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Urgent Dog In Distress


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Thinking of you SL & Ollie dog.

Lismore or Casino would have an after hours vet, I'd be ringing now.

fifi xxxxx

A quick update before bed:

Thanks fifi, I had tried the after hours number twice and left a message... He is going down tomorrow morning...

I have spoken to the vet, administered meds and rescue remedy and now and the old man is resting as I type...

He did eventually settle on his own after about 45 minutes of being restless (most concerning were the white gums - I have never seen them so pale).

Thanks to all those that gave messages of advice and especially to those who just wrote to wish us luck.

For those that don't know our situation, a quick run down: Ollie is almost 14 years old and has been battling Mast Cell Cancer for nearly 6 years (he was given 12-18 months back in 2005)... I know that white gums means lots of things, especially when it goes hand in hand with a distressed, panting dog who can't sit still and we are expecting him to go to the bridge sooner rather than later - however I still panic when he is unwell (which does not really happen that often all things considered)... It is not like this is not expected - it is still difficult and when I could NOT get hold of our vet or the local emergency vet, I did panic and posted here. I know he should probably have seen a vet but the fact is - I could not get a hold of a vet here, there would be no point in putting him in a car and driving to a vet that is not open...It was better to keep him here and as calm as possible - which lucky for us worked out.

Thanks again for all the messages of other vets to call - I really do appreciate it (and I am sure Ollie would be chuffed to know he has so many others looking out for his welfare, when his owner panics)...

Nite all

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OMG!! I just got in from feeding my brother to read this!!

Glad Ollie is more settled.

My heart too is pounding .. Ollie dear heart your adoring fans are sending loads of soothing healing energy to enfold you.. not to mention love


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