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Everything posted by cannibalgoldfish

  1. Of course, for that to work, people would have to send paw photos to other people on Dol to post otherwise it would be easy to narrow it down....
  2. Oooh! it's been a while since the last "guess me" thread. Paws would be more challenging than a cropped photo of a breed and asking people to guess. Time to start a new thread! Somebody, feel free! Obviously it would be a more light hearted and fun thread :D
  3. I'm starting to think we need a whole thread dedicated to paw photos! :D
  4. This is awesome guys! I knew I'd get some photos for her! Probably just shape and main creases. Wow, I really can't tell if a photo of the hind paw is left or right
  5. it a whole onion or had it been damaged? Random things dropped in yards can sometimes be the work of birds. Or weird neighbours Once I kept finding random tomatoes in my backyard until I found out my neighbour would throw them to the dogs, you know, so they would eat them..... (say wha?)
  6. Heya kelpiecuddles, can you say what side each paw is, left or right? Your reluctant model is funny :D and also includes those extra little pads that don't touch the ground but are helpful. These photos won't be reproduced, she just needs some reference for an illustration :D Actually, come to think about it, lots of variation is good. Big, small, heavy, light. Can you say size/weight/sex/breed as well as what side? Just for a better range of dog print variation :D
  7. Hi, Just a random question :D Is anyone able to take a couple of photos of their dogs paws? The underside showing their pads in fact. Long story but a friend is illustrating for a book and needs to look at some clear photo reference of dog paw pads, front and back. She needs short haired medium/large sized dog feet just to get a reference point for an illustration of dog paw prints/tracks. Anyone feel up to snapping off a photo or two? If you could say if it's front or back, and left or right it would be really helpful. My nutters are not helping Loki won't let me and Wylie wiggles too much. :p Plus they are a little too small.
  8. Hypothetical devils advocate here... Maybe the lady was newish to the area? maybe for some reason her fences were not up to scratch and she didn't want her dog wandering until she fixed them, and maybe her dog was one of the few that doesn't like being inside and is unhappy indoors? It happens. One of mine hated being indoors for most of his life. Would stress and fret until I let him outside so he could sleep on the back doorstep where he wanted to be. Probably none of the above but we don't know.
  9. Aww. He's not an it, he is a big manly him! No different to a big male lion, you know, apex predator in his environment stalking and killing his prey :D Oh, aside from having double the legs and all..... :) For a bit of 'pidey love, the always adorable Spider who couldn't hide.... Wow, I had no idea this clip had words... My old computer was that crap that I only saw this as a silent clip. I think it's cuter without, but .... scratch scratch scratch....
  10. Breeders of Shepalutes? They are breeding dogs yes, but they can't be breeders if no such "breed" exists... Sorry, back on topic. I'm sure I read a few stories of artic breeds killing babies. Something to do with them not recognising a human baby from prey until the baby gets to a certain age/size? I thought about it in the last thread about dogs attacking a small baby and comments about how babies can move or sound like prey.
  11. How's fur Panto doing now? (also, how's human Panto doing as well?)
  12. They aren't a cross, they are a genetic mutation of an existing species(or subspecies) But to breed white cubs you need white or white carrier parents. Rather than a happy accident they are now bred because people want to see them, to the expense of other normal coloured lions with the same genes. There are just as many threatened subspecies of lions, the adverage person doesn't care because they aren't pretty. Eg, Tsavo lions are distinct because the males are mostly maneless. Do you see them in a zoo?
  13. If the requirements are that specific get a young adult, no matter the breed. Then you know what you're getting. I have the worlds laziest shiba. He is most happy camped on his blankie watching the world go by. Yet they are supposed to be an evil high active breed. Go figure.?
  14. More details please! A "Zoo" in Tassie imported several white lions a few years back. There was a huge hype "please help us name our lions" ect. they have bred and there was a big thing in the paper recently about their cubs. The words " white lions are a threatened species" annoyed the bajeebaz out of me. You know, them not being an actual species an all.... If you mean me, no, not you :)
  15. *Cough* white lions/tigers.. inbred, churned out to zoos everywhere at the expense of normal coloured lions/tigers. While a natural genetic mutation does have it's place, and I can understand people wanting to preserve it, Sadly everything Big Cat White is now bred for "pretty" zoo pics and money... can't forget money! those things are big fundraisers! The white tigers in particular are a genetic mess yet they still take up money and room in places where actual threatened species of tiger could be held As for lions? Do you see many Asiatic lions in zoo? (you would if they're white...) Yes, I already know at least one person who is going to jump in here like a White *natch* Knight to defend them....
  16. I still remember my first trip to Melbourne zoo and seeing the lions happily eating their meal. One had a whole head from a grey horse... It didn't creep me out but I do remember it clearly. Obviously I didn't see them actually butchering said horse, which I very much doubt they'd do in public here...
  17. Happy anniversary! How many of you guys raced off to check how long they had been here? I know I did... (Hmmm 6 years this year. Not as impressive :laugh: )
  18. Phew! (apols of course to any of you people here who were actually in one of the multiple underworld things :D )
  19. This isn't for yet another underworld *insert what ever* series is it? :D
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