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Everything posted by CBL

  1. Same with my guys. Though Lilly getting super excited about breakfast at 5am at the moment (and trying to convince me to feed her every 10 or 15 mins after that) is neither a sign of being particularly well behaved nor well trained! :rolleyes:
  2. It was quite timely that I read his thread yesterday. Oscar was being his usual bouncy self last night - going from OH to myself for cuddles and pats - but he was licking his butt alot as well (definitely no kisses!). A while later, OH comes up to me and says -'whats this on my shorts?' and 'smell it'? - which I stupidly did! Instantly I knew what it was - EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. Had to point out that that was from Oscar's anal glands - he wasn't impressed Will keep an eye on him to see if there isn't an issue but hopefully it was just a one off. I ended up getting a jar of coffee beans out of the fridge to sniff so I could get the smell out of my nose!
  3. I have been pleasantly surprised that I have had very few 'vicious' comments with my two. I do get asked why they have to wear a muzzle. And increasingly I am getting more of 'its so unfair that greyhounds have to wear those muzzles. I have heard they are lovely dogs' Get the skinny comments regularly though. Oscar (italian greyhound) was once called a 'little rat thing' but mostly we get the 'oh what a lovely whippet'. And have had a few people argue that there is no such thing as an italian greyhound...
  4. I can beat that one LOL Merlin had a poo stuck to him yesterday morning that required scissors to cut if off him and it was squishy And I think I can top that. Xmas eve 2 years ago - Oscar vomited up dog poo onto my doona :D Had to clean it up without gagging and then take it to the dry cleaners before they closed over Xmas.
  5. The dun's are gorgeous Greytmate They are so uncommon, its quite funny that you ended up with 2! I am yet to see one in the flesh.
  6. Note for Iggy Rescue - advertise Enzo with Dally Rescue too
  7. Oh CF I am so sorry :D I remember reading about Murray - so sad to see this news
  8. CBL- It was Paul that looked after her till she went to the ARH, he was so caring He was amazed(as was I) at the generosity of the rescue people to raise the much needed funds overnight! He is a pretty amazing vet isn't he And just a wonderful guy as well.
  9. Caz While I am crying tears of sadness, I am also crying tears of happiness. April knew love, devotion, kindness and care before she left this world. Thank you for giving her that.
  10. Oh yes - I agree - I was devestated when I found out but just be aware of the signs, it may never develop any further. Every time Lilly is in at the vets I get them to have a listen. PF is right too - time for a diet
  11. My greyhound girl Lilly was diagnosed with a heart murmur when she was desexed too (vet thinks a grade 2 or 3) - not bad enough to warrant treatment or further investigation yet. We were told to look for changes in behaviour - not exercising as much, getting tired quicker etc. And the development of a cough is a big sign.
  12. Here are another couple Kirslin Lilly (on the left) we actually got as a pup to race *gasp*
  13. Yep Lilly the greyhound is a constant wagger - as soon as you talk to her her tail goes - lying down, walking, sleeping - doesn't matter Oscar is a wriggler (or wriggle bum as I call him). He doesn't wag all the time, but when he does, his whole butt joins in
  14. Doesn't she just She was hilarious when I was visiting. She knew where the treats were and would scope them out and them bark till Caz gave her one. Agile little madam was trying to climb on the crate to reach them She is a special old girl
  15. Thanks for that Ours are always on lead (sighthounds) but we do take them to the beach occassionally at Consiton as well as to Figtree Oval.
  16. That was fantastic. I had a huge grin on my face the whole way through (and now the song is stuck in my head).
  17. Well done Liz I frightened the hell out of my friend/hairdresser recently. She was talking about how she hadn't got around to getting her 5 month old kitten desexed, that she really should, but that she could already be pregnant. She said 'I don't really have time for a litter - but I will sell them to a pet shop - they will find good homes for them...' I nearly lept out of my chair screaming - 'please don't do that'! Finally explained that they find 'any' home - not necessarily a good home. Thankfully said kitten was not pregnant and is now desexed.
  18. I was disappointed to see that greyhounds are not allowed to apply because they have to be muzzled So many greys would be fantastic at this. I know my Patch would have been (not that I had 2 days a week free to do it).
  19. Have you thought about contacting the biology departments in any of the Victorian Uni's (or maybe the museum). The traps we used at uni for native wildlife would probably not be big enough for this boy but they might have something larger???
  20. My guys don't have a theme song but, even though Oscar is an Italian Greyhound - I often talk to him in a French accent
  21. A friend's son (6) calls Patch is best friend - he has 4 labs and 5 cats at home We even have a small painting on canvas that he made for us of him with Patch - it is gorgeous He and his brother are having a sleep over at our place in a couple of weeks.
  22. I've lost Oscar inside the doona cover a few times Once the poor bugger got his head stuck between the buttons at the end of it. On Saturday night he managed to jump into our bed and wriggle under the fitted sheet
  23. Yep I am another with skinny greys. Upping their food a bit has put some coverage on Patch and he looks great now - Lilly is still a little to much on the skinny side despite being nearly 5kgs lighter than Patch and getting the same amount of food. My guys are now on Royal Canin sensitive (which was for Oscar - but they greys do really well on it too). Artemis was a bit too rich for them and there were lots of runny poos. They also get a few chicken neck/frame/meaty offcut meals a week. I think I need to increase the number of meaty meals but maybe should try the porridge too - any tips for making it - or is it just a bowl for me and a bowl each for the dogs?
  24. Both our greys are from racing stock (neither made it to a track though) - Patch was advertised FTGH and Lilly was ours from a pup. I found Oscar's breeder after being recommended her by a couple of DOL'ers - like others have said - I 'clicked' with her and still keep in touch regularly.
  25. I agree. I forgot - hubby bought me a 'Happy Birthday Mum' card from the dogs this year :D
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