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Help! I'm Allergic To My Dog!


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I got these really strong symptoms a few weeks after I got Hugo. At first I lost my voice completely, it just didn't work. There was no pain whatsoever or anything like that, but ever since then, I have started having lots of coughing fits all the time. Sometimes I cough so much that I'm afraid I'm going to puke out a lung. We have linked the coughing to Hugo as I have never had these sorts of symptoms before (so I'm betting it's not just regular "Summer is approaching" hayfever), but now I'm coughing every few minutes and it's really started to bother me.

I guess what I'm asking is whether there's anything to lessen the affects of animal allergies? There is no way we are going to give up our beautiful Hugo as he has done wonders to our mental health, but I'm worried about my physical health deteriorating at the moment. Has anyone else suffered these sorts of problems and if so, do you have any suggestions?

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I got these really strong symptoms a few weeks after I got Hugo. At first I lost my voice completely, it just didn't work. There was no pain whatsoever or anything like that, but ever since then, I have started having lots of coughing fits all the time. Sometimes I cough so much that I'm afraid I'm going to puke out a lung. We have linked the coughing to Hugo as I have never had these sorts of symptoms before (so I'm betting it's not just regular "Summer is approaching" hayfever), but now I'm coughing every few minutes and it's really started to bother me.

I guess what I'm asking is whether there's anything to lessen the affects of animal allergies? There is no way we are going to give up our beautiful Hugo as he has done wonders to our mental health, but I'm worried about my physical health deteriorating at the moment. Has anyone else suffered these sorts of problems and if so, do you have any suggestions?

hve you tried anti-histamines?

i would get allergy testing done

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Go & have a blood test at the doctors to check if it is dog allergy. Results back in a few days.

Allergy to anything can start at any age even if no previous history.

It may be coincidence that you have developed allergy & it is not the dog.

Do not take any anti allergy, anti histamine meds before the test.

Go asap.

Other thought bath the dog. I got a kitten from interstate once. Got home, sat on lounge with my son & took the kitten out of the carrier.

My son had an asthma attack & I got huge welts, all in a minute or so.

It wasn't the kitten in itself. breeder had sprayed her with Frontline before putting her on the plane.

It was that.

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My husband used to have similar symptoms when he let his old cat sleep on the bed (there was cat hair everywhere on an old woollen blanket he kept for the cat to sleep on) and ultimately the cat ended up on his chest!

He sounded like he was going to cough up a lung! :laugh:

He blamed years in the timber industry (wood dust) but I suspected the cat. So did the Doctor who said it was an allergy to cat danders.

When the old cat passed away these symptoms continued until he moved in with me. I vacuum alot more than he did LOL :rolleyes: Slowly the symptoms subsided and we have Cavaliers on the bed at times now but he doesn't cough anywhere near as bad as he did back then.

I believe Bart Cummings is allergic to horses and has daily injections!

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I haven't gone to the doctor's yet. I was diagnosed at a very young age as having asthma but my mother refused to treat me for it and I just grew out of that stage and it never bothered me. Now ever since two weeks after I got Hugo, just coughing coughing coughing, stayed up until 2am last night just coughing! :rolleyes:

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Talk to your doctor... it may be a bug going round .... :o If not..then try an antihistamine and see if there is an improvement. remember too- it may not be the dog.. it may be flea products/shampoo......
Hm not sure if it's a bug, there's no pain or drowsiness or anything like that.. Just every now and again get a tickle in my chest that compels me to cough. It's so freaking weird! :laugh:

It could be the shampoo I guess? We washed him the first time about two weeks after we got him which is around when the coughing started? I still think it's all that dander collecting up in my room, but it was oddly specific for the allergies to start not a day before two weeks after him being here.

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I had asthma as a young child and grew out of it apparently. Shame nobody told my lungs than. I have recently spent a week hardly able to breathe and wheezing which did repond and I got rid of eventually.

Claratyne daily stopped me having itching, swelling sneezing and wheezing from cats.

I would go to the doctor and get checked up as my asthma quite often presented as coughing.

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I got these really strong symptoms a few weeks after I got Hugo. At first I lost my voice completely, it just didn't work. There was no pain whatsoever or anything like that, but ever since then, I have started having lots of coughing fits all the time. Sometimes I cough so much that I'm afraid I'm going to puke out a lung. We have linked the coughing to Hugo as I have never had these sorts of symptoms before (so I'm betting it's not just regular "Summer is approaching" hayfever), but now I'm coughing every few minutes and it's really started to bother me.

I guess what I'm asking is whether there's anything to lessen the affects of animal allergies? There is no way we are going to give up our beautiful Hugo as he has done wonders to our mental health, but I'm worried about my physical health deteriorating at the moment. Has anyone else suffered these sorts of problems and if so, do you have any suggestions?

Sounds like whooping cough to me.

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I was diagnosed with whooping cough last year. It was constant, dry coughing which was similiar to asthma. I didn't have the distinct whooping sound just lots of coughing. It was difficult to tell between whooping cough and asthma but a blood test will diagnose whooping cough. I also had asthma as a child which I outgrew until my mid to late 30's. It came back and the doctor said it is common for children to outgrow asthma and for the condition to re appear later in life.

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I really don't think it's whooping cough, the cough is just a dry cough, there's no distinct sound to it.

Adults don't have that distinctive noise that children get. Often it's just a cough that won't go away. Would pay to have some tests done, and if it is whooping cough, it's treatable and you won't be spreading it around any further. :laugh:

A tickle in your chest sounds a lot like what I get when I get asthma. The tickle is due to the tightness of the airways when the air it trying to get through. I had asthma as a kid, didn't have it for years, then got it again this year after moving to a new area. It's improving now that it's not as cold in the mornings, but I still get it every now and then.

ETA- is there a time of the day when the coughing is worse? Do you also get it when you're say at work?

Either way, see your doctor and see what they can do for you.

Edited by MissMaddy
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Im allergic to cats, horses, rabbits etc and I sneeze when around them, and get hives, incredibly itchy skin, itchy eyes etc but never get a cough.

I just had allergy testing done recently - its pretty straight forward, a drop on the arm and a pin prick and results in 15 minutes.

Funny people mentioned the asthma - I supposedly grew out of it as well, but have spent the last 4 nights coughing like mad. No other symptoms other than a horribly sore throat from all the coughing now. Coughed for 4 hours straight last night. It was hell.

Im off to the doctor to get checked out tomorrow, but Im suspecting its a asthma thing.

Definately go the doctor and get checked out though before you start jumping to conclusions.

Edited by wagsalot
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I'm confused as to how you're so sure it's none of the other suggestions people have made and are positive it's an allergy to your dog? Surely you should actually have it confirmed by a Doctor before asking what you should do? :laugh:

I'm also allergic to pretty much any animal with fur/hair and also never get a cough - just sneezing, itchy eyes etc

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Definitely go to the doctor.

I think I posted this already...my parents assumed I was allergic to dogs as a child so they were kept outside and I took medication daily. Turns out I am allergic to a zillion things but dogs are not one of them.

This might sound sad but my allergist telling me I'm not allergic to dogs or feathers was one of the best days of my life. :laugh:

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