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The Stupid Things People Teach Their Dogs.


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This would probably be funny if it was someone elses dogs, in someone elses house. But right now, I am shaking my head wondering WHY??? my idiot husband thought it was fun to teach this to the dogs.

He says to Dusty "Bensons calling you a girl, he's calling you a GIRL!!!!" and Dusty jumps on Benson, and Benson screams the house down. And I mean SCREAMS!!! He sounds like a two year old at full throttle.....at an ear shattering pitch.

Dusty doesn't actually do anything to Benson, just leaps on him, but this screaming is apparently the funniest thing in the world and the dogs sit up with big goofy grins on their faces afterwards and my idiot husband is rolling around on the floor doubled over with laughter.

Perosnally I think he could put his newly discovered dog training abilities to better use, but he's apparently also working on teaching the dogs to say "Nar-HAAAAAAAA" in time for International Talk Like a Pirate Day in Sept.

Any more stupid dog tricks I need to be wary of?

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Fortunately we don't have a video camera and none of our out-dated mobile phones have video.

Most of the still digital cameras have a video feature that shows up quite well on Youtube :welcome: . Got to love husbands. :p

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Most of the still digital cameras have a video feature that shows up quite well on Youtube

We're "camera snobs" in this house and only have digital SLR's (even the 15yo) so no pocket cams I can grab. Definitely no video coming any time soon, but I'll keep it in mind for the future.

The trouble with having dogs as intelligent as Aussies is that they learn the bad stuff just as fast as they learn the good stuff.....or faster, in Bensons case! it's taken my 3 years to get him heeling....kinda sorta, and only when he really feels like it, but it took husband about 30 seconds to teach him to scream.

And according to my husband (who is American, so you have to imagine this with an American drawl)......"He screams good!"

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:p I couldn't stop laughing.

You can borrow my boyfriend, he taught his new dog to sit, drop and stay within the first 2 weekends of having him. Mind you, my boyfriend is only over on the weekends, we both have weekends off. :welcome: And I don't do any training with his dog during the week. Only train my idiot group. :p

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He he thats funny. Mine's not funny:

I have an OH that taught mine an unwanted 'trick'. He taught her to jump at on the bonnet of the old paddock basher. When he told me I told him it nots a good idea and that she doesn't know the difference between that car and another car.

Sure enough, i get a very cranky phone call one day saying my dog had jumped up on the bonnet and roof of he's $50k car and ITS MY FAULT!!!!!

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That is hilarious!

My OH keeps telling Kivi to roll over in dirt, mud and water. He constantly walks Kivi into the river and then tells him to sit. I'm like, "His butt is now soaking wet. You realise he has to go back in the car like that?" But it's ever so funny. :welcome:

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This would probably be funny if it was someone elses dogs, in someone elses house. But right now, I am shaking my head wondering WHY??? my idiot husband thought it was fun to teach this to the dogs.

He says to Dusty "Bensons calling you a girl, he's calling you a GIRL!!!!" and Dusty jumps on Benson, and Benson screams the house down. And I mean SCREAMS!!! He sounds like a two year old at full throttle.....at an ear shattering pitch.

Dusty doesn't actually do anything to Benson, just leaps on him, but this screaming is apparently the funniest thing in the world and the dogs sit up with big goofy grins on their faces afterwards and my idiot husband is rolling around on the floor doubled over with laughter.

Perosnally I think he could put his newly discovered dog training abilities to better use, but he's apparently also working on teaching the dogs to say "Nar-HAAAAAAAA" in time for International Talk Like a Pirate Day in Sept.

Any more stupid dog tricks I need to be wary of?

:welcome: :p :p

My idiot husband loves to hype Kei up to the point where he is zooming around and body slamming, thinks it's great fun.

Well he did up until a few weeks back back when one of Kei extra enthusiastic body slams resulted in broken glasses, a blood nose and a black eye :rofl:

Since then he's a little more careful :rofl:

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Oooo, can my OH join the club?

He taught Gypsy to jump up and drink from the bathroom tap when it gets turned on. So, every time people go to wash their hands after using the toilet she jumps up for a drink :welcome:

I'm trying to salvage the situation by teaching her to only do it if she's asked "do you want a drink?" and so far, she'll do it on command, but still try her luck at other times. Sigh. She's a princess now and won't drink from a bowl if given the choice

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My OH taught Hudson (65+ kg Saint Bernard) to jump up on his hind legs, put his front paws on OH's shoulders, and lick his face :cheer: He says "It's cuddle time Hudsy!" in the most pathetic little girlie voice you ever heard, and the beast delights in slobbering all over him. Now when I'm standing over him and start talking to him in my cutsie voice he tries to do it to me!!! :flame::rofl::vomit:

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Not dogs but a friend taught her horse to rear... the problem was, he was a pig of a thing and she relatively inexperienced and whenever he didn't want to do something, up he would go :shakehead:

I don't think my dogs know anything particularly inappropriate..... more that they have picked up bad habits due to being very very smart (I swear they know when we are smiling so if it's cute but inappropriate and they catch us trying to hide our amusement they think they are on a winning streak :laugh: ). I should have picked a dumb breed!!!

Oooh I know- I did encourage Caber to rifle through boxes and such as a puppy... fine as he knows not to touch *our* bags and stuff but if anyone visits and we forget to tell them to put their bag up, he goes through it. Oh the shame!!

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