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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Oh, Fifi..just caught up with this, and I am so sorry about your boy.You take care...
  2. I'm sorry that your dog is now suffering.. rope burns are nasty ... but I would have not left a dog where people were working, for many reasons...that's just me tho.
  3. May you have a happy and safe Christmas, Tony... and a few days not working?
  4. of course she does!! Why would she willingly stand there to be grabbed and forced to the ground? I don't know about beagles. specifically..but ANY pup needs to know that when they obey, and come to their human, there is a REWARD for doing so :rolleyes: You haven't given us much information... really.. How much 'training'/educating do you do with her each day? When you say 'being naughty'...is there anything specific? Something she does regularly? I guess your other one doesn't do this? Do you take them both to a club or something for training? I know barking /'answering back can be annoying'..so, hopefully ,with some more info from you, someone can help you and pup to communicate better and avoid it
  5. then again, letting a vet have a look is probably the wise thing to do.... then the treatment can be tailored for Obi. It would be a shame to treat him for fleas, then find out it was something else! Hope he feels more comfortable soon.
  6. all sounding good! Do some chicken (fried) for yourself
  7. Thankyou folks..yes, I have 2 other goat girls..one due to follow pip over the bridge soon..she is also old and has a lung problem The other is only young. Both of these are quite bossy and aggro with dogs/sheep/each other pip was just the perfect lady....even when, my old Kieran dog grabbed her tail..and pulled the tip off!!! They were friends..but he was exuberant..and used to do the same to the horse !!! Lots of nice memories Only one or two pics, but lots of memories...
  8. the main thing, as mentioned,is to keep the WOUND dry and clean..ie : no mud splashes etc. also definitely no jumping! Apart from that..a walk won't hurt. and driving is very good!
  9. Tonight, we helped Pipa cross the bridge 14 years ago she was brought to me as a tiny tiny kidlet, rescued from the jaws of a feral cat. She was companion to the dogs ,until a lamb and another goat joined the family. Such a gentle little thing..she never grew any bigger than a large dog..and was so sweet natured... For the past 3 years she had various problems caused by a tumour in the pituitary gland... but she always was good tempered about everything. WE were hoping it could wait until after Christmas, so she could go with Emma, our old sheep, who has now had a stroke or something, is blind and not doing well. However, today was the day.
  10. YAY!!!!!!!!!!! Well done to you all may this be the start of a beautiful friendship looking fiorward to more good news from you.
  11. I swear by permoxin spray.. a little goes a LOOng way! One of our oldies attracts the flies..but the permoxin..re-applied every few days works a treat
  12. sorry, can't help. does it have an auto mode? Maybe see how it does on that, and practise ,practise ,practise, before you attempt a shot you REALLy want to work I have been caught , too... have had my camera for 2 years, and only now that I am not working, and have a bit more time..have I worked out how to do stuff manually! Not very crisp..but maybe that is because you had to brighten them just go out in the backyard.. for an hour or a few dozen pics...photograph your dog, or car, or a flower..on all sorts of settings...write down what you did for each group ( I use 3) of pics..one group in Auto..One group on Xspeed , one group on X speed, Y ISO...etc. Have a look at them, and decide which worked best!
  13. Ermmm.. I do hope you were saying this tongue in cheek! dogs cannot reason in this manner. They may, however ,like a lot of dogs, find the smell of it pretty nasty , and not want it anywhere near them!
  14. VERY IMPORTANT!! When training these .... carry a bag full of( age related) small treats with you....things like lollies, lotto tickets, cans of beer,muesli bars and squeaky toys could work... Also remember...time out, or refusing to cook dinner can be used as a punishment Have fun!!
  15. Large plastic crates with lids.............. sorry..I think she will use them as teething toys How about hubby hangs a shelf or something HIGH..so she cannot reach? or keep shoes in the laundry or shed??? The harder you make the dog work to finally get to what she wants...the harder she is GOING to try NEXT time If you progressively make things more difficult flor her, but she outsmarts you.... SHE wins, gets her reward, and learns that SHE can beat your attempts. This is NOT a good lesson From the first..things must be INACCESSIBLE. ie: not anywhere she can see or get them. You are thinking along the right lines....just not permanent enough
  16. YES!! if she gets dry food..do some training with her, using pieces of her food as rewards! walk a short time on lead without pulling..a piecs of food... sit first time..a piece of food....come first time when called..a piece of food..etc etc... also ,instead of feeding in a bowl... pack it in the kong! even dry can be packed in, moistened a bit, an then plug the hole with a large piece of cheese, or a chicken wing..she will have to waork for a while to get her breakfast;)
  17. a slight digress... and permission to disagree with above statement Excellent post, BittyMooPeeb!
  18. Hi, jojo and welcome! seeing you have plenty of time..and are keen for a good match..may I suggest that you start going to dog shows/obedience clubs..looking at dogs, talking to owners/breeders? This way you have 'hands-on' experience, not just written info. You can see the dog interacting with people, get an idea of its size in real life, how loud its bark is, how much it sheds..all things which may be useful. Good luck!
  19. Warley, will he eat bones? if he chews bones, maybe he could start with that... say if he has a meaty beef bone..then offer some mince /chopped beef? maybe ? I don't know! he must be a very modern dog..."what the hell is this RAW stuff? Where's my processed food? " LOL
  20. Our guys get Bonnie working dog..that has a high fat content. Great barko tends to give ours the runs. Lamb Flaps, definitely!
  21. A bit late, but they can still be used ! My printer, I just discovered... has the ability to make calendars, as well as other stuff, in its little 'brain' I am only practising on the simple ones ..no added text or anything... here is one page I just did. (A4) some more Chrissy presents solved..my pics on the desk/wall/whatever!
  22. ? no idea really, but if you maybe check as to what sort of grass is growing in the area..then you'll know if it a perennial or an annual? Some grasses die back, leaving roots alive until conditions are favourable..some are just alive for a short time..then die completely., as Jules P said...
  23. Janba ,thanks for that info about the dallies!! I had NO idea LOVE learning new things
  24. Thanks, PF.. Makes it hard to manipulate diets then..now the hard question....why the difference?What is it about dallies and whatever others that makes them prone? are they similar breeds? Is it a 'modern' discovery/problem? is it an ancestry thing?
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