 12 week old daughter that is a total loony. I come back from work to 4 hours of power ever day, non stop. But I like those, and bred to get that. Her litter sister is in a home with another dobe and apparently the sweetest thing ever, plays nice and is just perfect.

I rarely recommend my breed, I jsut said that it would fit your criteria.

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Some dobes are loonies some are not.

Most are actually really comfort seeking and will overtake the rights to the sofa :laugh:

I now have a grandmother that will sleep all day - she is 7, a mother that is 4 and is fetch crazy but will will be happy to sleep on top of me for 12 hours if given an opportunity.

And I have a 12 week old daughter that is a total loony. I come back from work to 4 hours of power ever day, non stop. But I like those, and bred to get that. Her litter sister is in a home with another dobe and apparently the sweetest thing ever, plays nice and is just perfect.

I rarely recommend my breed, I jsut said that it would fit your criteria.

Haha big tough guard dogs huh? I suppose like a few breeds there are breeders breeding for different temperaments, I guess there are working people and show people in the breed who want different things?

I'll pay a bit more attention than usual to them at the local CH shows this weekend and see what I think. I'm not sure if they are what I'm looking for, but I'll look into them more. Thanks :)

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What about a Newfoundland?

But if you gush over Borzoi every tie you see one maybe this is the right breed? I admit I adore Borzoi but don't have sighthound safe fencing.

Edited by Bjelkier
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Do you have a preference to which group your prefer showing in or hanging with .

I've only really shown in toy and terrier, apart from very brief forays with a dane and some Dalmatians in Non-sporting and that was literaly take the dog in the ring and get back to my own straight after. I always sit with the Stafford people because we know several of them very well, one of them is my doggie mentor haha. As much as I like terriers in some ways in others I know they just are not for me. I love staffords in particular but they are just a lot of dog to handle. I haven't really hung with any of the other groups before.

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What about a Newfoundland?

But if you gush over Borzoi every tie you see one maybe this is the right breed? I admit I adore Borzoi but don't have sighthound safe fencing.

I've had some good Newfie cuddles at shows, they seem like very nice steady dogs. I'll look into them as well, thanks for the suggestion.

I do love the look of 'zoi and they seem pretty cool in temperament, but I want to make sure that they are absolutely the right choice before I just decide that's what I'm going to get, and miss out on another breed that's actually a better fit for me. I made this thread for suggestions and for people with first hand experience with some of these breeds to share what these dogs are actually like to live with. I'm looking for my heart/forever breed, so I'm going to take time with my choice. I've got a long time to decide. :)

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Basset Fauve De Bretagne are fabulous - coat like a Border Terrier, love people and other dogs, weigh between 12-18kg generally, and, at the moment, none are shown in NZ. There is however a pet Fauve living near Christchurch with another due to join them shortly who will be shown sporadically. Obviously I'm biased but they're great jobs and really need to be seen in the NZ show scene. My newest boy Ace was recently exhibited over there during Summer and was the first Fauve ever shown in NZ.

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Basset Fauve De Bretagne are fabulous - coat like a Border Terrier, love people and other dogs, weigh between 12-18kg generally, and, at the moment, none are shown in NZ. There is however a pet Fauve living near Christchurch with another due to join them shortly who will be shown sporadically. Obviously I'm biased but they're great jobs and really need to be seen in the NZ show scene. My newest boy Ace was recently exhibited over there during Summer and was the first Fauve ever shown in NZ.

Coat like a Border is the reason I don't want one :laugh:. I'm done with wire coats that require hand stripping! They do sound like nice dogs though, so its a shame. I think I saw Ace at a show once, very handsome boy!

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My daughter haz a borzoi - got her from a breeder who is a regular on this forum (Alyosha).

Based on this experience, all I can say is they're absolutely beautiful, very easy to live with, match your description to a tee (friendly with other dogs, calm around the house, very affectionate) and I'd honestly find her hard to fault from any angle. Even my cranky old poodle x loves her - and Zamba is not a fan of other dogs generally. There is just something special about Arya (the Borzoi) that everyone loves.

My daughter is completely smitten and I would also say that Arya is a truly beautiful dog with a truly beautiful coat that I imagine would be eye-catching in the ring (although in our case Arya is desexed as my daughter had no plans to show her). Show people will be able to tell you more about how well Borzois tend to do in group line-ups etc. I don't know about that side of things really.

She is a large dog obviously, but easy to live with because she's very laid back in the house, but also fun and loves to muck about with the other dog in my daughter's household (an Aussie Bulldog). She is obviously pretty robust because he is a canine bowling ball, very active and she has never been injured even though they like to play rough at times.

Seriously, if they are a dog you like, get to know some of them and see what your heart tells you.

Another breed my daughter really likes and is a bit similar in temperament as I understand it is the Deerhound. Also a lovely breed, although I don't have direct experience to contribute.

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