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Everything posted by redangel

  1. To me open discussion is just that open to all eyes and differring opinions. If I thought i was being stalked or verbally harrassed i think id use it....if it was just on a difference of viewpoint I wouldnt.
  2. Thats one healthy lookin siamese fish
  3. Get away with murder??????????????? Really you say that like you think this innocent is capable of being bad............look at those eyes! Beautiful BTW
  4. How sharp is that last whippy photo! Great shots. Just a question...how does one decide what lens to use. say for a portrait....is it decidedly on dof required...say you had a lens like kirslins lil groover or a 50mm for example.
  5. I think in defense of DOL people over the percentage of ppls posting & reading, whist some misunderstandings occur...generally through knowledge of posters the community here generally gets to be a good judges of character. My only consideration here reading this thread is why would a dog that is now aggressive as described be a dog that ran when faced by an intimidating person who was obviously behaving badly.....something here is missing. Why would one seek to know about a getting another dog/breed if they were not considering looking to purchase another....as dogs live for 14 yrs its hardly feesible to be planning that far ahead surely? I dont think people here are anti kids....I think that people here are pro dog. Understandable so as last time I checked this is a dog forum. Too many people change their situations/homelife without considering what affect it has on the their dog....like kids they are a 14 odd year commitment. As a foster carer of kids surely you can understand that many of them too have been subject to life changes/choices in their parents lives which were (against the original commitments to have kids) which lead them to be foster kids. Understand that different people have different values. I hope all works out for the dog in question as it is the one most in pain here it seems
  6. OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Whippys....would love to come but out of my distance range....one day though its a must do!
  7. Love the leafy sea dragon...those guys r just the most facinating creatures. Great piccys, thanks for sharing. The perspective on the bridge/walkway shots are very interesting to the eye. My fav is the one where if you cast your eye to the left of the main subject Lola on the walkway you see harry & friend making a splashing good time ! (Fifth pic of doggys) Great timing!!!!
  8. Id gladly give a penny for kitty's thoughts!!!!!
  9. They are great piccys...Loooove the lip smaking third shot. that last shot is too funny...love the capture on the long sleek sticky out toungue. Bet you had some even funnier outtakes.
  10. My poodles eat almost everything served to them....but refused to eat 4legs food. The crows loved it!
  11. oooooooh goody!!!! an Easter piccy. Bring em on!!!!!! She is such a happy model.
  12. Rosie has a fav toy...a christmas mousey. Luci steals it at any opportunity. What happened next..... Luci consoles herself with her furskinz toy as Rosie takes the prize Even I had trouble parting Rosie from it. In multidog households do you find yourself playing umpire with the toys???
  13. beaut capture on the bird Evolving....what sort of bird is it? Of the honey eater variety I presume, lovely plumage,captured well.
  14. Yeah ruth!!!!!!!!!!!!! You go girl!!!! Congratulations.
  15. Thought Id add this (if not already posted for positive balance...) http://digital-photography-school.com/photography-quotes I like the response to the questions what is your fav pick...
  16. Awwww.shes a sweetie. Miss marked sounds so pessimistic...lets say shes 'original" colorwise.
  17. Thank you. I totaly agree with you re the crate is her haven, up until a month ago she was not fussed and accepted that 'bedtime was bedtime" and if I chose her to be in the crate (ie when non dog kids were visiting) shed accept it no problems. Then we got the I dont want to go to bed dance (ref photo forum) which when I insisted would see her still quietly go to bed. But the barking is new and is whenever she feels she should be with me. (like if I go to the mailbox)I have always crated her while I am at work,which is the only time I dont get protest (see knows my work uniform) I do not ever release her from the crate until some time has passed from when I first get home (and she is quiet) I think the only think I have felt has changed is that of late she has decided she is the no1 dog in the house. My heart dog Luci is a yr older than her and I always hoped she would be the top dog and have treated her as such, but unfortunately the younger dog (barker) seems to have become no1 dog. Currently there are some jealousy issues with her and the other dog when I am around. Thus she has started 'shadowing me " where possible. She never tires of bark/crying within an hour. She seems excessively submissive to me, belly up and seeking my attention by licking my feet, wheeling around incircles around my legs. Am I missing something??? I will endeavour to try the cover up technique. Thank you again. I do not want to ignore this and get a dog developing seperation anxiety.
  18. I do not know your name, your breed , your nature...but I am still thinking of you and hoping for the best. I am also thinking of the rescuers who have found themselves in this painful sad situation.
  19. I am totally lovin this thread. I have an oldie her name is Mimi, a 14yr old poodle who has cataracts so is losing her sight rapidly. She is a polite old girl who was raised well by her mother. She has good movement despite having fusions in her lower back. Letter to my Mimi I love my Mimi more every day, my love doesnt grow more as much as it grows deeper with much more appreciation and knowledge how precious our time is. She sleeps most of the time in her "cave" but I know she will always rise from hibernation just as the kids dinner hits the stove. Her soft eyes melt me she knows better than to beg, she just stands there. Yes I give her treats as I prepare dinner, at her age I am not fussed and how we delight in our secret redendevous away from the other dogs. I sit on my bed and read, you are there quietly sharing. I see you have just emptied your water bowl, I take it a refill it. Your tail wags appreciating I have noticed your need. But you have it wrong there ol girl, it is I who appreciates you and after 14 years why I should delight in this time we have. After 14 yrs I would be a slow learner if I did not know what you want. I pat your head tell you all is ok, you resume digging your bed (your joy) and let out a sigh. What is not to love about the oldies????
  20. You have to admire her abilty to make things work (?) for her
  21. only have lightroom and paintshop pro...google here I come......
  22. Interesting comment there Shells. How easy it is to forget the outakes you youve nailled your 'money shot". Ahhhhhhh the fun and challenge that is photography.
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