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Everything posted by Teebs

  1. Mine is the real thing. Same as SLs from the sound of it
  2. I have had a back seat buddy for years. Never had an issue. I have a car seat sitting on top of it and use it all the time. It has to come out soon as I cAnt access the middle seat belt and the baby's car seat needs to go in. Atlas also loved it, he would freak in a car but I think having the floor space covered helped him feel safer
  3. It is tough with WIRES and snakes as sometimes there aren't any available volunteers in the area to help, but if you say that the snake has been there for days and keeps coming back and you know where it is, they will come. Some locations have several very good snake handlers who will go check out all snake calls and some locations don't have as many. Nope. All times they were not interested. All times I knew where the snake and lizard were and it wasn't a "I'm sorry we are flat out" or we have no one to help, it was a flat out no . Leave it alone and they won't help
  4. Lol good luck with WIRES. Last 2 times I called then For a snake I was told to leave it alone it will move on and that they will only come out if Injured... I also had a huge bluey in my yard kaos was trying to kill. Being pregnant and huge I was unable to get in there fast enough to catch him. They told me to pretty much get over it and grab him or let him be. I ended up having to get a workmate to come help. Won't be calling or donating to wires in a hurry again
  5. I have never got this I had someone show Atlas and they had the shots because he sat when stopped, I told the person that all they had to do was say stand and he would. They told me no, that's to much work and wouldn't show him again!!
  6. Yep they are the best. I'm in contact with a few others who do the odd dog. Where Is this one located?
  7. I have a Bella, an 11 year old cat. I was asked to name her and had no idea, was playing with a bell on the counter and that's what i picked :laugh:
  8. Outside here. Water everywhere and She has a pool to lay in When I finish work she will be in with me. Last night she found the airflow of my fan and slept upside down under my bed all night
  9. my vet is great, 2 entry/exit doors to the waiting room and plenty of seats AWAY from the counter and scales so not everyone is in the same space, they work it very well so they dont have people hanging around waiting. when i lost Atlas i had him in a few days before, he was very very very sick. A customer from work saw me and raced his two dogs over to me to play with my dog. I went nuts, told them that my dog was almost dead and he was in pain and how stupid they were to run their dogs over others dog without asking, let alone at a vet clinic as you never know why the other dog is there and that if their dog got bitten and hurt it would be totally their fault. Vet nurse told me i can come hang around anytime to tell people off :laugh:
  10. Yeah. Cat bites are nasty. I know a few people who have ended up very very sick from them, never meds with a cat bite
  11. Bull terrier - tri colour Sbt- black and white
  12. There are a few Orange dolers around, no dog club here sadly It folded a few months ago and I can't see anything opening up soon
  13. comfortis (sp?) is the number one seller at work, but only does fleas. I have no idea about ticks, Advantix is the biggest seller but as we dont get them here i dont really know what the best working one is
  14. SL is the one to talk to, i know nothing about it
  15. dont stress My dog has lots of lumps like that and they are nothing, one she has had since she was about 2. Enjoy christmas and remember you cant change things, wait and see what the vets say
  16. Dont google Go to a vet and have a chat to them, there isnt much they can do today or tomorrow so enjoy christmas. Google tends to scare you more than you need to
  17. I also hate dogs in utes. OH keeps wanting to take Kaos for a drive in the Hilux and i keep saying no. He grew up on a farm and dogs on utes are the way of life. I told him if we do it, she has to have her crate bolted in, and shade, a good floor and water... with all that effort we are just better off to take my car where she can fit in the back with us people :) I have been in trouble a lot with dogs in utes at work, if i see them not tied in properly i will tell the owner, i will also go out and give the dogs a bowl of cold water if hot and have even taken out some old jumpers we had and told the owner to put them under the dogs feet because it was obvious it was too hot for them to stand. Some people are just idiots
  18. Does anyone have a link bit connected to facebook? I'm on my phone and can't see it. Now with 2 kids and one on the way I feel sooo over the top with kaos and the cats at times, OH gets annoyed when I tell his girls to leave them alone, but it only takes one second for something to happen
  19. Dog on lead at all times when it has access to the cat. once he gets over it and is more gentle then he can have free run.
  20. I have 4 cats and am a car lover. I wouldn't be telling them... I would feel horrible, but wouldn't say a word
  21. http://www.dolforums.com.au/forum/73-dog-cruelty-and-abuse-news/ ................................... didnt really want to see this headline while im sitting here eating breakfast...
  22. Damn spinners break your heart. Rip little one I held a 6 month old as he was PTS from spinning such a horrible thing for them to deal with
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