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Lab Rat, would love to see your montage, too :provoke:

I realised I don't really take enough photos of my dogs. I should change that, but I am terrible at photography! Wish I had taken more of Ruby as a pup. I would like to make a montage of my girls, too. My bro in law took some photos of me and Ruby when she was about 9 months old and he put them up on his website in a slideshow to some music. I really, really loved it! The music made it happy :rofl: I will see if I can find the link and share it, but it's probably gone off his site by now. I'm inspired now to make one, thanks vCBR and Lilly for the inspiration!

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lab rat - have you tried lamb flaps? it's all i can give spartan and they are lovely and soft but hard enough to be worth it! spartan cant have chicken or beef

another good thing is roo tail but some dogs don't like the meat

No I havent ST, the ones I have seen seem awfully fatty and they seem to be hard to come by!! The brisket bones I found yesterday were at Woolies and thats the first time Ive seen them there!! I will keep an eye out for the lamb tho, dont want to put too much beef into Zola until I know how she will handle it. Roo is out of the picture - too rich for her belly.

Lab Rat, would love to see your montage, too ;)

I realised I don't really take enough photos of my dogs. I should change that, but I am terrible at photography! Wish I had taken more of Ruby as a pup. I would like to make a montage of my girls, too. My bro in law took some photos of me and Ruby when she was about 9 months old and he put them up on his website in a slideshow to some music. I really, really loved it! The music made it happy :) I will see if I can find the link and share it, but it's probably gone off his site by now. I'm inspired now to make one, thanks vCBR and Lilly for the inspiration!

:provoke::rofl: You should see out photo collection RubyStar - I reckon 90% are animal pics, and mostly dogs at that! Before I can create my montage I need to get the video off a video, shouldnt be that difficult as I have the gizmo to do it. I need to make sure the VCR is up to scratch to play it first. I really wish I had some video of her after she lost her leg. Im hoping I may find some, but it was our friend who had the video camera, so its not looking good!

When I was showing Zola I had my sister take some video at the first and only Western Classic we were in. I ended up making a little movie from the footage - which I was quite proud of :) ....even sent it to my ever suffering breeder!!

Would love to see your slideshow!

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After i lost all my photos when my OH accidentally threw out our computer before I got the photos, i realised how much it doesn't matter if you take too many photos of your dogs, but it really does matter if you don't have enough...

both James and Ari take horrible photos a lot of the time, but it doesnt matter. The other day while trying to find a photo of Ari i realised i had about a billion stacked shots of her and barely any cute puppy shots...

none of James anymore except the ones i uploaded to photobucket or onto my work computer :provoke:

and spartans puppy shots are pre-digital camera days so all hard copy photos, and again, just not enough!! i do have some video of spartan though, and again, stupid me didn't bother taking any for James and Ari...

So.. get snapping people... you can NEVER have too many photos!

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After i lost all my photos when my OH accidentally threw out our computer before I got the photos, i realised how much it doesn't matter if you take too many photos of your dogs, but it really does matter if you don't have enough...

both James and Ari take horrible photos a lot of the time, but it doesnt matter. The other day while trying to find a photo of Ari i realised i had about a billion stacked shots of her and barely any cute puppy shots...

none of James anymore except the ones i uploaded to photobucket or onto my work computer :provoke:

and spartans puppy shots are pre-digital camera days so all hard copy photos, and again, just not enough!! i do have some video of spartan though, and again, stupid me didn't bother taking any for James and Ari...

So.. get snapping people... you can NEVER have too many photos!

Agree! I try to take photos of the dogs every week :) Although I haven't had any of Lincoln for ages cause he looked so ugly all shaved and then went inerstate. :rofl:

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Love the shot of you and Spartan!!

I love the slideshow of me and Ruby, and know it will be something that will bring a tear AND a smile to my face when I watch it again in many years to come when my beloved Ruby is no longer with me. It does that to me now. As much of a little cow she can be sometimes, gosh I :provoke: that dog so much. And I know you all know how I feel when I say that, only doggy people understand!!

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Well I didn't love my dog last night. I had one of the i-squeaks at the park - which meant we had all the dogs from far and wide hanging around. The people we were walking with had little dogs - usually well behaved - but when my

sh!thead dog took off from the park and across the road with an i-squeak in his mouth, all the other little dogs went after him trying to get the i-squeak! :provoke:

Heart in mouth moment.

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Yes! Although I wasn't scared for my dog, just everyone elses.

I get so cross with my dog - he behaves so well for a period of time and then seems to get bored and takes off. I will call him and he turns around to glance at me ever so briefly before RUNNING away. If he slows dowqn but sees me coming - he starts running again. It's all a game to him. I think he is just bored with me. :provoke:

edited to add: He is now back on lead for the next wee while.

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My best friend who met Lilly for the first time the same day I did is overseas at the moment and won't be coming home for quite awhile so I have made him a little clip on Youtube he can watch for some comfort and to say goodbye in case he dosn't get a chance. I thought I would share it here too in case anyone was interested in seeing a video of Lilly


What a beautiful montage of Lilly :)

Found it :)


It also has a few shots of my sister and my gorgeous niece in there.

Gorgeous photos of you all RS :(

RS, how cute is your BIL for doing that slideshow? i know he's a photographer and all but still!!

also your niece is really gorgeous!!

this is one of my faves of spartan and I... pro shot so won't keep it up for long...

And that picture just oozes love ST ;)

I have loads of pics of the dogs, but I'm always the one taking them so don't think I really have any of me and them :rofl:

Louis is doing very well with his training - I took him to Riverside gardens today about lunchtime so it was nice and quiet. There were a few off lead dogs but none too close to him and he did very well with his reaction to them, only had a small squeal once :provoke:

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I have loads of pics of Mason - I went overboard for the first little while and now havent taken any in ages :provoke: I love my boy so much, out of all the pets I have had he is my favorite, I never had a connection with the others like I do with him :rofl:

Lovely pic ST and nice slideshow RS, I make my slideshows on smilebox, only way I know how lol.

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Does anyone know where in Swanbourne the council maintained agility course as mentioned in this link is?


Is it the area of green above Odern Cresent?

Also is the North Cottesloe dog beach the same stretch as the Leighton/Mosman one - can you walk all the way down? Is it basically one dog beach broken into separate areas, or are you not allowed to walk dogs on the beach between the different dog beaches?


Tanya :)

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Does anyone know where in Swanbourne the council maintained agility course as mentioned in this link is?


Is it the area of green above Odern Cresent?

Also is the North Cottesloe dog beach the same stretch as the Leighton/Mosman one - can you walk all the way down? Is it basically one dog beach broken into separate areas, or are you not allowed to walk dogs on the beach between the different dog beaches?


Tanya :rofl:

Can only help you with Leighton beach ....... if you drive all the way down to Leighton, when you get to the overpass, that is the end of the dog beach. If you park there, and walk up the beach towards Cott, you will find you can actually only walk so far before the natural landscape will prevent you from carrying on, which is not all the way up to Cott.

So to answer you, yes Mosman does join Leighton. There are also signs on the beach that tell you if dogs are allowed or not.

I will be there this Sunday morning as long as it isn't raining ...... :)

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Anyone else showing Saturday? I will be there handling a soggybear :worship: Then agility Sunday I think? :)

Lilly is feeling better for the pain killers but when they have run out and we have to wait a few hours for the next one she isn't coping too well but realistically we know her quality of life will detriorate again as her tumor grows/spreads. We are having a family meeting on the weekend (when my brother is around since he dosn't live at home) to discuss how we are all feeling and to talk about our options. Unless she rapidly improves we are thinking of getting a vet out to visit the house next weekend to give her her wings in our home.

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Anyone else showing Saturday? I will be there handling a soggybear :worship: Then agility Sunday I think? :)

Lilly is feeling better for the pain killers but when they have run out and we have to wait a few hours for the next one she isn't coping too well but realistically we know her quality of life will detriorate again as her tumor grows/spreads. We are having a family meeting on the weekend (when my brother is around since he dosn't live at home) to discuss how we are all feeling and to talk about our options. Unless she rapidly improves we are thinking of getting a vet out to visit the house next weekend to give her her wings in our home.

Hugs to you and your family even though you know you are making the right decision - it is never easy

Let me know if you would rather not trot around with Soggy.

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Anyone else showing Saturday? I will be there handling a soggybear :worship: Then agility Sunday I think? :)

Lilly is feeling better for the pain killers but when they have run out and we have to wait a few hours for the next one she isn't coping too well but realistically we know her quality of life will detriorate again as her tumor grows/spreads. We are having a family meeting on the weekend (when my brother is around since he dosn't live at home) to discuss how we are all feeling and to talk about our options. Unless she rapidly improves we are thinking of getting a vet out to visit the house next weekend to give her her wings in our home.

Hugs to you and your family even though you know you are making the right decision - it is never easy

Let me know if you would rather not trot around with Soggy.

I definetly would love to trot around with Soggy. Being home all weekend at the moment is the last thing I need. :rofl: And being out at a dog show and getting Toller cuddles is a good way to spend my day. :rofl:

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