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Everything posted by Bjelkier

  1. Beautiful pics guys, love the sparkler orb Nik, very cool!
  2. Teeth are never ok on people or the cats. (Fleaing however is fine but I dont see that as biting or mouthing) Otherwise toys, bones, tug ropes, they can go crazy.
  3. The only thing I have ever had an issue with was rawhide chew, Misty swallows it in huge hunks. He is no longer allowed to have them. I like to feed bones but only the bigger ones, chicken necks make me very nervous as both dogs love to swallow this whole
  4. I'm so sorry. RIP Ruby
  5. Thanks guys vizsla that is fantastic I love it
  6. Wow amazing work everyone A little ashamed to post this as the quality isn't very good at all but I thought why not give it a go (bloody photo bucket kills the quality too which dosn't help)
  7. I always did when they where pups and still do
  8. Before most shows for Misty and that could be anywhere from once a month to 3 or so times. If he has had a good week i will just give him a dry bath but he does get bathed often. Lestat gets a bath maybe once every 5 or so months unless he is really foul.
  9. Ouch the poor boy, that looks seriously painful
  10. Lestat is a reverse sneezer, its never hurt him but did scare me the first time it happened.
  11. My boys get peanut butter in their kongs sometimes, they love it. Only dont make the mistake I did first and use crunchy peanut butter, makes cleaning it very annoying
  12. I noticed Misty's allergies from about 7 months or so and only figured out what the problem was recently, beef. He still gets itchy every now and then when he has been in the cat food or litter trays or if he hasn't had a bath in a few weeks (sensitive skin apparently) but other then a scratch or a nibble he is pretty much ok. It really hasn't stopped us bonding at all, he is such a smoothy little monster.
  13. Sorry Misty did the same thing. Apparently a lot of Sammies like to do it. Misty grew out of it and Lestat told him off it he was getting too rough, as I am sure Hugo would do if he was being hurt. But as Hugo is such a little man and not a big boofer like Lestat I would personally stop Fletcher from doing it as you have already stated you are doing.
  14. So far, what has really help Lestat 4 yr old Lab, is swimming, its built up the muscles very nicely and he walks without a limp now. Aside from that he wears a jacket most of the time in winter or he ends up very stiff. He is also on low fat food, being a Lab he gets very fat very easily and its much better for him to be as lean as possible so there isn't any extra strain on his hips. I also add glucosamine (I don't know if I spelt that right) to his food. So far he seems to be doing very well concidering he couldn't walk very well at all when he was younger, poor darling.
  15. My Lab does great on Royal Canin Lab formula, his weight is much easier to maintain and he looks fantastic.
  16. He's dreaming. I was watching my 13 month old Samoyed doing it lastnight, it's very cute.
  17. I allow them to have access to water at all time but I keep an eye on how much they are drinking, Lestat, if not watched, will drink huge amounts after eating I have just started soaking the dry food in water so they don't feel like drinking as much after eating. Hopfully it works.
  18. Well when I spoke to Mistral's vet she was surprised that he was playing so roughly after suspected bloat and when I mentioned that she certainly relaxed. I would still be wary however if you have a bloat prone breed and I will certainly be taking Misty to the vet straight away if this happens again, rather be safe then sorry. Not exactly a direct answer to your question but these links helped me out, the first one is really good. http://www.globalspan.net/bloat.htm http://www.petalia.com.au/Templates/StoryT...m?Story_No=1648
  19. Yep nothing wrong thankfully, nothing more then an upset tummy :nahnah:
  20. This will more then likely make me sound like an absolute fool but after searching on here I cant really find the answer to my question. Mistral recently ate his dinner, nothing more then usual raw liver and a cup of dry, he is a nice slow eater and then had a little drink after. About 20 minuets later he starts up from where he is sleeping and starts trying to vomit but nothing coming up. Knowing this is a first sign of bloat I jump up and check his belly, not hard or bloated, checked his gums, slightly paler then usual but as I watched they became normal again. The attempting to vomiting stops after about 5 or 6 goes and I listened to his belly, seemingly normal sounds, nothing overly loud or silent, but I am worried as he is a deep chested boy and he had just eaten. He then starts acting normally and has a little drink and starts to play with me and our other dog for about 10 minuets, wrestling and playing tugg o war. He had another drink and is now sleeping. My question is would a dog suffering from bloat play? Does this sound like bloat or something else? I have never had a dog bloat before so I am not sure exactly how he would be acting if this was. Oh and I gave him some de gass and he has started burping.
  21. No baby photos of Lestat Im afarid and he was so cute. I have one of him at about 9 months old And now at 4 years Mistral at 8 weeks, his first night home And now at 12 months, nice and filthy after playing in the mud
  22. And does Lestat pant away like an idiot? And then come inside and have one side of their body be really hot... why puppies? WHY?? Yeah that would be him, he also had a very burnt nose one year, no matter what I did it got burnt. Got to the point where I had to keep him inside almost all day silly boy.
  23. Daisy and Lestat sounds exactly the same, he will also lay in the midday summer sun
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