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Farewell Gloria, Sweet Old Girl

Her Majesty Dogmad

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I'm devastated because yesterday I lost my second dog in 2 weeks. I rescued Gloria from Renbury in April last year and she went to Karen in SA where she found a new home. Karen rang me in Sept to say Gloria had been dumped in the pound.

Gloria was an old Beagle cross Shepherd with a loving and sweet nature. I did not want her to die in the pound so brought her back to Sydney where she fitted right in with me and my other old dogs.

Within a couple of weeks of arrival she came on heat. I could see she'd had loads of puppies in her life but you would have hoped she'd have been desexed somewhere along the way as she was about 13 years. My vet desexed her after 3 weeks but bleeding continued so further surgery was undertaken a couple of weeks later. After that she was fine until 3 weeks ago when she strangely started bleeding again and acting like she was on heat. Tests were done and a hormone implant put in but then on Monday, the bleeding became heavier. My vet operated yesterday and found that although she'd cut out some tumours last year, a huge tumour had grown in a different place and spread everywhere, it was not treatable. So with great sorrow I had to let her go.

Gloria gave me so much love in the last 6 months, she always had a smile on her face, she acted like a 5 year old and could outrun, outwalk many dogs half her age. She was so calm and placid, just a delight. She enjoyed the simple things, rolling round in the garden, walkies and dinner time. She loved cuddling up with all my other dogs at one time or another. When I lost the Wonder dog, 2 weeks ago, she sat in front of me and tried her best to comfort me.

The rest of her health including her teeth were amazing for her age and I'd hoped she be with me for a few more happy years.

Gloria - run free with the Wonder Dog :rolleyes: :eek:


Edited by dogmad
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:rolleyes: Oh Dogmad, I'm so sorry to hear of your 2nd loss too.

Old dogs are so precious - they know the routine and are just so beautiful.

Hugs to you from all of us here - you gave wonder dog & Gloria the most wonderful place to end one's life - in HAPPINESS.

fifi, danny & hounds xxxx

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Oh Bugger, I am so sorry to read this

I am thinking of you now, this must be such a hard time for you

Run free Gloria and Wonder Dog, you said they had such a bond so now they are together, forever, young and running free for the first time

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Dogmad so terribly sorry for your loss of Gloria, another star to brighten the sky, another angel in doggy heaven :) you gave Gloria the best 6 months of her life and in turn she loved you dearly she has gone to be with your beautiful Wonder Dog. Have lots of fun both of you getting into lots of mischief with all the other doggies, well, not too much mischief.

Edited by dandydog
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having lost 2 of my "old girls" within 10 days of each other in MARCH this year,, my thoughts are with you at this difficult time.Always remember, she died with dignity and surrendered by love.........

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