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Everything posted by Dogsfevr

  1. If you read every reserach site they all say something different,i have feed raised & always will . I keep de gas on hand as it must contain a set ingredient for it to work. The simple rule is use commen sense & be aware. The dog we had with it already had major health issues so it complicated matters
  2. I think seperating will be worse. I agree do a dummy run.Go out & then wait to hear the noise if possible vidoe or watch. I agree talk to your neighbours & apologise & ask them to call you if there is any problems. I agree start training,ensure there walked prior too .Also look at what toys are being left & whats creating the noise. Do you mean meaty bones??If so i wouldnt leave bones unsupervised for starters,pick objects that arent possessions but fun
  3. Yes & didnt survive had already twisted before surgery or tubing could be done
  4. "I was told by a breeder that when the puppies are little and resting on your lap or something poke and prod play with it ears put your hands in it mouth ect. Not to hurt them or torment them " Must be the only breeder that suggests that & the fact is your are tormenting,whether it be animal or human when we are asleep & woken unexpectedly we all react differently .Humans react out of the norm & so do dogs commensense really. We have a very simple rule "let sleeping dogs lie" & if you want something to happen awake them first & give them the deceny to be responsive to what is asked . We in over 20 plus years have never tested the dogs whilst asleep & never ever will & have no issues at all with nipping. When the dog is alseep & you start to pock about you are disturbing "Sound mean and people will be horrified but then the dog grows up much more tolerant not just with kids but when they have to go to the vet" Actually has no bearing at all especially with the vets its all about training which cant be done on a dog half asleep,just like a human driving a car tired your reactions are very different.
  5. "She is registered on the main register" makes no difference it purely depends on the muscle in that area
  6. "tugged your pups leg when asleep" but remember a child watches an adult do this & they just follow .Parents are role modles for kids & if they see adults do something they dont see its as wrong.
  7. Bowen is massage & yes it should be in Tassie.Your best source to find out would be horse people or even the shops like Europa etc. I get my dogs done nearly every month & the oldies aswell who do have arthritis etc & it is well worth every cent(it isnt chiro but massage)
  8. Personally i would be sticking to a correct diet for a puppy & then maintaining a good simple diet & supplementing. My dogs get supplements every day from puppy to old age & i do not believe you can get the same quantity from a diet alone plus the dietery requirements of a pup. I would alos look at a good fitness programme to maintain joint health to the best possible like swimming,i would also seek out a good Bowen therapist
  9. We use home mixed CS on the dogs reguarly our friends makes it & we swear by it. The home mixed can be made much stronger which is why we will only use it that way. We plan to buy the machine latter on but our friend just makes up the big batches at present & we share. Super stuff for dogs & humans
  10. I agree with BC lover you get 2 dogs because you want too share your life,time & money on 2 dogs.Never buy just for the soul intent of company you will regret it if brought from that aspect only
  11. I have to agree the pup was reacting to something that hurt,if it was a human who scared you whilst asleep what would your reaction be. The pup would have no idea what it did wrong because it reacted to something done whilst it was asleep not a delibrate act of nipping. "grab his leg and other body parts when he is asleep" im sorry but why disturb a pup during its needed sleep,did you do this to your child when sleeping?? We cant stress to people when the dog is asleep leave it alone ,a simple theory that even us humans stress to other family members so give the dog the respect it deserves in one simple area,place it in a safe area & let it be because one day your pup may decide to react to your actions & it wont be the dogs fault but like now you want to reprimand for something that isnt its fault . I agree the child should have been reprimanded even if one years I should also add given your post about its lameness why are you pulling its legs when asleep when its in obvious disomfort???
  12. I feed eukanuba on some dogs with no issues at all . Why the change though??
  13. Mini long dachies are known to have corn issues. It is sad that a vet says prove it especially when clients come in with issues every day related to diet problems from many a source. i have setters so im careful not to feed a product that may create an awful problem having said that its like feeding beef many dogs react . I guess its like new pup owners who go to the vets for second jab etc & the vets then ask about diet & sell them something that the breeder hasnt listed for a reason,so many vets disregard good breeders for there knowledge when they could be a wealth of knowledge for them.
  14. As a vet he could simply read for example that irish Setters can suffer from Wheat intolerance its in all the vet books etc we own . Just one of the many scenarios that sadly many vets chose not to want to hear or learn from. Just like years ago when Beddie breeders suggested diets for dogs that may be CT positive biut the vets would suggest diets totally not suitable for a breed known to have issues. Its really readily available to them in there own journals
  15. I have been involved with 1 dog with this condition & it got worse & worse until it was PTs.Maybe about 10 yrs ago. We boarded & groomed this dog.With grooming the session had to take time as the dog got very tired quickly & tongue would turn blue,they could also be very active but with them not drinking you had to skin fold checks & keep the fuild supplement up constantly & then ensure they where also peeing The dog litterly will not drink even if 40 degrees.It is very different response to not just wanting to drink they litterly have no clue that they need to drink,they still eat well but any form of fluid is like it doesnt exist. This dog was constantly feed small meals with fuild in it which often resulted in runny poos.He was also syringed hydrating fluids . The dog through time ended up with other issues . It is very rare I think Werribee vet(vic) has details on this condition
  16. Those who do good rescue work have a network for help especially when there being rehomed. Surely this person would have contacts for help to assist this rellies dog otherwise what sort of assessment is being done on the dogs rescued & rehomed????
  17. We too dont use the yearly heartworm & do not sugget our puppy owners use its either,far to many probs with. We do things the very old fashioned way.We treat heartworm with heartworm meds,we dont use any of the monthly stuff
  18. It can be fine aslong as he doesnt expect it for every meal & will still eat his food plain not when mixed.In our house that is a treat,they dont now when its coming
  19. Just watch she doesnt end up with apeanut butter reaction,not something i would honestly give any of my dogs as its no benefit but can have more issues. Personally im not a believer in a regement diet ie mon this tues that.I give the same thing everyday & any extras added when its suits. I agee dish the denta bones aswell. Feed more meat (beef can give dogs the runs & skin issues & we never feed beef to any of our greys. We use natural yoghurt daily We did alos at one stage cook up chicken mince ,rolled oats,mix veges & they luved that & easy on the tummy Our greys got a good dry,raw mutton,chicken,necks,Tuckertime roll,tuna(oou top show girl was 40 kgs plus) Dont leave food down
  20. I agree what breed also bare in mind clippers came in different shapes & some sit better in peoples hand than other brands do,for me personally i like to get a feel of any clipper i plan to buy.Some are heavy ,some are not comfy in your hand or easy to work with. Often better to pay a bit more & go to a good stockist
  21. Allowing dogs to be a grazer is just as bad as pandering to there needs.You add treats to make him eat but infact again he has trained you to fill his bowl with stuff. Aslong as theres no medical reason why the dog wont eat then i suggest just sticking to the very basics.Dont make a fuss,give small portions only & dont chop & change all the time. It really is time to educate the dog about eating which is often what fussy eaters dont understand.Skip a meal every other day so its 2 today one tomorrow,dont stick to a time schedule make him not now when its coming. We get stacks of boarders in where the claim is there fussy but they eat like horses because they now where they stand & feel confidient in eating. There thriving on the additional attention there getting & you are the loyal servant
  22. Remember if you rent it or have people use it it you will need public liability insurance otherwise your cheap pool will become an expensive item.Also if people come & they have kids what you are responsable for
  23. With our pups if any one gets it we pay for it to be fixed at spaying it is condidtion it is fixed although only get one in a blue moon If it is a severe hernia dogs have died or certainly had to have emergency surgery,Actually know of quite a few dogs where this has happened & the worse part is the owners have come home from work to find there dog in all sorts of trouble
  24. Many of our clients use phenergan. I would very much doubt the vet will hand out the pills.Vets are like doctors & prescribe meds need to be recorded
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