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Pork Pies Or Lies The General Public Tell Us


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I'm wrong, my dog is NOT a poodle, it must be a labradoodle. You don't GET poodles that big; poodles are a small breed. Duh!

Either that, or it's a giant poodle, not a standard poodle, but I can sorta understand that one cos there's the mini/standard/giant schnauzers, vs the toy/mini/standard poodles...

LOL Paris is a GIANT poodle lmao.. shes a multi coloured giant goof ball...

Hey FD and scratches to Paris..

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The general public keep telline me that Kaleb (5 month old red BC) can not be purebred as Borders do not come in "that colour"

I have asked a couple of these geniusies what they think he is and have been told that he is either a husky cross or a Golden Retriever cross!

Really annoys me - as it is usually people with a crossbred 'oodle' whatever that are telling me that my registered pup is across bred!

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The general public keep telline me that Kaleb (5 month old red BC) can not be purebred as Borders do not come in "that colour"

I have asked a couple of these geniusies what they think he is and have been told that he is either a husky cross or a Golden Retriever cross!

Really annoys me - as it is usually people with a crossbred 'oodle' whatever that are telling me that my registered pup is across bred!

I have the exact same problem with my boy I have had a lady actually yelling at me telling me my boy was definately crossed with Golden Retriever, I ended up just walking away from her . I also get told he must be an Australian Shepard.

I have also had another oodle owner yell at me in an off leash dog area as my boy apparently didn't have a collar on and I was never going to catch him. I don't think she'd ever heard of recall :rofl: (and yes my boy did have a collar on it was just a bit hard to see under all his fur)

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Just try walking a Portuguese Water Dog and a red Staffordshire Bull Terrier :rofl:

Oh and both my 15.5 inch specialist BIS Staffords aren't pure bred because they're too small....

ETA: got the vet a good one too - booked the PWD in for her HD x-rays and turned up with her in show clip. Don't you have to shave them to take x-rays :rofl::o :D

Edited by Sandra777
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I had a crazy man following Zephyr and I on our walk the other day, and I mean CRAZY! Zephyr was panting, normally mind you, he was nowhere near exhaustion or anything of the sort, but the man told me I was cruel to be walking him as "Look how tired he is!" Then he proceeded to tell me that dogs do not like walks, it's a common misconception. They hate being away from their home. But wait it gets better...how did he know all these interesting facts? Oh he used to be a dog in a past life. Riiiiight :rofl:

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I was told that during WWII they bred Alsatians from German Shepherds, as they were fighting the Germans and didn't want to use their dogs. So according to them Alsatians and GSD are two different breeds.....I never laughed so hard. I must admit they were so adamant that they were right they left :rofl:


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I had a crazy man following Zephyr and I on our walk the other day, and I mean CRAZY! Zephyr was panting, normally mind you, he was nowhere near exhaustion or anything of the sort, but the man told me I was cruel to be walking him as "Look how tired he is!" Then he proceeded to tell me that dogs do not like walks, it's a common misconception. They hate being away from their home. But wait it gets better...how did he know all these interesting facts? Oh he used to be a dog in a past life. Riiiiight :rofl:


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Message on my answering machine xmas day when I got home for wanting a poodle & left a phone number.

Ignored. I don't keep them on the shelf for last minute on the day present.

Next day person phones. Can't help but they ask questions & price of my pups. Quote price & they say too much. :rofl:

I point out that pups are desexed.

Oh don't need desexed my boss owns & pet shop & gets it done cheap by the vet was the reply.

Say I don't approve of pet shop sales of animals & I can't help.

Oh we don't sell pups or kittens.

There is a big pork pie somewhere in this. :rofl:

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I was told that during WWII they bred Alsatians from German Shepherds, as they were fighting the Germans and didn't want to use their dogs. So according to them Alsatians and GSD are two different breeds.....I never laughed so hard. I must admit they were so adamant that they were right they left

I hear that a lot ... that they are two different breeds. *sigh*

I also hear that big dogs can never be controllable they will always pull you on a walk, and there must be something magical about my lot because they dont pull, dont bark, let people pat them etc when we're out AND on a collar of all things *gasp* you mean you can TRAIN your dog to walk magically calmly by your side on just a collar?! OMG NOOOOO! *brain explode*

The worst one was I was walking my dogue and a reasonably normal looking man walks up with his little boy. He points to my Dogue de Bordeaux and says 'see that spikey collar is so that other dogs cant grab him and rip his throat out, and he has wrinkles so when they dog fight the blood runs down his face away from his eyes so he can see" O_o I was mortified, the poor kid looked traumatised for life.

My Belgian Malinois is a GSD x apparently, if they havnt heard of the breed it must be a designer cross (despite the fact my breed is a hell of a lot older then the GSD)

My crippled rottweiler would make a great stud dog ... yes ... this


is apparently the picture of a rottweiler stud dog. When I mention his health problems one bloke actually said, ahhh the pups wont get COS THE MUM WILL GIVE THEM THE HEALTHY GENES, they'll be right but they'll be nice and big! :rofl: omg humans are stupid

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I really try not to talk to anyone about dogs as most people annoy me way too much.

Me too :rofl:

Here are some gems from my brother-in-law the "dog expert";

-Tie your dog up to it's kennel, that way he'll learn that is his place to eat, sleep and shit.

-If you walk your dog at the same time every day he will hold on and only shit on walks - that way you don't need to clean up!

-Teach your dog to swim by throwing it out of a boat in the middle of the river. That way it has to learn or drown.

-Excercise your puppy by throwing it off the back of the ute and driving off, then it can run and chase you.

-If your dog runs away you should belt the crap out of it when it returns. That way it will learn not to do it.

-Dogs are easy to train - just break their spirit and then they will do whatever you want.


Oh yes I love talking to other people about dogs :rofl:

Edited by SecretKei
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i have had people tell me that

1. maremmas are bred from golden retrievers !!! and argue with me whne i quietly deny that. sigh

2. that my wiltshire horn sheep are goats because goats have horns and sheep dont......... double sigh

3. this is a goodie : if you feed your dog raw meat they become "blooded" and untrustworthy and will attack .. triple sigh

4. almost forgot this; being told that maremma do not need to be fed as they eat grass with their flock.. and it was true because that is what his next door neighbour said .....in the next breath i was asked if i had pups available..


ed to add no 4

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I know someone who got a dog from the paper... owner sound like they were clearly a BYB... told the person looking at him that he hops when he walks because his testicles are in the way. My friend bought him. She was adamant that he still hopped even after he was desexed because he was so used to his testicles being there. I convinced her to go to the vet... dog had luxating patella :eek:.

future SIL wants a Great Dane crossed with a Mastiff. I ask why not just get one or the other? Oh because with the cross you'll get the best of both. Totally common but I was still :laugh: to hear it actually come out of someones mouth...

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So glad you're not like the inlaws. It's so sad.

Eg my dog does save up for walks to crap but I still get to clean up - urk.

My dog had so much fun with my extended family's dogs on Christmas day. And nobody got hit, even when some of the dogs started to help with the washing up. And not one family member deliberately fed the dogs under the table or gave any scraps.

Has anyone posted the one about "if the dog has five moles it must be a Staffy"?

Do all dogs have five moles?

And feral foxes in Australia are much larger than the ones in the UK but I don't know how that relates to Fox Terriers.

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I once had a non dog person tell me that the only breed of dog they would consider getting would be a Husky, because they are the only breed of dog with a cat like characteristic...apparently they clean themselves the same as cats do...no surprise this person was a cat person lol

Both my dogs clean themselves to some extent, moreso our Aussie. She'll also clean any other dog that she deems dirty :eek:

my sheltie cleans herself too. She cant stand being dirty

I knew before getting a Great Dane that I would get the horse/pony/saddle comments but I was most amused to find there is a christmas alternative version: "bloody hell, I hope you'll get that Reindeer back to the northpole before Santa needs him!" was shouted to my OH on a neighbourhood walk with Atticus :laugh::rofl::rofl:

:rofl: :D sorry - this one is very funny..

" I show my dog, he's an Australian Champion and has beaten all the other dogs here "

How do you stop yourself from falling on the ground in fits of laughter, when it's a cross bred ;) :D :D

you have to tell us the rest of this story! What type of cross breed was it? Where in the world were you when you had this conversation?

I had a crazy man following Zephyr and I on our walk the other day, and I mean CRAZY! Zephyr was panting, normally mind you, he was nowhere near exhaustion or anything of the sort, but the man told me I was cruel to be walking him as "Look how tired he is!" Then he proceeded to tell me that dogs do not like walks, it's a common misconception. They hate being away from their home. But wait it gets better...how did he know all these interesting facts? Oh he used to be a dog in a past life. Riiiiight ;)


I was told the other day that my girl - shetland sheepdog - must be a collie cross or a BC x - as there is no such breed as a shetland sheepdog

The cute one though, was the two little newly arrived sudanese children who told me my girl was a fox and they didn't know that you could keep one as a pet.

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Along the same lines as SecretKei, I have come across young men with purebred pitbulls, their mate of a mate told them, you see. Actually most of them are Amstaff X's or SBT X's. Most of them are quite proud of their acquisition, all BSL has done is turn these poor dogs into trophy dogs :eek:

I was told at Christmas time I was cruel as I was keeping my 14 year old JRT cross alive as he is now deaf!! What the...........he is also a bit blind but still goes for a small walk every second day, can still crunch down a bone and we play fetch each day (although the ball doesn't get thrown too far!) Wouldn't believe me that there are quite a few dogs that live full lives even though they are deaf!!

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Not so much dogs - but apparently the wire crate is cruel (caging the dog), but the soft crate is okay.(??) And here I thought they did the same job?

I don't argue - its a bit like trying to tell the person who told me Duke was agressive and should never be allowed in the park when he was screaming in fear after being broadsided by a cocker who came out of the dark..... no point arguing, people can't be convinced.

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I have the exact same problem with my boy I have had a lady actually yelling at me telling me my boy was definately crossed with Golden Retriever, I ended up just walking away from her . I also get told he must be an Australian Shepard.

This is funny because I have an Aussie and get told she is most definitely a BC, not an Aussie, because she is black and white and has a tail :eek:

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