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Girls Versus Boys


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The good thing about girls is tat they don't accidently "miss" and wee on themselves or on any other undesirable object.

And they only pee out on necessity and don't want to mark everything in sight.

Entire females do mark - some constantly. One of mine has to cock her leg on every spot in the yard where the males have, and on power pole... And subsequently frequently pees on her trousers/feathering. So very similar to a male.

Either gender if desexed will be less prone to this though.

my female as been desexed for 7 years and she is a worse marker than any male I have known. She can balance on her front paws and pee backwards :laugh:

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My desexed girl (neutered at 8 weeks) marks outside, she cocks her leg to do so and she's the most dominant of my dogs by a country mile. She's pretty and sweet natured with me, but she will start a fight AND finish it if she deems another dog has invaded her space.

My entire girl is soft, sweet and submissive and would rather die than put a paw wrong. She is not outgoing with other people though, and I'd describe her as reserved, which is correct for the breed.

Both girls have 10 times the brains of my boys and both boys (one desexed, one not) are outgoing and friendly with everyone.

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I love boys - i always had females until i got my Mason and now i probably wont get a female again :) both of mine are really cuddle pups its very sweet and i think males bond better with female owners, just in my experience

Same here. My two boys are super affectionate & seem to have more personality than my last girl 20 years ago. I will stick with boys too :)

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I much prefer boys but girls have their benefits too. The boys sook and the girls take what is given to them gladly. All Weimaraners are affectionate anyway but there is a clear difference between the female affection and the males desparation for affection :laugh:

My bitches won't generally cuddle up to anyone they don't know. They flaunt themselves all over my OH though. Both are much easier to train but one of them is very distracted because she is a little overprotective, so it's difficult to get her focus in public.

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Only had one girl and one boy, but the boy is smoochier and more dependant. The girl is affectionate but more independent. They both mark, so no difference there. Personally I don't really have a preference, I like that they're different and they compliment each other.

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I have bonded more with all the male dogs I've owned better than any of the female dogs. I currently have 2 males (1 desexed, 1 entire) and 1 bitch (desexed) and both of the boys are definitely sooky la la's with me (if I'm not around then they look to the kids or OH for the affection, but definitely prefer me) and the bitch is much more independent and can be aloof at times although she can also be affectionate but only when it suits her. Breed may have something to do with it in m7y case though as the bitch is a JRT and is always very 'busy' hunting around the yard for things to kill. Both boys are very people focussed and would rather remain with me than do anything else. (1 is a Dobermann and the other is a small fluffy x breed who I was told was a Maltese x Shih Tzu but who I think has Schnauzer in him.)

OH is opposite, he prefers bitches and is completely in love with our JRT.

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I have heard many people say that boys are more affectionate than girls - both in cats and dogs. It's something I just haven't experienced.

My entire male Dally is a sensitive sook but has never been a dog that enjoys a lot of contact - much prefers that I scratch/pat him as I am very aware of what he likes and dislikes. My ESS entire girl is a soft and sweet little snuggle pot and it's not unusual for me to have to juggle her and my 2 female cats on my lap. My male cat is more demonstrative (cat boarding owner calls it "maniacal head bumping" :laugh: ) but I wouldn't say that he is more/less affectionate than my girls.

My dogs have varied in their trainability but much of that comes down to breed and the ability (or lack thereof) of their owner :)

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I have heard many people say that boys are more affectionate than girls - both in cats and dogs. It's something I just haven't experienced.

My entire male Dally is a sensitive sook but has never been a dog that enjoys a lot of contact - much prefers that I scratch/pat him as I am very aware of what he likes and dislikes. My ESS entire girl is a soft and sweet little snuggle pot and it's not unusual for me to have to juggle her and my 2 female cats on my lap. My male cat is more demonstrative (cat boarding owner calls it "maniacal head bumping" :laugh: ) but I wouldn't say that he is more/less affectionate than my girls.

My dogs have varied in their trainability but much of that comes down to breed and the ability (or lack thereof) of their owner :)

:thumbsup: :thumbsup:

I have a boy and a girl (both desexed) and they sound similar to yours, TSD. My boy is independent, loves to explore, is very aware of his personal space so loves pats but dislikes cuddles. He's devoted to us in a protective way but isn't particularly interested in pleasing us at all.

My girl on the other hand is a complete hussy for cuddles and loves to crawl all over people. She thinks she's an 18kg lapdog. She's VERY in tune with our emotions, very soft and sensitive, works her little butt off to please you.

I would say a lot of this has come down to breed/genetics. My boy is a mixed breed (GSD, sighthound, God knows what else). My girl is an Aussie and her parents have very sweet temperaments.

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I've only had girl dogs growing up, looking at getting my own dog soon... Going to go for temperament, not gender, but will be interesting to have a boy around if it works out that way... they are just sooo goofy! Sometimes I could swear that boy and girl Dobes aren't even the same breed!

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I have two males, a few months apart in terms of age. They're both smart and trainable and get along very well. Very affectionate and people-oriented and get along well with other dogs, too. Elbie's a bit more velcro than Hoover.

I didn't have a preference for one gender over the other. Desexing came into it - I thought that the procedure for a dog would be a lot less intrusive than for a bitch and I wasn't sure that we'd be able to take much time off work around desexing time.

I'm still happy with my decision because our two are very well-behaved at home - no marking or inappropriate behaviours. When they were younger they occasionally got a bit humpy even after desexing but that seems to have gone away and the humpies only reappear if they get very excited :)

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I've always had boys but now have one of each.My boy is quite aloof but will come up for a cuddle when HE feels like it.My girl is the velcro greyhound.She craves affection and is always laying next to me or on me.Stan is my man but I'm so glad my little girl came into my life. :)

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I think I prefer boys. Had a male DDB, my heart dog. Now have a female pup, she is much more independent and.... well, stubborn and dirty. If there is anything to get messy with, she will find it. Much like my daughter. :laugh: He marked a lot but it didn't bother me. He never humped anyone, just a big teddy bear I used to have when he was a pup, bless him. :o If I get another it will be a boy.

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I've always had boys and only got my first girl last year.....and I don't know what took me so long!!

She is an awesome little girl, very intense, mature and focussed. She has learnt everything so much quicker than the boys, who I've had to wait for them to actually grow a brain :laugh:

Loves her cuddles so I haven't found her less affectionate but her dad is the biggest sook so maybe she got alot of it from him?

She sleeps on my bed and apart from when it's really hot she is curled up against me, and it's not for lack of room as it's a queen bed!

Even her seasons have been easy to deal with and it's one thing I was worried about most!

My next pup will be a girl and if all things go to plan it will be a pup from my girl :p

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I always thought it was to do with breed but after now having my girl for nearly 2 months I think I will stick with boys.

I have had a entire rotti boy and entire bullmastiff boy 5 months apart in age and they got along great! The rotti (mine) was a big teddy bear and loved nothing more than currling up in my lap for a cuddle and nap...all 58kg's of him :laugh: Super smart and trainable. If it hadn't been for my kidlets I would have gone back for another rotti but now have SBT's. The bullmastiff (OH) loved a pat and loved being with us but frankly was a little "slow" ;) took forever to mature and train well but super loyal!

My current pups are staffy's. My boy is 5 months old and LOVES everyone!! Very similar personality to my rotti, and is very loyal, easy to train and always loves to please :thumbsup: My girl staffy is 4 months old and the complete opposite! She my first bitch and let's just say I know why they are called bitches :rofl: She too loves a cuddle but is more independant than my boy and not as quick with the training. She took much long to settle into the family and still has "issues" with me being the boss :laugh: My boy is MUCH cleaner than her too! He has been house trained from 11 weeks old but our girl at 4 months still isn't quite ther. She pee's a LOT more than my boy and up until resently peed preety much whereever she was including her own bed!! Personality is chalk and cheese with my two too. My boy is quite happy to lay around but does not self-entertain preferring to play WITH someone where as my girl is happy to play by herself but bores easily and does dig and chew everything!! Love her to death but I think I'll stick with boys from now on...maybe ;)

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I really could not choose! I think its more individual personality than anything!

My boy is a mummies boy but my girl is one of those bright and bubbly dogs that loves everyone! My boy is more independent whereas my girl just smooches and cuddles all day!

Bubby is a one human sort of dog.

Agreed. Both my male and female have been the complete opposite of what they are said to be.

I'd prefer a male next time purely because with a female dog, cat, parrot and two housemates we desperately need some testosterone.

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