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Turkey Drumsticks


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Hi there,

I found some large raw Turkey drumsticks last week at the butcher, they are a great size to feed to the dogs.

They ate them without any problems at all. Today when I was buying more a woman in the butcher told me they will kill my dogs even raw and I'd be better off feeding them glass!!??

She kept insisting they are very dangerous.

So, I was wanting to ask are they safe to feed large breed dogs? I've googled it as I had never heard they were unsafe, I keep getting different opinions in all the articles I read.

Does anyone here feed their dogs raw Turkey drumsticks?

Thanks :)


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Yes we recently bought some and ours loved them. We also feed chicken legs, never had a problem. If they are really that dangerous though, I wouldn't feed them anymore! :laugh: I don't really see them as being any more of a risk than other bones. :shrug:

Edited by Aussie3
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Hi there,

I found some large raw Turkey drumsticks last week at the butcher, they are a great size to feed to the dogs.

They ate them without any problems at all. Today when I was buying more a woman in the butcher told me they will kill my dogs even raw and I'd be better off feeding them glass!!??

She kept insisting they are very dangerous.

So, I was wanting to ask are they safe to feed large breed dogs? I've googled it as I had never heard they were unsafe, I keep getting different opinions in all the articles I read.

Does anyone here feed their dogs raw Turkey drumsticks?

Thanks :)


Better wrap the dogs in cotton wool and not let them outside in case they get dirty too!

I've never thought to feed drumsticks, but they are just another part of the chicken so why not!

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Yes megan, I don't feed weight bearing bones either. They seem more incline to splinter/shatter. I do chic frames, cut into pieces or beef soup bones usually. I'm very wary of choking hazzards as Sonny for some reason seems to be quite prone to getting things caught in his teeth/throat & he is the slowest eater ever. I could under stand it if he scoffed his food down but he savours every mouth full :)

Edited by BC Crazy
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I feed turkey necks & turkey wings to my guys & they love them. I also feed chicken drumsticks but they prefer the turkey. I have never fed turkey drumsticks only because they could be too big a meal for my guys. I have gone right off feeding lamb bones as last week my girl chucked up all the food that she had had that day & amongst it were very sharp pieces of lamb bone from where she had had lamb brisket that morning :( They also get meaty beef neck (soup) bones, which keep them occupied for ages.

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I feed turkey wings raw and have often contemplated the legs but considering the size of my dogs, there's too much meat on them. Kirah suffices with a chicken wing and Zeus a turkey wing. Sometimes I spoil them with a lamb shank each, however, even that is too much for Kirah -- but she devours it nonetheless!!

The only thing I can think of about the butcher's comment is that they're thinking of cooked chicken bones, which splinter -- hence the comment about eating glass. :confused:

Oh, Zeus also occasionally gets chicken frames raw, but I have trouble finding something for Kirah to eat that takes the same length of time to get through. They don't fight over their bones but if one finishes first, they'll tend to stare and hover around the one still eating unless I call them away. It's easier giving them something that takes the same amount of time to eat.

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Oh, Zeus also occasionally gets chicken frames raw, but I have trouble finding something for Kirah to eat that takes the same length of time to get through. They don't fight over their bones but if one finishes first, they'll tend to stare and hover around the one still eating unless I call them away. It's easier giving them something that takes the same amount of time to eat.

My two finish their frames in different times (one hoovers and one takes for-freakin-ever!) - so they are seperated to eat to avoid any issues.

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Oh, Zeus also occasionally gets chicken frames raw, but I have trouble finding something for Kirah to eat that takes the same length of time to get through. They don't fight over their bones but if one finishes first, they'll tend to stare and hover around the one still eating unless I call them away. It's easier giving them something that takes the same amount of time to eat.

My two finish their frames in different times (one hoovers and one takes for-freakin-ever!) - so they are seperated to eat to avoid any issues.

I could separate my guys too but they're actually really good. They tend to just hang around because they want to sniff the ground for leftovers not steal the others' bone.

I don't mind supervising anyway -- I'd never leave them together unsupervised because that'd be just asking for trouble.

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my dogs love them and turkey necks if I can get them

Woolies always has turkey necks down here - wrapped in a plastic in with the other meat, like chicken carcasses (meat section)..

Zig loves all this sort of stuff.

The only thing I don't give him to much of these days is brisket bones and marrow bones and that is only because of the fat content..

He would eat bones before anything else.

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*Sigh* Did she even actually have dogs? We used to know people who had 3 dogs and they never gave them bones and then wondered why they where spending a fortune at the vet for one dog whose teeth where shocking and it wasn't even 2 years old! I personally wouldnt give my dog a turkey leg however I used to give her 3 chicken necks frozen together but have now changed to turkey necks as they are larger and she gets a big bone from the butcher on those rare occasions

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I feed turkey necks and chicken wings but found the turkey wings tended to splinter too much. The turkey legs should be fine for a larger breed. One leg would be about 3 days food for my guys. I did buy them for a while to roast to use the meat from them as training bait. The dogs loved them but they are a pain to pull the meat off.

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