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Everything posted by redangel

  1. Topic title Tried To Get A Shot Of Me And The Pooches.., FAIL!! I say you have some lovely shots, you look like you are all having fun...I say SUCCEEDED!!!!!!
  2. My fav is the lizard shot, love the depth in the picture. The third picture just seems to be an an odd angle, it doesnt present the subject well. The forth shot, the staffy has nice expression but the collar is very bright and gets in the way. I would have tried to edit the collar out/ especially under the chin where it disteacts the most. I love your photography, my views are basic, not skilled.
  3. Not wanting to hijack but how does one add a watermark, and save the same for further images???
  4. would love to grant it to someone more deserving than I, Too many dog & kids issues to attend myself...one day.....
  5. I considered a water pistol but then I thought it might make her timid of my actions toward her. So I am looking down the idea of a lemon spray collar, that way the correction isnt a consequence of my physical contact with her. If that makes any sense???Will be interested on any opinions of such collars as they are quite expensive.
  6. storeperson, ex vet nurse. My dog Luci would be a magistrate, my other dog Rosie would be a serial reoffender.
  7. Just beautiful....I feel like im looking at some place in Europe.......stunning effect.
  8. Luci is like me...she sits quietly and tolerates many things (in her case Rosie rocket) she is a peacemaker at heart and generous. Buttttttttt....you cross her 2 many times and she enforces peace!!!!! LOL Just ask my kids!!!!
  9. My prev dog a dobe was all reg & chipped. She was inadvertently let out by my well meaning (slightly forgetful) 85yr old grandfather who thought hed surprise me by planting some roses. When I got home half an hr after she 'disappeared" I called the council to find she had been 'just picked up". I beat the van back to the pound. For my effort I got a 220 fine for being out in daytime, 220 fine for being a dobermann unmuzzled, 250 fine for living 300mts from a school (she was picked up from three doors down from home)and 150 pound fees. Just to play devils advocate assuming the dogs were all reg & microchipped is it any wonder with the knowledge of such hefty fines people choose to 'take the chance" and not register their dog at all??? At present thats a 220 fine. Unresponsible yes...but the high percentage of unregistered dogs maybe because of this thinking. If a responsible person is fined near 1100 for a correctly reg & micro'd dog what is registration but an expensive census in order to know where the fines should be sent? What of an elderly pensioner whose little swf gets out after 10 yrs of registration. That is an amazing amount for a limited income to come up with....does poor swf then stay in the pound??? I register my dogs because I love them and I hope that they never get out, but should they do i want them home asap. I am just trying to understand the fines concept, surely a one off instance should be reviewed and descretion given.....an owner who has dutifully reg their dog with no instances for 10yrs needs a form of review, for eg.
  10. Ouch! Thats just awful....Hope you are feeling better soon Kristin. :D
  11. Love the stripe on the first piccy...whats the name of your model? Looks like a real character!
  12. My 10mth old toy breed is developing a barking problem. She continually barks and cries when crated or where she is unable to get to me (like when I am outside and she is inside) I tell her to ...Quiet!!!! Shes stops momentarily then recommences. I have never had this with any other dog Ive owned, she has been treated no differently to any of my other dogs. She tests my patience, but Im more concerned about her starting to do this when I am out, and possible neighbour issues. How can I nip this in the bud?
  13. Welcome Red, I cant wait to see you grow and mature (piccys a must) as well. Congrats rocco. All in pointing to a blessed union of two hearts a time of healing...Serena and Red....a turn of events that will lead to years of companionship. Just wonderful.
  14. A friend of mine was in email contact with him...but has been hearing nothing from him of late.
  15. The second shot looks like shes knows shes sprung but is thinking... it was like ...I was like......and then i did....then I thought....and then... Cue third pic....awwwwwww mum im sorry. Just remember how much you realllly love me. Great story shots.
  16. *sigh* lovely again AnnieK.....such a beautiful set of shots. Shoreham? Anyway here is another attempt by me to get it right... Determined to work this out !!!!
  17. It is never easy losing a companion. Try to focus on the privlege that you were granted in knowing Tilly, the blessed time that you had with her and hold on to knowing that you were a special someone in her life as she was to you. Hold on to Skip, knowing he too feels the loss , you two will be a comfort to each other. Run free Tilly
  18. ok reading through the extra explaination of the crop ratio I see i mussed up....sorry. I will try to do crops within the confines of those parameters for my next shots.
  19. For a complete novice re Crufts...what is the 'good citizen dog scheme"?
  20. Just beautiful. Nice capture
  21. Such a sad sudden loss. Strength to you and your family as you come to grips with the passing of your much loved Charm. Lovely photo tribute.
  22. Ok have a picture that I just shot recently that show what I am saying in the extreme....part of a face/profile in shade. What can I do when taking photos to ensure that the dark side is not there.....
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