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Everything posted by CrazyCresties

  1. This! Just take your camera into your garden, you have plenty of dogs to be willing models I'm sure :) Pop your camera onto M and take some shots - that's the whole beauty of digital - you can take a shot and see the results instantly and adjust to suit. I thought the following looked useful - http://centralphoto.weebly.com/slr-flow-chartexposure-app.html
  2. As Daisy won't play with him, he's trying to play with Indy tonight - she is telling him in typical Siamese fashion to 'bugger off' :laugh:
  3. Awww, I just love Don's face - he has the most beautiful eyes :)
  4. Ah ok, thanks Clover :) And there in lies the problem :laugh: I just snuck outside with her for a few mins so was on my own, she just about knows 'sit' - 'stay' was an impossibility :laugh:
  5. No problem Raineth :) Her owner knows my thoughts on where she brought her from and she said that the ridge is consider a fault in labs, but personally I wouldn't have a clue about lab standards :laugh: eta - Thanks Pers, posted at same time as you - I'd be interested to know if it is deemed a 'fault', just out of curiosity :)
  6. Yes she does have a ridge Raineth - it is very distinctive, but lets just say she didn't come from a registered breeder....
  7. A friend popped round for coffee on Sunday and brought her lab Ruby along too. Ruby has been a couple of times before, but never stayed still long enough to even think about getting the camera out! She's nearly a year old now and starting to be a bit calmer and less wriggly :laugh: C&C welcome :) I would have liked a bit more room at the bottom of the frame, but she kept creeping towards me :laugh:
  8. Just caught up with his back story, well done everyone involved in helping this old boy out He is gorgeous and looks very at home already :) Keep the photos coming!
  9. What a gorgeous boy! Love the shot of him with his mussels :)
  10. :laugh: The second one is so cute! :D
  11. I had this with Louis when he was on a high dose of Pred. I got a loads of old bath towels and placed them in his favoured spots indoors, but kind of bunched them up into a mound rather than laying them flat. It helped reduce accidents in unwanted places and I would just cycle the towels through the wash. You have my sympathies, after a couple of weeks of getting up every two hours during the night I was a wreck.
  12. Haha, thanks guys, it was so funny to watch :D Louis is still pooped today :laugh:
  13. Chewy came for dinner last night :D Louis was delighted :laugh: Actually this is a special moment for me as Louis has only played like this once before, again with Chewy. He has fear aggression so to see him play like this is so awesome. I caught it on my phone, so not the best quality, but you get the idea - it's just a whirling mass of flying hair :laugh:
  14. Oh yes you are pers, you always capture a lovely light and have the most interesting photos that tell a story :)
  15. Also with regards to the above, once you know how to use your camera you can judge the light, environment and use your meter reading to have your camera set up to capture the correct shot, as any pro wildlife/sports/ action photographer will tell you :) Also cropping is not a dirty word, cropping can help make the best of the composition.
  16. I use a 7D, so no sports, portrait etc. modes available anyway. I always used AV or TV mode but switched to manual a couple of years ago so I could get better control of my exposure. I think it depends on what drives you when you are taking photos, personally I am always trying to improve my technique to enable me to get the best shot I can. Sometimes I'm successful, the Carnaby shots I got recently I was pleased with, the exposure was good and they needed little editing. Other times like the lure coursing shots, I'm not overly happy with, but it means next time I'll try some different settings and learn more about the art of exposure. If I was using sports mode and they sucked, there is nothing to change to try to improve as I'm not in control anyway. tdierikx, did you see the photography course coming up at Taronga zoo that I posted recently? Maybe go along to something like that and see if it is for you or not. There's no rule that says you have to shot manual, but my personal view is that why have that level of equipment if you don't make the use of it? It's like having a full blown Alienware pc just to read DOL. A decent point and shoot would also do the job.
  17. Thanks everyone :) There were some great facial expressions happening that day :laugh: Kirislin, I've also popped them on the groups facebook page, so the owners will hopefully see them on there. Thanks for the previous tips - I hope to have a better keeper rate next time!
  18. Sinister Kite! :laugh: Great shots everyone - catch up from me! 19/52 Birthday Carnaby, my fav bird 20/52 This dog had a blast at the lure coursing! 21/52 Phone pic, but the first time I've seen a nudibranch, albeit a washed up one.
  19. So I finally got to a lure coursing event a couple of weeks back and had a great time watching all the dogs enjoying themselves! The photos were a bit hit and miss, managed about 100 ok-ish ones out of 900 taken! I'm not happy with the exposure on a lot of them, the grass colour is all over the place. I was on manual settings and had bright sun one second then cloud the next, so next time I might try shutter priority. The lens (Tamrom 150-600mm) did ok, I would have preferred my faster 70-200mm but wouldn't have had the reach. I might take both next time and see. Anyway here are some pics, any advice or C&C welcome :) Full set - https://www.flickr.com/gp/56265770@N02/4p09YM/
  20. Just thought I'd pop this in here as some people may be interested :) http://www.houndstoothstudio.com.au/services/photography-courses/
  21. Awww Pers, those are so lovely :) Reminds me of my old Baghee Boo cat who would join us on walks with the dogs :)
  22. Josie is just adorable :D :laugh: So cute! Did someone say drowned rat? :laugh:
  23. Thanks everyone, he had lots of extra cuddles yesterday :) :laugh: They're great aren't they! The hair on his ears is also very different from his head, feet and tail hair which is normal hair. The stuff on his ears is soooo soft and silky, it's more like long rabbit fur :)
  24. So sorry for your loss Tassie and Teebs I am so grateful Louis has so far beaten the stats. This one? it's the Chewy and Louis duo :D
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