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Everything posted by CrazyCresties

  1. Ok thanks, I feel like I should pay something, Daisy and Louis aren't the easiest!
  2. Could anyone let me know the going rate for dog/house sitters these days please? A friend of a friend is staying at ours and looking after the critters for 3 nights, she says she doesn't charge but I would like to pay her the going rate :)
  3. Beautiful gapvic, look at the ears! :laugh:
  4. Thanks HW, it's also better when viewed large :) I didn't think I was going to get a shot last week, but had a wander round my garden and found these on the table outside, I still don't know what it was they were eating!
  5. Fantastic - enjoy your new toy! I look forward to seeing what you produce. You'll have to add a new macro lens to your list now :D
  6. One day I will have goats! :laugh: Yes that's great teekay, I just love the golden light behind the water at the bottom. Well done on the balancing act :D
  7. Oh that's a gorgeous shot, it captures her beautifully :)
  8. :laugh: @ poor Stan! Love your car gapvic, but lurve the goat teekay, was that hand held!? Really like it, especially the lower part - have you tried a shorter crop? Try cropping down the top as far as just above the bottom of the plant on the left - it draws your focus then to the beautiful light and patterns at the bottom more :) Hope you don't mind the suggestion 18/52 - Guarding the Stash! 18/52 2014 by HairlessHounds, on Flickr
  9. Hasn't he grown into the most handsome boy! Lovely to see some updated ones of him, you must be very proud :)
  10. GREEN I know how you feel, we had just over 4mm last weekend, the most for ages! Starting to see a bit of green around :) We've had 10.6mm in total since the start of November
  11. I'm not :laugh: Love your week 18 too, great shot! 17/52 - A Whistling Kite that was flying around and harassing an Osprey, it was quite an impressive sight! 17/52 2014 Whistling Kite by HairlessHounds, on Flickr
  12. Congrats gapvic Looking forward to more shots from it, love the horse one :) Your shots from it are gorgeous huga, love this one - Yup, I missed 'fill light' to start with, but like the new ones now I am used to them. OT but does anyone else refuse to set a slider to '13'? I'm not a suspicious person, but I seem to be with regards to this :laugh:
  13. Congrats on your new toy :) Lovely shots to start with and I look forward to seeing more, especially of the handsome Chaos :)
  14. What little sweeties! Miskha has the cutest face and love her ears! Ace's markings are very cool :)
  15. Glad the trip is going ok so far and good luck with your new life in Kalgoorlie :) I have to admit to being a bit confused as to why you are taking a boat to Kalgoorlie though ;) :laugh:
  16. Those are adorable denali!! Shadrack - They only look well trained because food is imminent :laugh: Mim - Pics please :D
  17. I originally got one for my spaniel, it worked a treat :D I don't think they were too impressed though :laugh: Pre-snood I tried a few things for them to keep fringes/ear hair out..... Poor pooches :laugh:
  18. It makes it so easy teela, I keep them separated, and they stick to their bath mat which just gets chucked straight in the washing machine afterwards :D Louis has to be taken out of his PJ's though and put in a t-shirt as he gets it on his paws/legs. The snood keeps his fluffy ears out of the bone! Thanks Marg, I think he's damn cute too and Daisy of course :D
  19. Now you're dressed for dinner :D Nom nom nom
  20. As soon as the bath mat comes out, the dogs know it's bone time :D Come on, I know it's up there... But Louis you're not dressed for dinner yet....
  21. Thanks and everyone always asks about the boot liner :laugh: It was fabulous and made by a very helpful company back in the UK. They probably ship overseas, but have no idea what the postage would be! http://www.overthetop.co.uk/load-area-covers/ Now we just have the little ones that's what we do, there are two anchor points on the back of the rear seats in the ix35 that we attach their harnesses to, gives me peace of mind that if the cargo door flies open, they are still secured.
  22. I know what you mean pie - we found it ok in the end, but we weren't putting crates in though which would be a pain in the butt.
  23. I've posted these before, but it shows how many dogs you can fit in a Rav4 boot :laugh: This was only for short trips, for longer ones the two little ones were in harnesses on the back seats. The one with the rear seats down was taken when I was gardening out the front and all the dogs piled into the car as it got warm with the sun on it (in Scotland) :laugh: It was a great car, handled well and coped with all the windy country roads very well. We have a Hyundai ix35 now over here, and while not quite as refined as the RAV, it's been a pretty reliable car.
  24. Oh that's just gorgeous gapvic ????
  25. Thanks gapvic and pie :) The sunset was taken from Leighton beach - that is Rottnest behind the boats, about 20km away!
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