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Wish Elka Luck Tomorrow


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Wish Elka all the luck tomorrow as she will need it, she is going under anesthetic to see if she has torn ligaments and muscle wastage in the sholder, then to find out if it can be fixed. She puts no weight at all on her right front leg, and is very miserable and hates being caged.

My baby is not 1 for another 3 weeks so please pray she will be fine.


Edited by isaviz
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What a beautiful girl Elka is.

Do not worry all will be well, I have positive feelings about it. all.

My young bitch, Macey, at four months of age fell off a chair, she was just learning to jump up, she fell awkwardly and tore the growth ligament in her right hind leg, and she could not put the leg to the ground, I was mortified, as OH was supposed to be watching out for her as I was at Gen Spec at the Royal, he took her o the Vet she was given pain killers and had to be confined to the trolley.

The upshot of this Xrays and more Xrays, then a big operation to put pins in the knee area, five weeks of confinement nearly drove her and me mad, then another op to take the pins out, now four months down the track it is as if it never happened, and I am sure that this is how it will be with your beloved Elka.

Sending positive thoughts to you. :thumbsup:

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Well after quite a few hundreds of dollars, both shoulders,elbows, ligaments and feet all xrayed, 1 shaved leg collapsed veins and a heavy sedative because she is a deep breather all is okay and it looks as though she has done the tendons, a complete blood work has been done as well, now it is a wait and see and if it gets worse she is to go back and will start a course of injections. It looks as though the muscle wastage is from no weight bearing on the right leg.

I dare say my baby wont see a show ring again and that is sad, but she will still make a great pet, and she was so happy to be home. It is a relief because I was beginning to think she had the doggy version of muscular dystrophy, now waiting on blood results.

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So relieved that Elka came through it all. I know your history with anaesthetic and how stressful it is for you, so the bad bit is over!!! I hope the tendons come good and she returns to the showring as she is a beautiful girl. Is it similar to horses doing a tendon, as many of them recover?

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I missed this thread before she went so I'm glad it went all okay :rofl:

it looks as though she has done the tendons, a complete blood work has been done as well, now it is a wait and see and if it gets worse she is to go back and will start a course of injections. It looks as though the muscle wastage is from no weight bearing on the right leg

could you explain this a little more, will she be alright in terms of movement for playing and being a brat?

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