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Everything posted by DobieMum

  1. My obedience training at the moment is only trick training, we only spend about 5 mins doing each thing. It's not the old school, where we're walking up and down the paddock doing heels with some obedience thrown in. The time she's awake, she's bouncing around keen for what's next and starting to offer me things to try to pre-empt me. Our club does things a little differently ????
  2. My Dobie Girl is 10 months old and trains quite well. At home training for 10-15 mins she works brilliantly and at the club, she works well till a certain point (somewhere between 35-45 mins) and then she completely shuts down. Doesn't want treats, doesn't want to work, will even look away if I really try to lure. Totally stumped me till 3 weeks ago when I gave up and went and just sat on the mat with her, she started nodding like your Mum does in church. We finally worked out, her shutting down was just too tired, she only does it at obedience training and its cause we're in the go pretty much all the time. The time is now getting longer as she gets older, so we'll get there eventually. First dog I've ever had this happen to me, was a real eye opener when I realised.
  3. Birkat at here's they're FB page, they put updates on there. https://m.facebook.com/dutchfielddogtraining?_rdr
  4. This is probably the best reason, I have heard for the increases. I don't have insurance, but if you think back, the "normal family pet" would have either been left in pain or put down before. Whereas now they have pet insurance, they can afford to have Fido's hips done, so now claims have gone through the roof, so now they need to put premiums up to cover it. It makes a lot of sense, don't have to agree with it, but it makes sense.
  5. Wow HazyWal, I never realized that was you. We were parked right next to you with the dobies. I shared your video on FB, cause it was a good thing to show my friends round Aus, what we did. Thankyou!!
  6. No my boy was the Black and Tan, I wouldn't have had the red and tan one there, he was a bit too firey, for an event like that. If you look at the photos, I had the black Dobie in them (can you tell it's my Hubby taking them) out of 500 odd photos I think about 100 of them are of me and my friend Sara ????. I went in the competition side with my Dobie, just to see how I went and out of 31 women, we got 26th, so I'm happy with that. A really great day and a hell of a lot of fun, I'll be back next year. For any that want to see photos of the event that my Hubby took. https://m.facebook.com/pauchel.dobermanns.3/albums/366723280144203/?ref=bookmark
  7. Tibbie_Tabbie When they finally get there, your tibbie's I'm a couple of photos. Hopefully it's you, but you said your the only one there.
  8. Fantastic day today, other than getting wet. Apologise not to talk to anyone, but turns out there want much time between runs. Hubby played photographer today, so I'll put a link on Dutchfield's page on FB later when I've uploaded them all. Still driving home at the moment.
  9. Sorry that link doesn't work. Shetland Park Chalets
  10. m.stayz.com.au › WA › Perth › Bullsbrook I don't know if you call this cheap or not, but we stayed here when we first got to Perth, the owners were great and you can have dogs there. They're just outside of Bullsbrook.
  11. Very cute, I'll have to try to get my exotic dancer filmed, next time I get her wet.
  12. My Mum used to have a kelpie, that if Mum walked out in a dress (work clothes) she wouldn't even lift her head to say goodbye, but if Mum walked out in jeans, the dog wouldn't leave her side.
  13. Please introduce yourselves to me, I'd love to personally know more Dolers. There's another Dobie in the re recreation section, but she's a she, so if you see a Dobie with dangly bits,say hello.
  14. Hehehe I'm just setting my benchmark for next year, rather than competing, competing. Looking forward to it though!! ????????????
  15. I'm in the competition, with my dopey Dobie and the recreation with my daughters tentie.
  16. Oooooohhhhhh you might finally have me. They're GORGEOUS!!!! Love the big ears.
  17. I've been googling all of these breeds out of curiosity, but I can't find a pocelaine. Can I please have a picture to see?
  18. This has been so cool, google's been getting a workout and a half, to see what these dogs are.
  19. Yep. Awesome but unusual, as it is not your everyday run of the mill dog activity. And I love it because all breeds of dog can take part. Even if some are better than others. Rotties run like tanks compared to sight hounds I've seen a Dobe course but not a Rottie. Two of my poodles enjoyed it :) Haredown, where are you? It's probably my boy you saw?
  20. Never ask for one thing verbally, but another thing with my body language.
  21. Is there different websites like Dogzonline around the world or has Troy done something very special here in Aus and NZ?
  22. Persephone I'll get back to you. Hankdog I'll recommend that.
  23. Have a friend with a shephard, who is struggling to get focus, what are some of the different tricks/activities you can play to get focus? Pup will take or leave both food and toys.
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