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Everything posted by julesluvscavs

  1. its ironic when they are health clear from all the other cavalier related things they could get isn't it x
  2. I'm so sorry to hear this, how devastating All I can say is cherish the moments with her. It isn't fair at all ! *lots and lots of cyber hugs being sent your way* I feel your heartbreak. We were the same with Joey we really didnt get much warning with his either.. Thinking of you xoxoxo
  3. Thats lovely JRT Lover . Im very spiritual and as a result I have experienced similar things. But I cant say ive ever felt my past dogs around after they have left , well apart from my childhood dog who i swear i could feel laying on my bed for months after every night. I was just saying to my husband last night, I haven't felt Joey's presence around, which i thought i would of because he was such an in tuned dog. My husband said he hadn't either and said I think hes gone for good Joey used to pick up a lot strange going on's in our house, and we used to think it was the elderly man who died in our house before we bought it.. and ive said to Hubby, wonder if he had known Joey was going get ill and he had been looking out for him as now i cant feel that presence of that spirit anymore .. makes me feel a bit lonely actually The weirdest thing was that the night my husband's Mum died, well early hours of the morning, Joey sat upright on our bed and started making weird noises.. it took him a while to settle after. Half hour later we got a call from the hospital to let us know hubby's Mum had passed away. People often say to me maybe she was letting us know through Joey.. A couple months later Joey left us too Im not too keen to think he's there with her (we didn't particularly get along)
  4. Ruby is very pretty Congratulations on finally getting one Oneteaspoon hows your Mother going with her ? I have heard the Ruby ones are generally very sweet natured (well most Cavs are) but Rubys are just known for their extra sweetness ;) A friend of ours recently got one as well which she has named him Teddy, he does look like a little orange teddy ! lol Ps.. Enjoy puppy school ! I went with Miah and had a lot of fun. We have started big school now ;)
  5. No sorry it was just a random Cavalier owner at the fun day, i still cant remember much of what we talked about. It was quite a warm day so my brain got a bit more fried by the end of it hope you get the results tomorrow so you can find out one way or another. The waiting is very sickening *gentle hugs* x
  6. ive been getting the green pkt ones.. which Renae loves and Miah gets a few balls a couple nights a week in conjunction with her raw meals.. I haven'tr seen the new range yet.. will look out for it ;) Miah gets raw kangaroo mince as part of her diet anyway ;)
  7. Thinking still of you both today as you wait on the results x
  8. My understanding (with owning a breed that is prone to it) it can be genetic, but it can also be environmental in some cases as well.. Ive never personally experienced it with any of mine yet *touch wood*Im not an expert on them tho..(patellas)
  9. Sorry to hear that I was just chatting to someone yesterday at the SA Cavalier fun day about a similar thing, and her Cav had chemo.. but for the life of me i cant remember what we talked about in detail now It might have come up because we talking about Joey having gotten a tumour Hopefully the results come back tomorrow with not too sinister outcome .. thinking of you both x
  10. good i'd like to see an update post about your new puppy ;)
  11. thats good news, thanks for the update! have you posted anywhere else about getting her yet on dol? dont think ive seen a pic of her yet ! :) i do recall you posting you were wanting one :)
  12. thats what i was thinking too ? have seen other posts similar to these symptons before on dol, quite a few of them have been treatable. Probably best to get an appt with a Neurosurgeon or a second opinion if its still persisting. Hope Bosco starts feeling better soon,poor thing
  13. Everyone. It certainly is worth the wait when the right one comes along
  14. Thank you Stellnme. She won a second place ribbon at the last fun day too for best puppy under 12 months x
  15. Good idea you are getting her checked out tomorrow and also you have been monitoring her closely.. As much as you have to be very careful with puppies, unfortunate accidents can happen.. don't be hard on yourself about it, but just learn from it.. Hoping she will be ok. Please let us know how her vet appts goes. x
  16. My Husband and I have have had the toughest year with my husband losing his Mother a few months ago, and recently we had the heartbreaking decision to make about giving our beautiful Joey his wings (it all happened very quickly and unexpectedly) I just want to share how very blessed we are despite all what has horribly and sadly happened that young Miah came into our lives when she did.I always believe everything is in the timing. She had been a very long time in the waiting and was born on my Husband and My 8th Wedding Anniversary last year (about a week early) She is still quite little but has the hugest heart and lives life to the fullest and love everything in it. Nothing fazes her. Shes been great for Renae too. Today was the first SA Cavalier Club fun day we have been too over the years without Joey, it felt very weird and not the same. However Miah kept us very distracted with her very strong presence throughout the whole day. Here she is pictured with the Judge of todays fun day having a tender moment. She knows how to win everyone over. She didn't win that particular event lol but she did win Cavalier with the waggiest tail, and there were heaps of wagging tails going on around us ! :-) I/We are just so in love with her, and i'm sure she will continue to fill our broken hearts with so much of her love. Its her 1st birthday coming up soon, and we are putting together a little birthday party for her and some of her Cavalier friends and their humans including her breeder and even Renae (and Joey's) breeder are planning on coming to it even tho she was meant to be going to a show that weekend ( but is going miss it so she can come to Miah's birthday party) How lovely is that I really love it that we have an ongoing friendship (and support) with both breeders.
  17. Nawwww Happy belated 9th Birthday to you Zeuss ! its good that you are in such a caring and loving family who do everything to look after you as best as they can ;) Love the photos of you and your family and your beautiful cake ! Love , hugs and cavy cuddles from Jules, Renae and Miah xoxoxooxoxo
  18. Hi :) You might find this section helpful also. http://www.dolforums.com.au/forum/62-dog-breeds-101/
  19. Cavaliers are known for a few genetic health issues, altho cancer is not high on the list that i know about.. Renae had a small benign gum tumour removed last year.. Shes now 11 Ive always been worried they will get one of the known problems but out of the blue that completely took us by surprise Joey got a brain tumour (well it was very highly suspected) Ironically he was still heart clear at 9 and healthy otherwise up to that point.. it all happened very quickly! I had x breeds (heeler x's) before i got into cavaliers and they both got cancer in their older ages.. Cancer can happen even to people who haven't had a history of it in their family or dogs that haven't had it in their lines (that are known anyway)
  20. I think you will find you have to still have yo give them a bit of a brush/scaling on top of it tho when it loosens up (we have too). You can get a scaling tool from a doler on here or on ebay :)
  21. i mentioned that in my comment ;-)) We use the spray tho, and you still have to scrape of the plague we have found but it does help if done regularly
  22. I don't know with humans how dogs react if they see their owners corpse, as I've never experienced that situation yet.. But I did see Renae react before and after Joey passing away- she was his Mother, (as he was given his wings at our house) there were certainly some strong connection there I believe (and from i personally observed).. and she still wanders over to his burial site and sniffs around.not as much now as she was.. When my MIL passed away also recently Joey (who was still with us at that stage) woke up and started making weird noises for a while .. a half hour later we got the call from the hospital that hubby's Mum had passed way (around same time Joey reacted). We have been puzzled by that. (not that she had been close to him when she was alive)
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