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Everything posted by Teebs

  1. Sorry I'm on my phone and it's not letting me copy the whole thing. My vet just sent a link out and I can't remember seeing it here so thought I would share. About a food that can cause your dogs to not have puppies.. http://www.opposingviews.com/i/society/animal-rights/dog-overpopulation-can-female-dogs-soon-be-sterilized-1-dose-edible
  2. Aint that the truth. I talked to one of the Advance people about this a few months ago - they told me they developed the DNA test so that they can sell more food - if you know your dog has a giant breed in it, then you need to feed advance giant/large breed. If you know you have a breed that is prone to weight issues then you also must feed advance weight control.. My vets (im guessing the one RF mentioned) are also using it for the same reason (if you know what breeds are in your dog you can then make sure you get the right preventative treatment before issues arise) Just a fantastic way of making money, and its working well!
  3. They will get used to it Atlas was kicked out when I started seeing OH. He whined a few nights and would sit at the door huffing and puffing at me :laugh: but eventually got over it Kaos went from her bed in my room To the loungeroom with no issues. She will come and sleep on my floorboards if I'm having a bad night otherwise is in her bed. I think the dogs coped better than I did!!
  4. Yep they are ready to print. She is doing the newborn photos as well so we will wait till then to get them printed. Just wanted to look around :) Thanks :)
  5. She didnt recommend one but i have sent her a message and waiting to hear back. There really isnt anything that great in town so thought i would have a look online first and go from there. Thanks, i will have a look at the link :)
  6. Hi guys I dont often head in here so hope you dont mine! my OH and i got a maternity photo shoot done last week, all the photos have been returned to us, she does them on a disk so we can print what we like. I remember reading ages ago about being careful on where you get them printed at because it can ruin the quality. Not sure if there is anything good where i live locally, but can anyone recommend somewhere online to get prints? I want one done nice up for the baby room, then maybe a few of the others for us to hang up here. I have no idea what is the best way to get these done1 thanks :)
  7. It's been 6 months since we lost my bull terrier Atlas. My 11 year old cat seems to be going downhill more and more each day she's been checked over and nothing is medically wrong and it breaks my heart I hope your dog can deal with this
  8. I love the caravan idea!! Will be saving it for if we ever have more room to store one :laugh:
  9. They are working? What do they guard? And what are you doing with the stock? Maybe they are best to stay with their animals? It's a hard one
  10. Crates Is all I can think of? One for each. It's what i had planned for my two as they would fight in the car together. Kaos Is also dog aggressive. I rather her be locked in a crate for a few days with me then left behind I cant do it on my phone. As soon as I get a computer I will
  11. I think not saving my pets is something I would never ever forgive myself for, but I couldn't let my child grow up without a mother, I would do all I can to give them the best chance and would save them if I could. OH and I already know if there is a risk of something happening that we will all pack up and leave ASAP. Rather leave early and find out we had no need then have to make the above choices.
  12. I always ask petsitting clients where cat cages are and so many people dont have them!! I have 4 cars so four cat carry cages (tho I would put two in one if in a hurry to get out)
  13. Depends.. If it was just me I would probably stay. But a baby and children? No way I could put them At risk
  14. I havent posted much but so glad they are being charged. I am so sorry for your loss as for the long grass, not silly at all. It took me months to start to fix things from Atlas, the shit killed a bed 2 days before he died and it took me months to be able to pick up the rubbish
  15. They have a recommended weight on them if you look at the packet
  16. yeah go with shooting him and playing dead. OH who isnt a dog lover and tells me he wont train kaos at all and dogs need to be outside etc etc is often caught getting kaos to play dead. He thinks its great :laugh:
  17. I did pretty much what erny did. Dogs in crates and rewarded for being good, then dogs on leads and now can have kaos running free with the kids (always supervised) The kids that I had to bring in have no idea about animals and I still have to watch them 100% of the time but kaos loves them because they have now started training her and she thinks it's great. (I just don't have the energy these days) My dogs have been around My niece but it was a very different situation because niece is very very dog savvy and my dogs would always listen to her, where these two would squeal and cry and stir kaos up more. Take it slow, don't push your dog and keep an eye on things at all times :) good luck!!
  18. White blood count normal? It sounds like Atlas when he got sick with Immune Medicated Hemolytic Anemia, but it showed up in a urine and blood test right away
  19. wow he is pretty! but thats as close to him as i ever want to come! :laugh:
  20. Photo??? I like snakes and wish they could be left alone, but where i live we are in a set of 20 units, we range from 90 year old ladies who spend all day every day into their garden down to i guess it would be me - pregnant with a new born only weeks away. It isnt safe to let them have run of the place when they do show up My brother has a snake (python of some sort) and i love him, im one of the few people who will walk in and hold him, everyone else is scared of him! I think they are amazing animals... when not in my backyard!
  21. My dogs only barked when they had something to bark out. Kaos talks but its only low and she will shut up if i tell her to (but like SL.. i kinda like it :laugh: ) but Atlas was the fun police. It didnt matter who was having fun, Kaos, the cats, the kids.. he would come and stand in between everyone until we all stopped mucking around then sigh and go and hop in to bed. :laugh: OH and i were wrestling one day and Atlas just crawled in between us and separated us and went to sleep!
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