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Lab lady

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Everything posted by Lab lady

  1. great shots Which beach is it?
  2. I bought a canon 450D a few months ago, still learning to drive it correctly but so far have found it very user friendly. I start a course in a couple of weeks so that will help, i hope I did seriously consider the Nikon and the Sony was recommended to me as well but after having a play around with all 3 brands i felt the canon was the easiest for me to understand, I got a really good deal so i went with that. I haven't been disappointed yet.
  3. I love it too Brings a smile to my face everytime i see it
  4. The "3 yearly", or the "12 monthly once every 3 years" ? I think that's where a lot of people seem to get confused I personally have opted for the 12 monthly but given every 3 years.
  5. I use decor containers, each holds enough for 3 days. I find them easier to stack in the freezer.
  6. It's hard to believe it's a year, will be thinking of you tomorrow as i know it will be a tough day.
  7. I agree, especially as the pup in question is to be a guide dog the last thing you want to do is make it shy of a water bottle or a spray of any type.
  8. the cupboard that i keep the doggie treats in in next to my oven which has a tea towel hanging on the rail. My girl will push her nose under the towel so it's on her head when she gets her treat, if she misses she will circle around until it's on her head one of my others will run from the kitchen (while i'm preparing her dinner ) to the mat, sit then run back to the kitchen and does it over and over until her dinner is ready.
  9. As long as they fit the criteria for a pup then yes.
  10. if you sit them in very hot water for a minute or 2 you can prise them apart.
  11. i got it as well, thankfully gmail sent it straight to spam
  12. Rappie. I did wonder after the discussion with my vet whether she had been instructed to advise on yearly vaccs. I will have to have mine done later this year so they will be able to be boarded so i will try and talk to her again.
  13. Rappie, from a vets point of view what do you think is the way to go regarding the frequency of vaccinations for adult dogs and cats. I have tried to engage my vet in discussion about it but she is against going any longer than the 12 months.
  14. so pleased you finally got to see it, everyday i check this thread just to find out if you had seen it
  15. Being a member doesn't mean she is a registered breeder, she must also have a breeders prefix to be a registered breeder. A member pays an annual fee and to hold a breeders prefix you pay an additional fee as well.
  16. I make mine watch SBS I suppose that's one way to get them to sleep
  17. Would be interesting to know what type of video they are being exposed to. I also have the tv near the whelping box, if it's not on then there is usually music playing.
  18. it's quite normal in Labs. My advise is to not over bath her, this will only strip the coat of it's natural oils. Start adding sardine in oil to her diet, you will find this will help. I know of a few Lab breeders that bath their blacks in wool wash to help with the dandruff.
  19. OMG, what a little porker very cute
  20. Labs really need to be part of the family and one left outside on it's own all the time spells disaster to me. They also need a lot of training while young to learn how to behave around young kids, will they be able to commit to the time required? An older dog might be a better option but even then i would recommend that the dog be allowed inside with it's family.
  21. Thanks persephone, i will have a good look at that site later. I been reading the photo thread and have started to go over the monthly challenges but my biggest problem at the moment is i only seem to have time to practice at night. Justice shades, thanks for that offer. Pm on the way
  22. I fairly new to DSLR photography and need to increase my knowledge. Does anyone have any wed sites they can recommend that will help me understand my camera better and teach me more about aperture, f/stops etc. I have put my name down for a course at tafe but not sure when this will happen. thanks
  23. I have a girl that is scared of the toaster she is fine with things like the lawnmower, vacuum or any power tool, not a bit concerned about fireworks or thunderstorms but get the toaster out of the cupboard and she dives under the bed. Will come out to help eat the toast though
  24. It's the only one of the canon ads I've seen so far, it's been on about 4 or 5 times. I smile everytime i see it.
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