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Taking Your Dog To Work


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I used to work in the public service and very occasionally I took a whippet to work. My boss at the time was understanding and said as long as she's quiet she can stay. She was injured and I was worried about leaving her at home. This was about 25 years ago so I was pretty lucky to be allowed to take her. She'd just lay quietly under my desk but sometimes a client would notice and loved to be able to pat her.

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I bought my guys to work when they were puppies, but now they are older and too manic. They get too excited with people coming and going, playing with them and revving them up, so it's too hard. But everyone else in the office loves it when I do bring them, I just find I don't get any work done :laugh:

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I brought my 5 month old Maltese pup to work last Friday for the afternoon "just for the heck of it". I work in a pretty flexible office and there were not many of us in on Friday, so I used it as an opportunity to introduce him to lots of new people - and the girls that were in the office loved it! He just ran around until he wore himself out and then snoozed.

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I have taken my dogs to work but as I work at a pet store everyone is naturally very dog friendly LOL. Usually only take them if they are going to the groomers and drop them off in the morning, pick them up at lunch and then they chill at work for the rest of the day.

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We used to get doggy visits from colleagues dogs until some one who didn't like dogs complained :( The dogs were always on leash and not allowed to approach people who didn't like them, sad that one person ruins it for all.

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I got to take the accountant's SWF for a spin the other day & then a customer's ACD on Wednesday. She is my favourite dog out of the customers as well, I was chuffed to be allowed.

Makes me drive more carefully so that's a good thing:D

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We used to get doggy visits from colleagues dogs until some one who didn't like dogs complained :( The dogs were always on leash and not allowed to approach people who didn't like them, sad that one person ruins it for all.

I love my dogs.

I don't necessarily love other people's dogs and I certainly don't expect other people to love mine.

Its a work place, not doggy day care. Unless you're the business owner or work in an animal related business, I think dogs should stay home. I really don't think dogs and office buildings are a good combinatino. Dogs requiring nursing might be a bit different but why should people be expected to tolerate the presence of your dogs where they work. (I feel a bit the same about kids actually :flame:)

One person SHOULD be able to "ruin it" for all - it's not a majority vote that matters in such cases. A single voice in this instance should be listened to. No different to other workplace issues where what the majority think is OK makes an individual very uncomfortable.

And as for tradies dogs - don't start me. :mad:

Edited by Haredown Whippets
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We used to get doggy visits from colleagues dogs until some one who didn't like dogs complained :( The dogs were always on leash and not allowed to approach people who didn't like them, sad that one person ruins it for all.

I love my dogs.

I don't necessarily love other people's dogs and I certainly don't expect other people to love mine.

Its a work place, not doggy day care. Unless you're the business owner or work in an animal related business, I think dogs should stay home. I really don't think dogs and office buildings are a good combinatino. Dogs requiring nursing might be a bit different but why should people be expected to tolerate the presence of your dogs where they work. (I feel a bit the same about kids actually :flame:)

One person SHOULD be able to "ruin it" for all - it's not a majority vote that matters in such cases. A single voice in this instance should be listened to. No different to other workplace issues where what the majority think is OK makes an individual very uncomfortable.

And as for tradies dogs - don't start me. :mad:

Do tell HW, I am interested to know about the tradies dogs?

The ones that come here are lovely - I guess it would be the same as the general population of dogs and owners. Some are idiots and some are not??

We have the pleasure of a lovely BC girl who is about 8 years old now (I have known Lexi since she was a puppy) and a small ACD boy who goes nuts when he comes to visit us and lays eyes on Zig through the gate. I also have a client with a poodle who brings him over when she comes.

Then again, my office is appointment only - I don't get people just showing up with dogs all over the place... So I only ever have one client at a time here.

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[quote name='Haredown Whippets' timestamp='1375413627' post=

Do tell HW, I am interested to know about the tradies dogs?

The ones that come here are lovely - I guess it would be the same as the general population of dogs and owners. Some are idiots and some are not??

We have the pleasure of a lovely BC girl who is about 8 years old now (I have known Lexi since she was a puppy) and a small ACD boy who goes nuts when he comes to visit us and lays eyes on Zig through the gate. I also have a client with a poodle who brings him over when she comes.

Then again, my office is appointment only - I don't get people just showing up with dogs all over the place... So I only ever have one client at a time here.

My dislike probably stems from the fact that two unrestrained dogs lept off the back of a ute some years back to have a go at the dog I was walking and in the ensuring melee I broke my wrist.

What don't I like? Here's my initial list:

* Some tradies don't ask if they can bring their dogs to your place and have them on their trucks. They assume. That could leave my dogs going off their heads about it and pissing off my neighbours.

* I do not like seeing dogs chained without shelter on the back of utes in all weather. They're not ornaments or image enhancers, they're living animals.

* If left loose, they are not always supervised and I've yet to see a tradie pick up after his or her dog. I don't know these dogs vaccination status or where they've been. I don't want their shit in my front yard thanks.

* It pisses me off to be passing places where tradies are working and have their dogs approach me and mine.

That's a start :lollipop:

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