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Calling A New Puppy The Same Name As A Dog That Has Passed Away.

Baileys mum

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My animals names relate to something in their character or some thing that has had a big impact on my life around the time I got them eg, ICE was named partly after Ice man out of Top Gun and partly because of :o my love for Vanilla Ice :o and Froggy due to her jumping. So I don't think I will ever end up reusing a name.

I know a girl who had 2 or 3 dogs called Roxy, I think it was because it was around the time the Roxy brand was super cool.

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When I was a kid I often thought about having 'Towser II "

There can never be another Towser

I think reusing names is a bit off.

But it wouldn't happen to us anyway, everyone in our family if you could call it that is named alphabetically :laugh:

Ash (me) Boyd (OH ) Corpsegrinder (cat) Didge (deceased) and Esky

I'll tell you though it's still not any easier to name a dog this way.

You should see how many 'F' names I have!

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For me, there will only ever be one Kuges. It just wouldn't be right to call another dog his name. It took me over a week after I got him to settle on his name, it was the same with Ella and no doubt will be the same with any future dogs.

Also, someone mentioned it earlier but how would you distinguish whether you were talking about a dog that had passed or a new one? I'm forgetful enough without having to try to remember whether it was Bob I, II or III who did something. Much simpler for a new dog to have their own name.

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I could never do it.

But I know someone who has. But this person has taken it even further by only buying two different breeds, they always have to be the same colour and sex.

This has happened to the cats and horses too.

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I couldn't wouldn't do it. For me part of the joy in getting my puppies was giving them thier names, picking them out and making sure they suited the individual pup.

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No, would never do it. It took me 3 years to get another dog of the same breed after my last boy died (Doberman) and there is no way I would've called the new puppy the same name as Sarge. He was the best dog ever (everyone that ever met him said so) and when he died I had 'The Best Boy' engraved on his urn. I think thats more than enough for another male Doberman to have to live up to let alone having the same name to remind me every day how different they are. Sarge was irreplaceable, there will never be another dog like him and it would only upset me to call his name and not have him come to me.

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When you think about it it shows that they actually loved that dog very much. They wouldn't continue to use that name if it brought up awful memories from a horrible dog in their past. It would be considered as an honor to the first pet who must have been greatly admired. Just like some people choose to give their child the same name as themselves ie Sam Junior, even though it can be very confusing. It does not mean that baby Sam does not have his own unique and valued place in the family.

I believe that some ?Jewish? people also name the next child to be born with the same initials as the last person who has died in that family to carry on the fond and special memory/empowering energy of that person.

Thanks for the interesting topic :thumbsup:

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My dad has done this, I don't see anything wrong with it. He really really loved his old dog and by using the name again he is letting the memory live on. Personally I probably wouldn't do it, but each to their own.

Like others have said in this thread...it just seems a little creepy, every new puppy deserves their own identity. :)

How is it creepy?

And how does having the same name as a previous dog, deprive a puppy from having it's own identity? A name is not an identity.

Edited by Miss B
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No - not for me. All our dogs have their own personality and their names are theirs. However - we do name our #1 girls from each litter in honour of our first dobermann who was a rescue - her rename with us was Jewel and so we have Diamond Spirit, Emerald Illusion, Fairuz Angel etc etc

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I get waaaaaaaaaay to attached to my pets to even contemplate re-using a name. Poochie was (and will always be) my :heart: dog and to even think about giving my next pet her name just seems wrong to me. When I hear the name Poochie, I immediately think of her and all her memories spring forth and I don't think I'd be able to cope with trying to distinguish between two Poochies.

And besides, the fact that she's been gone for over a year now still doesn't ease the pain of her passing so I know I wouldn't be ready to re-use her name. No way, nuh uh, no how!

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Nope not ever.

Each puppy has many hours put into thinking up their name and making sure it suits them. Each dog has such powerful memories connected to it.

Now having said that as kids we had Snoopy one and snoopy two. Snoopy one was run over an dSnoopy two from totally different parents was eerily similar in markings and personality. We were young kids, the name stuck, she lived until she was 16.

My OH got a cross breed Brindle puppy who got ran over only a week after we got him, one thought the other was watching him etc and he died. A few years down the track we got another puppy, same colour different breed, same sex. My OH really liked the name and agonised over re-using it. HIs puppy so his choice. He did and we really only ever thing of the second dog unless the first is specifically brought up as Brutus is well and truely still with us. I seriously doubt if that name will be used again though.

I love the name of my first ever "own" dog, she was euthed at 3 years of age, I would love to use that name again, but can't as she was far too special to me. There will only ever be one of her.

For me the name never gets repeated, each one is a new start

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I had a friend whose family would only ever own male boxers. They alternated between 2 names (both names started with B..... can't remember what they were). They preferred owning one dog at a time, so as their dog was getting elderly they would get a new puppy and give it the alternative name. They hoped that the traits, good habits etc.... of the older dog would be transferred to the pup. I thought the alternating name thing was weird, but that's coz I couldn't do that. I don't even know if I can get another dog the same breed as my last dog, let alone name a dog the same. But who knows??? Maybe I'll change my mind one day....

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I would not do it because I think each new dog deserv es its own name and a clean sheet in terms of expectations. I know someone who is called the same name as her elder sister who died as a baby and she does not mind at all.

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I think that when you name a child after either a parent or grandparent it's different as you yourself have not been the one who did the original naming, unless of course there is a situation like Perry's Mum just mentioned.

I do get though how people are saying that it is a sign of how much you loved and respected your previous dog.

Oceangirl I am with you, I don't think I could ever own another dog of the same breed unless I got it before my current dog passed, I know I have said this on here before and many times IRL but I will never own another Rotty, when I say it people think it's for bad reasons but no, it's the opposite, it's because he was the best dog ever and to put the expectations on another dog of being as great as he was would be totally unfair to any other dog.

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hhmmm interesting subject.. I couldn't do it, I remember each & every dog my family or I have ever had, I remember them clear as if they were standing right next to me, even those from my earliest childhood are right there.. each & every dog we have had has been themselves & deserve the right to their own name & personality..

last year before christmas I laid my beautiful dalmation of the last 13 years to rest, was a big decision, I'd had her since I was 12, her big grins & goofy antics are missed every day, I could never even consider getting another dalmation let alone calling another dog by her name, to me it would be a betrayal of her, (just my opinion.. each to their own though) its been about 8 months since Holly crossed the river & I am getting another dog,, totally different breed & different sex, he comes with a name already.. which is a bit gross so not sure what I'll do there.. :) but the memories of Holly will always be with me.. I don't need to be reminded of her by calling another dog her name..

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When I was a kid the neighbours always had bull terriers and always named them Jock. I think they were up to about Jock No. 3.

Again when I was a kid I had a shetland sheepdog called Gypsy, I think that's an awesome name for a dog and I may well use it for a dog in the future but many many years would have passed.

I couldn't call dog after dog the same name, I like them to be individuals.

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my mother's friend called all her corgis by the same name - as a kid I thought it was odd (this is the new ..... not the old one) but the lady was happy and the dog didnt know any better. My aunt had at least two budgies in succession that had the same name - yep no idea why either.

I couldnt do it and dont understand why someone would be you have to respect their choice and again its not like the new version knows its called the same as the previous dog.

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I lost a dog recently. He was 13, and very much loved.

I don't think I could give his name to another dog.

But if I did, it wouldn't be out of disrespect. It would be an incredible honour for a new pup to carry his name (in my eyes anyway).

So I think it can mean different things depending on the context.

Edited by Zug Zug
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