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Yep - agree with Huski. More often than not I take a little time-out break with Rory part way through a class if he's really losing focus - for instance if an unruly dog in the class starts arcing up. I'll take him off to the trees for a pee, or take him up for a drink, then settle him a bit on the way back - usually he'll be fine then. I don't think instructors would think you were being rude - I'll always apologize/explain to the instructor at a suitable time, or after the class. Sometimes I'll just move away from the class and do a bit of doodling, or hand targetting or something like that until the braini drops back into gear. :laugh:

We were given lots of breaks to go and play etc, but for some reason Mason wouldnt even play with his tug or other toys today, guess he was just way too distracted for some reason, maybe the ball of hair in his ear has blocked it and he cant hear :thumbsup:

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As best I can TSD :laugh: . I wouldn't call myself a strict anybody system but I have watched all his dvds :D . Put it this way with Ness I don't walk a course with the GD system in my head I just go with what works in a situation ;) .

Yep when I stood still and rewarded her for clearing the second bar no issue but then next time when I tried to add the pivot back in the bar came down. I tried turning late but the ruddy bar still came off or she will then plow straight throw the third bar.

I jump lead out I wouldn't beat her to the correct position and we would make an even greater mess of things :) .

OK....sounds like you are moving to get into position for the pivot? Not strictly GD...can you tell my instructors follow GD :eek: With a fast dog you will find it much easier to stand one arm's length from jump (a). Then all you have to do is pivot on the spot. Watched a bloody hard Masters Jumping course yesterday that had exactly that scenario with a one jump lead out. So tight but handled correctly it looked easy! Need to do more box work myself...even one session made a huge difference to our runs yesterday :thumbsup:

ETA: Tassie, my green dog is teaching me so much! Fortunately he rarely knocks a bar but is very aware of my body language so came to a screaming halt at the tunnel yesterday because I got there to soon to rear cross :laugh:

Edited by The Spotted Devil
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Started the Shirley Chong dumbbell training today. The dogs were great :( , I had a few :o moments when I'd forget to put the dumbbell behind my back. The dogs like these training sessions where they get a heap of click and treats for not doing much :( .

Edited by Tiggy
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Quick update on Ella's retraining of the seek back. So far we can very consistently do a straight seek back of around 10-15 paces/meters. But if I push it past that she gets confused and runs about half way back to the start peg and then starts searching randomly from there.

The couple of times that I have added a small corner (after only doing maybe 5 meters straight ahead and only a few paces after the turn) she seems to get lost and start searching everywhere.

Should I just keep her on straight ones and keep increasing the distance? Or how do I get her to take the idea of following the track around a corner? I'm sure she'll get it eventually it's just that this is the one exercise that is holding us up from getting into the ring and I'm getting a bit impatient!

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Seita are you dropping the article in front of her and then heeling off (and are you always dropping it at the start peg to start with).

What I did with Ness was drop it at my feet then heel half a dozen paces then about turn and send her. Then I repeated that but added a left turn with a few steps about turn and halt. Then repeated that but did the mirror image so I'd do a right turn. Always dropping the article at my feet.

Next step and you can try it the next time you do it is to put another turn in - so after leaving the start post you will be doing 2 turns before about turning and sending her to find it. I suggest you keep putting the seekback in the same spot each time. Don't flog it and probably no more than 4 seekbacks per session.

<That last paragraph was taken from an email from Ptolomy>.

Then I progressed to dropping the article behind me but still having it at the start peg. Once your doing full length seekbacks with multiple turns I then had no issue varying where the seekback article was placed. I think I inititally dropped it in front of my feet as we were heeling so she could mark where it was if she wanted. I also always dropped it in the first straight bit of heelwork. Then I went to dropping it just after the first turn. All of this took about a fortnight before we were doing full length reliable seekbacks.

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Seita are you dropping the article in front of her and then heeling off (and are you always dropping it at the start peg to start with).

What I did with Ness was drop it at my feet then heel half a dozen paces then about turn and send her. Then I repeated that but added a left turn with a few steps about turn and halt. Then repeated that but did the mirror image so I'd do a right turn. Always dropping the article at my feet.

Next step and you can try it the next time you do it is to put another turn in - so after leaving the start post you will be doing 2 turns before about turning and sending her to find it. I suggest you keep putting the seekback in the same spot each time. Don't flog it and probably no more than 4 seekbacks per session.

<That last paragraph was taken from an email from Ptolomy>.

Then I progressed to dropping the article behind me but still having it at the start peg. Once your doing full length seekbacks with multiple turns I then had no issue varying where the seekback article was placed. I think I inititally dropped it in front of my feet as we were heeling so she could mark where it was if she wanted. I also always dropped it in the first straight bit of heelwork. Then I went to dropping it just after the first turn. All of this took about a fortnight before we were doing full length reliable seekbacks.

I've been dropping it behind me always within a metre of the start peg, she is definitely using her nose to follow the track back to the start peg at the moment and if she doesn't find it on the way to the start peg she starts searching back towards me along the track.

I don't think I need to start dropping it at my feet but maybe I should make sure I drop it at the start peg for the time being rather than somewhere within the first 2 or 3 paces?

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Just a quickie to say we have arrived safe and sound in Sydney. Last night we trained at the Hills Club - wow a great set up and really well organised. Unfortunately a lady fell over and broke her ankle in 3 places :p

Brookie and Scoota completed their last training sessions before tomorrow - it was cool and they both had new batteries in. Scoota remembered what dog in the box was :D and his gloves were lovely :cheer:

Must run as time is about to run out and my bum is getting numb sitting on this non padded chair at the internet cafe - maybe that way you wont stay too long playing on the computers

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The reason for dropping it at the start peg is to encourage the dog to go all the way back to the peg - at least that is what I remember the reasoning was.

Ok am going back to dropping at at the start peg but I think I'll still drop it behind me as I really don't think she needs to see it drop as she is very obviously using her nose to find it. Hopefully things will start to click into place for her soon!

ETA: Update on this afternoon's session, I did about 4 or 5 short seek backs this arvo, I dropped the article at the peg for all of them and on the last 3 I did a turn (both directions) and for every one she went back to the start peg and started looking from there! I wasn't further than maybe 10 metres from the article on any of them but the corners didn't confuse her one bit after doing a few straight ones first! I think I must have been making it too hard for her by dropping it near the start peg rather than consistently dropping it at the start peg to begin with! Fingers crossed that we can fix our problem reasonable quickly!

Edited by Seita
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Today both dogs worked beautifully :laugh: . Our left/right turns are so much better with the new t-turn footwork so thanks for bringing it up you guys. We have a practice trial this Sunday :) , I'll do the heelwork and recall, no SFE or stays. The SBTCWA has a show the same day and as they're trying to get more people interested in obedience etc we might be getting our photo taken for the newsletter :):):) .

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Is it a show and go Tiggy?

Today both dogs worked beautifully :laugh: . Our left/right turns are so much better with the new t-turn footwork so thanks for bringing it up you guys. We have a practice trial this Sunday :) , I'll do the heelwork and recall, no SFE or stays. The SBTCWA has a show the same day and as they're trying to get more people interested in obedience etc we might be getting our photo taken for the newsletter :):):) .
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Is it a show and go Tiggy?
Today both dogs worked beautifully :laugh: . Our left/right turns are so much better with the new t-turn footwork so thanks for bringing it up you guys. We have a practice trial this Sunday :) , I'll do the heelwork and recall, no SFE or stays. The SBTCWA has a show the same day and as they're trying to get more people interested in obedience etc we might be getting our photo taken for the newsletter :):):) .

Yes but obedience only :cheer: .

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If I'm not working, I'll be heading down too to give Open another go for Ruby and put Millie through Novice. Stays are one thing I DO need to do, they are broken and only repaired with stickytape at the moment, ready to fall apart again any second!!

Edited by RubyStar
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Today both dogs worked beautifully :laugh: . Our left/right turns are so much better with the new t-turn footwork so thanks for bringing it up you guys. We have a practice trial this Sunday :) , I'll do the heelwork and recall, no SFE or stays. The SBTCWA has a show the same day and as they're trying to get more people interested in obedience etc we might be getting our photo taken for the newsletter :):):rofl: .

Wow that's awesome that they are encouraging More obedience dogs . I was looking on their website the other night to see what activities they were mainly involved with but just looked like showing . Do they do any other types of activities lure coursing etc ???

OH and I are moving to WA soon so might see you out there Tiggy !!!! :laugh:

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Today both dogs worked beautifully :( . Our left/right turns are so much better with the new t-turn footwork so thanks for bringing it up you guys. We have a practice trial this Sunday :p , I'll do the heelwork and recall, no SFE or stays. The SBTCWA has a show the same day and as they're trying to get more people interested in obedience etc we might be getting our photo taken for the newsletter :D :D :( .

Wow that's awesome that they are encouraging More obedience dogs . I was looking on their website the other night to see what activities they were mainly involved with but just looked like showing . Do they do any other types of activities lure coursing etc ???

OH and I are moving to WA soon so might see you out there Tiggy !!!! :(

The club is pretty much just for the showies and breeders at the moment but they're trying to get more people involved that do obedience, agility etc. Alison Leggo from the committee has been so supportive of me and has offered to take photos when we trial as long as it doesn't make me too nervous :( . Looking forward to meeting you when you move to WA :D .

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So I think I'm well and truely an obedience nut :( . I bought the dogs kangaroo roasts today to cook up for training treats. I don't cook for myself but have some strange pleasure when it's for the dogs :D . It's so funny when I remember back to the old days when I first started at a club with some dried food, it's gourmet dining now :( .

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Toby had the session from hell tonight, he was so unmotivated and unfocused! But its probably my fault for having 3 weeks off! (Damn appendix)

The only constalation is that he didn't run off, just switch off (and I don't even know if thats a constalation!).

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