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Everything posted by laeral

  1. Cant exactly help much but my dog was bitten by either a tiger or brown. Vets were unsure which. It looked like a Tiger to me but???? I had her to the vets really fast. It only took one lot of antivanine and she was home the next day. She wasnt unconscious at any point so may not be relevent to you. The vet said the key is getting the antivanine in really fast. Good luck and hope everything is all right.
  2. Mica is a screamer She will stand and squeal or scream depending on the level of excitement. I wish she would just do zoomies and get her excitement over with but not its a deafening welcome to my house. Sometimes she will do fly bys with something in her mouth enticing you to chase her. Unfortunately she can do it to guests who visit as well. I had one poor friend beside himself with worry that there was something wrong with my dog and she needed to see the vet We now have a dog crate and are training her to use that when people come over. If I come home via the backyard its the 'Barking Bush' for her. She runs around a certain bush and barks at it, or does surprise dive attacks on it - evil bush that it must be.
  3. He is gorgeous :rofl: Gotta love the blacks
  4. My GSD loves nothing more than raw roo tail. Its her favourite food. I have recently bought some uncut and was wondering how I was going to cut it. Must say my thoughts never strayed to the axe Dont know it I have an axe, I do have a chainsaw though does that count? Having nasty visions of me out the back decked out in goggles and plastic bag covered in roo tail spatter
  5. I train my GSD in prey drive. Like others have said its all about building drive before you are ready to add distraction, dont be disheartened if pete isnt interested in his toy when around other dogs. It took a while before Mica would work oustide of our property. But now the foundation has been laid she will happily work for her toy anywhere. Now to add more distractions... Sorry but Mica doesnt get stressed if I 'rev her up to much' she LOVES her tug toy. The more reved up to work she can get the better!
  6. Oh God that broke my heart :laugh: I cant begin to imagine what you are going through. I hope with time your pain will ease, though I know you will always love and miss your Bindi :D
  7. Oh Rach there is no rush! Please dont stress yourself about it, whenever you have time or not is fine.
  8. OK I am useless at making a signature Would someone be able to make one for me with the following photos? I dont mind which ones are included but was thinking of using maybe three of them. I would like a dark background. It would be much appreciated, thanks
  9. Steves moving to Victoria :D :D No seriously are you going to do any workshops down our way soon?
  10. laeral

    Parvo Or Not?

    Do you have access to another vet by any chance?
  11. Oh how terrifiying for you Dont beat yourself up, It sounds like you did the right thing and saved her life. Glad to hear she is back to normal and is doing well Big to you
  12. E-collars are legal to use in Victoria provided you use them under the instruction of a qualified trainer and (or?) your dog has been given the Ok by a vet.
  13. The German Shepherd was never subject to the same degree of restriction as the APBT nor was it restricted in as many states. GSD people also did a lot of hard work to improve the image of their breed. Circling the wagons and telling everyone they were wrong about the dogs didn't seem to feature much in their campaigns. Sorry to go OT. But I am curious as to what the strategy was regarding the German Shepherd ban. I wasn't involved in the breed then and have not much of an idea of what happened. Was there lots of lobbying and if so how was it presented?
  14. Are your dogs crate trained? If so put them in their crates until they calm down. Then they can come out and visit.
  15. Signed. Penalties are too lenient for this kind of crime :p
  16. kei I do feel for you. I to have had episodes of utter humiliation and shame, and have been in tears over my dogs behavior. One day she was fine the next an evil brat again. My GSD is very excitable and screams like a banshee when she gets this way. Some days I would leave obedience training in tears, and some days full of pride at the progress we had made. Just remember that you are making progress and it is normal to have a few setbacks. As for the age thing, my GSD definitely was at her worst around that age. Rebellious teenager to the max. It does get better though, just keep persisting. Its interesting that you should post this today as last night I had such an episode. My girl is 2.5 though and should be well out of this by now. For about the last year about, Micas recall has been getting better and better. For the last few months she has been out and about with me on the property with no dramas and lightning fast recalls. Last night I let her out of the gate and she just took off. Streaked across my paddock and my neighbors paddock to their dam. My neighbors dam is the size of a small lake, with an island in the middle, and lucky for me one lone goose She swam around and around in that dam for 30mins with me running around trying to catch her. Eventually I was able to herd the poor goose into an inlet with a jetty type thing that I could launch off and grab the dog. And let me tell you the water was COLD. I couldn't beleive the behavior, we haven't had a recall problem in well over 6 months and now this. I did want to cry ange165 I cant believe you got banned from class. Did they offer any advice or assistance to correct the behavior?
  17. I would love a workshop in Victoria. Just let me know where and when! Some topics I would be interested in would be- Training in Drive (again, can never go over it enough ) e-collars how to keep a dogs focus (bloody excitable GSD's)
  18. Hi Stella, I have PM'd you a couple of times. I am not sure if you are getting them, but I am very keen to arrange a consultation if there is still one available. Thanks
  19. My GSD is the same. She likes to talk A LOT. She is a screamer and a whiner. She does whine more when she is bored or hasnt had a walk, so regular exericse and training has lessened the whining. When she gets excited, or if visitors come over she screams the house down. I understand your frustraton, It used to drive me absolutely mad. I think though over time I have become accustom to it and it doesnt bother me so much and she has developed a kind of chatter like a husky. But when she whines I could sometimes happily strangle her
  20. My Sibe was a chronic escape artist her whole life. She would climb wire and jump 6 - 7 ft easily. She would work patiently at one piece of fencing till it came loose and she was free, even if this took days. I have witnessed her climb a a tree to get over a fence. One day i had to lock her in our 'secure' sun room type area for the day as she had had a go at the fencing the night before and I didnt have time to fix it. She chewed a hole in the wooden door big enough for her and her canine friend to escape from. Dont get me wrong I know they arent all like this (thank God) but mine was a bugger for escaping!
  21. Kavik, Im so sorry that things havent improved for Diesel. It must be very heartbreaking for you. Sorry but I cant offer any advice, just wishing you both the best and hoping he improves soon. Slightly OT but how is his training going? Or are you still having a break.
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