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Everything posted by Kajtek

  1. I see you are in Sydney. CavsRcute recommended All Natural Vet Care to us. They are in Russel Lea and offer holistic treatment of animals. I visit them for other reasons (chiro) and find them very professional and knowledgeable. Might be worth a consult.
  2. Yep! One gets used to the snoring or wears ear plugs :laugh: But the toxic gas - no evil deed, like feeding new food, goes unpunished. Might have to consider wearing a nose peg next time.
  3. A reminder to self...When changing to new food do it slowly!!!! Gas weapons nearly finished us off last night.
  4. I did it! Got 4 x 6.8 bags of TOTW :laugh: The kids looooove High Prairie variety. Apparently roasted bison and venison for lunch is the best thing ever. I think they were a bit bored with HS.
  5. Thank you Frodo's Mum. Your dogs are amazing and the photos are masterpieces. You capture their personalities so well. These just melt my heart. Love Ruby - that's all :D
  6. Ahhh bless You Frodo's Mum. I needed this joyful picture very badly. (BTW Apologies for changing my avatar name to Kajtek. This is to honour my ff boy (avatar) who is very ill and is unlikely to stay with us for long)
  7. Experience of a failed foster parent :D: The boy in my avatar is ff. I went through the same yes-no period. In the end could not accept the possibility of not seeing him again and not knowing if he had a warm bed, food and love. He stayed and I have never regretted my decision. Love my boofa boy.
  8. For those in NSW... I have contacted www.petdeli.com.au to check if they are going to stock ToW. They will
  9. Same here. I keep thinking of this little girl.
  10. Are you kidding? It started with a kiss is one of my favourite threads :) Mine too! :D Same here :D Frodo's Mum takes awesome pics
  11. Tammy's story is perfect. Huge human heart on legs aka Caz meets an old Diva who loves life. Sweet, sweet memories of Tammy.
  12. I've been buying from www.petdeli.com.au for ~6 or 5 years. They are fantastic!
  13. kiesha09, I cannot comment on the pros and cons of each technique but I am happy to tell you why we opted for cultured stem cell treatment: - donor stem cells come from young dogs. My bully is 7+yo so her stem cells are 'old'. - I was a bit more confident about getting high concentration of stem cells in her treatment - there was no need to harvest cells from her fat ie one less dose of anasthetic.
  14. RIP beautiful Morgan. Have a good rest over the bridge. Hugs
  15. What a beautiful Grand Lady she was. Such sweet memories Do you remember her visit to the vet to get her teeth cleaned? This is what Caz wrote
  16. Run free beautiful Tammy. Have a good rest. Your job is done and you have done it well, so very very well. Caz, huge hugs.
  17. Stem cell treatment has worked for us. Of course it's not a miracle cure but the improvement is very significant. None of the other treatments gave my girl mobility and pain free existence.
  18. No sure if this helps but I will share it anyway. When we were training one of my bullies, the trainer suggested holding the treat between your eyes and saying dog's name. If the dog looked, reward. PS, when the gorgeous Clancy Pants looks at you when you call his name, you could drop the treat. He may feel safer picking the treat from the floor rather than your hand.
  19. Oh yes OSoSwift... forgot about the photos. High time I did mine too! So here is item 7 :laugh: 7) Patience to receive and respond to an avalanche of photos (some not so good hehe)
  20. LabTested that's a great idea. I think feeding sugar based yoghurt every day is a bit much. My doglets have learnt to love plain yoghurt. If I want to give them a surgar fix - it's ice cream!
  21. This topic is absolutely fascinating Maybe we could also ask what a puppy buyer expects from the perfect breeder. Here is my take on this: 1) In depth knowledge of the breed 2) Patience, patience, patience as the buyer asks 10000 "stupid" and not so stupid questions 3) Willingness to guide the buyer in raising the puppy 4) Willingness to provide advice on any health/behaviour issues that may happen during adulthood 5) Ability to present pros/cons of any decisions made about the dog (Eg. should I breed or not) 6) Ability to select the best pup for the home I am sure others will add to this :)
  22. My dogs are my kids. I will step forward and take whatever action is necessary to protect them. Always.
  23. Bullies sleep in our bedroom in their beds. That's bad enough! According to my OH, our 3 snoring bullies generate about 90 decibels. That readily compares to train whistle (90dB), truck traffic (90dB) or subway train (95dB) Having them on the bed with us would breach the pain threshold (@125dB) :laugh:
  24. Agreed. The biggest problem I have is that her approach doesn't benefit anyone. It's a lose-lose situation. Example: In my first email, I would never disclose information about myself and our home. This sort of thing is reserved for phone conversations and subsequent emails. So, I'd lose the opportunity of parenting her dog and she'd lose placing of one of her dogs in a loving, caring home.
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