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Everything posted by cannibalgoldfish

  1. There you go. I always assumed that someone with an assistance/service dog carried a card or such (like police have their badge ect) that proved their dog actually was in case they were every challenged. Obviously not.....
  2. Maybe the vet is sick of people treating their pet as their child and dragging them everywhere, treating them like a human and such? Maybe having your dog sitting on a seat next to you is part of that in her mind? Just throwing that in there?
  3. One of mine tries to ooze get onto my lap when we are at the vets. It's the only time he thinks he is a lap dog since he was a little puppy
  4. No matter how horrific this story may seem, it is from the Examiner (locally called the exaggerator for good reason round here) I will be waiting for more info.... *kept reading, my first flag is Rocherlea...* Hmmmmm. Me thinks there may be more to this....
  5. After reading about clipping a dogs belly to keep them cool it made me wonder.... One of my shibas actually sheds all of the hair on his belly and inner legs every summer. He is also the one who prefers to bake on hot concrete in the sun all day. (sometimes upside down on his back ) I'm guessing this is how he stays cool? (he gets a belly tan :laugh: ) *my dog is weird, part 73...*
  6. I have two shibas and over the years they have killed a few birds and mice here. Never a mark on the bodies
  7. That sounds like it would be good food for dogs (minus the hooves of course)
  8. No it's not and that's a myth. Fish don't magically stop growing when therir tank gets to small... To the Google machine!!!!!!! http://www.tfhmagazine.com/details/articles/goldfish-myths-debunked.htm
  9. Can I ask a weird qustion here? Where is the line of news and "cruelty news" drawn? I'm not asking because I wither and die when reading stories like this but I know there is the cruelty and abuse section above. I would think this story is pretty abusive? I guess I'm asking where is the line drawn or why do we have a seperate section(that I always forget about...)
  10. Hockz, Mr A looks very nice and in trim! (is he a am staff or pit?) normally you see the poor things built and fed like tanks. Should point out not normally here on Dol, I'm talking real life...
  11. But that really doesn't help the survey. One of mine snapped at a vet when he was sick and upset. I couldn't think you can say he had bitten humans. It proves nothing about his temperment. The same dog had been swamped by small kids and groped all over a few days before... On the other hand, both my boys have killed many birds.. It wasn't my fault, they would jump up and snatch birds out of the air...
  12. I can't click more than one option each time Sadly I have experienced several in each list...
  13. It's not just the mask, it's the white muzzle and the amber eyes.. looks gorgeous!
  14. I'm not crying porkiy pies at all but I was talking to my (well travelled partner) and he said airfares to America are at least 2,3 grand and then there's shipping stuff and rent and looking for a job. On top of a dogs price......
  15. mixeduppup, your girl is gorgeous! I loove her dark mask!
  16. You can't afford $5000 to buy a dog (Cane corso)in Australia yet you think it would be cheaper to move to America and buy a Dogo? Am I missing something here? I always thought it would cost far more moving country (for two people in your case)than $5000. I've never moved across the world though, I could be wrong...
  17. Probably for the best... After my two rolled in rotting eels one night after a stroll along the river several (down wind) people said "oh, how cute" and bent down and patted them before I could say "Noooo!" I challenge anybody to find something that smells worse than rotting eel!
  18. Colours may grow on you as well :D I never liked the look of black and tan shiba but in the last ten years they have grown on me enough that I'm seriously considering getting a black n tan girl next...
  19. Nah, just roll with it :D You stuck around to read the answers and reply to them and try to explain yourself. That's enough to set you apart from the usual "dash in, wanna breed this, run out" posters. I'm probably just as bad at not explaining things properly myself
  20. That makes sense j. I didn't think of the added weight. Well actually, I didn't think of everything else they need to carry.
  21. Apparently (forgot where I read it now, dagnabbit) shiba inu breeders tried to breed out the stray sprinkle of random black hairs on the reds, trying for bright clear red with no black at all in the coat.(like a few in the tail ect) It led to dogs loosing the vibrancy of the red and becoming paler and more washed out. From I remember they needed the black to improve the stronger red colour. Seeing as they should have black nails, noses, eye rims ect plus most red pups are born with dark coats and a black mask, It seemed a bit silly to get picky about a few black hairs..., but that might just be me? :D I don't know enough about their genetics, so couldn't tell you what genes are involved I could google, and started to but sidetracked..... *Ohhhh! shiney thing!* Anyways, would breeding for clear fawn pugs have the same problem? Would they get too pale and washed out?
  22. How about I edit your original thread... Breeds to be wary of, those with teeth. Like, er, like most Dogs. When you talk about breeds to be wary of.. I was once bitten by a rabbit. Of course, said rabbit was wild and hurt when I tried to help it so it wasn't really a breed, Let's say species. Although, this being a small country town and all, the rabbit might have had a domestic rabbit somewhere in it's ancestory. So I'm gonna blame those domestic rabbits. Everyone knows they are bred to be bigger and more vicious. It might have looked all scrawny and agouti coloured but I can tell because it has 4 legs and long ears it must be untrustworthy... It probably had domestic rabbits somewhere in it's breeding, that's why it bit me. Don't even get me started on hares....
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