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Everything posted by cannibalgoldfish

  1. But they aren't a native animal, they are an introduced species. But, what if they were classified as a national monument or national dog of Australia? (Like shibas are in Japan, ironically) They could then have protection as a breed but wouldn't annoy those who disagree on the non native part? Actually, the more I think of it, the better that sounds That was the same problem with the Japanese native dog breeds and they were saved by doing the above.
  2. Or gotten lost, or bitten by a snake, or even stolen by the people in the car. So many things that could have happened.....
  3. The full grown "ferret" is a black footed ferret, endangered species :D (an American endangered species in fact...)
  4. Off topic.... I liked your bit in the paper Hardy :D I thought it was good exposure for what you do.(that was you right?)
  5. http://www.themercury.com.au/article/2013/04/03/376015_todays-news.html PHILIP HEYWARD | April 03, 2013 12.01am A RICHMOND family long ago gave up hope of seeing their lost dog Dixie. But last week, out of the blue, they got a phone call that brought her back after 11 years. The fox terrier was handed in to the RSPCA in Launceston, battered from a dog fight, but a living example of the importance of microchipping pets. Thanks to that chip, the RSPCA knew who to contact and the next day Deirdre Gillanders drove north to pick up Dixie before reuniting her with the rest of her delighted family. "It was quite a surprise when we got the phone call," said Mrs Gillanders, who had not seen Dixie since she disappeared in 2002. "I knew that face as soon as I saw her and she still has the little habits I remember from before." Mrs Gillanders thought Dixie, now aged 12-1/2, might recall her, but the dog didn't seem to. "We did think she recognised my husband David," she said. "She went straight over to him." The family can only speculate about what has happened during the past 11 years and why no one checked Dixie's microchip before. "What a story she could tell if she could talk," Mrs Gillanders said.
  6. They brought in the same lasw here in Tas last year (possibley just Launceston?) with the fine print it said councils won't be employing anyone to enforce it, lol. But laws like this don't affect those responsible owners, it gives councils give a way to stop hordeing and situations where people have dozens of cats constantly breeding and getting none desexed. (like two houses down from my house..., we have the 4th generation of kittens born now. )
  7. One of mine is so laid back all the time that I sometimes check that he is still breathing :laugh: But if you do move to a country area, they will catch and kill birds and rodents so be warned
  8. I think looking at it, it doesn't walk much at all. Hence the nails....
  9. If you are able to look that close, the copperheads I see, no matter how dark have a cream jaw/throat.
  10. I keep finding copperheads whenever I visit Narawntapu national park (top of Tassie)and if I didn't know better I'd say they were red bellies. They are black with flame red bellies and quite hefty, some are around 2 inches across. Absolutely beautiful. I had one hunting all around my feet one time. I stood still and he/she just pottered about a few inches next to my shoes examining every nook and tuft of grass for food. (Ok, I'm not superman, I was inwardly cringing when it brushed up against my foot )
  11. If you want to go outside with the secret agent thing, you have Get Smart, (99! lol) or Austin Powers themed names.
  12. I take a small measure of pride that the starlings, sparrows and blackbirds for several streets around me have shiba hair lined nests :D
  13. Not to mention the girls in the bond movies seem to have such naughty names :laugh:
  14. With a name like secret agent for a dad I can't believe you aren't going Bond theme inspirations :D
  15. Shiba, so a typical spitz coat. Although his is different to the other boys coat, his is just wash and wear, nothing sticks to him :D
  16. It's not the flea treatment or anything like that. Hence my question. If you pat and feel his coat, dig your fingers in ect he feels oily. You feel an oily coating in your fingers. But when you run your hands under a tap it feels slippery like you are using detergent. It washes off very easily unlike oil. It feels like running your hands under a tap with soap or hand wash but there is no handwash.
  17. Weird question, One of my dogs has an oily coat.(undercoat really, the top is bristley) At least, it feels oily on your hands after patting him. Yet when I wash my hands the "oil" feels slippery and soapy minus the suds. It's not residue from washing him but why does it feel like that? Google had no suggestions
  18. Bwa ha ha haaaaaaaa. If only desexing did that for mine :laugh: as for "decreased performance in concentration tasks such as obedience training and decreased physical ability in dog sports" it's a shiba, come what may in regards to.... oh look! shiney thing over there!.......... Obviously my two shiba are boys so I can't help you with how it goes with a girl
  19. Loki is a 10 year old Shiba inu which is getting on a bit for the breed (12-15 years average)Apart from seasonal allergies which render him bald for a month or two each year and developing cataracts he is fine. His slow loss of eyesight led to massive anxiety issues and a whole heap of other fun things including food guarding and freaking out at nightime/thunderstorms ect. We have worked with this and he is fed seperately and has a nightlight when it gets dark and has made a huge difference to his mindset. But I want to know what to look for now. He has a vet check once a year when vaccinated. Everything comes up clear and his teeth are good. But should he be getting a more thorough check up? Are there certain tests that are standard for the oldies? Should there be things the vet needs to be looking at now?
  20. I think they were good at something... *cue banjo music*
  21. I had an ex with webbed feet... Both sides of his family had them. Only in Tasmania :laugh:
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