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Everything posted by jemappelle

  1. The vet surgery I go to used to have walk-ins many years ago - they are a very popular vet and you could be sitting there for hours, with dogs and cats everywhere, and then got the next available vet. Now they have appointments and it is a much more civilised waiting room plus I get to see the vet I prefer.
  2. Another excellent product is Urine Off. Or try Bio Zet washing powder - the enzymes eat the protein in the urine which creates that awful smell.
  3. Great photos and don't they look like a happy lot
  4. I've had quite a few pound rescues with SA and I found this article to be great. I hope it helps you: http://www.usask.ca/wcvm/herdmed/applied-e...ms/anxiety.html
  5. It's a spotted dove :D They are quite placid birds and you are very lucky to have her nesting there! You will be able to see the chicks raised http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spotted_Dove
  6. I saw the show and while I was shocked at the number of dogs she had and the condition of some of them, the ones in the house were clean and their cages were clean, they had dog beds, food and water. However the crates were stacked up on top of each other around the edge of the room. The outside shed and runs were new and roomy but not very clean and some of the dogs were definitely neglected. I can't remember why she wasn't going to be prosecuted - can anyone remined me? I hope the RSPCA monitor the set up on a regular basis as they said they would. Bindi I am sorry this has happened to you but it is in the past now and you can only learn from it, as can the rest of us. I hope Georgea lives a long, healthy and happy life with you
  7. They look great! What did you use to get the stripes and dots on?
  8. My Shih Tzu had both eyes prolapse at different times but both times caused by rough play with my young ACD at the time. Fortunately I was home both times and was able to get her to the vet quickly. The first time she had the tarsorraphy surgery and all was successful and the second time it was a different vet on duty and he put drops in her eye and pushed the eye back in, and with follow up drops she was fine. No loss of eye sight each time - a very lucky girl. She was very quiet for about a week each time though - think she had an awful headache.
  9. I have a bush in the garden (no idea what it is) that grows a lychee type fruit on the trunk but with a smooth skin. My cattle dog picks this fruit off and eats it. He eats so much that his poo looks like this fruit all squashed up
  10. My old cattle dog and my shih tzu got into the barrel of cat biscuits once. These barrels on legs met me when I got home. They managed to open the roller door on the garage (not locked, just pulled down) and get into the barrel and eat about 10 kg of cat food between them. I had never heard of torsion back then so didn't worry, just hardly fed them for the rest of the week and they were fine. Squirting everywhere for days though. I now have biscuit barrels with screw top lids
  11. Be careful when dosing the cat as some breeders lost kittens with this product as they didn't follow the instructions. I think from memory the dose needs to be given with food over two meals on the same day but please check.
  12. A Persian or Exotic kitten would be, on average, between 600-700 gm.
  13. Cat fur is very different to dog fur as well! It is very dense so the only thing that will get through it is animal clippers and a #10 blade if it is matted. I use Wahl clippers for my Persians from time to time.
  14. He sounds like he would fit in perfectly with my Cavalier and, I am embarrassed to admit, that she is 4 years old now, and umm, well, she is still like it
  15. On the bright side, my cattle dog grew out of the hole digging when he got to about 12 months. On the down side, I have an ancient poodle x that still digs massive holes every day Luckily she loves the spot in the garden behind the barbecue where it can't be seen (and nothing ever grew) so not really a problem.
  16. I give my old Poodle x a chicken wing - seems to be enough for a meal for her and she takes her time to chew it up, whereas with a couple of necks she will half chomp them and swallow them!
  17. I am so sorry to hear of your loss of Rex. I have been following your thread in General and was hoping for a happier outcome. RIP Rex, run fast and free now that you are back with your mate
  18. I had a cattle dog done years ago - best money I ever spent! And also her unpleasant doggy smell went :rolleyes:
  19. I'm a licensed implanter in NSW. I did a one day course with AWL, then had to do 15 implantations under vet supervision and then pass a theory exam. Then they let me loose :D
  20. That's interesting as I have a cat with one ear that needs cleaning nearly weekly and I have been using Epi Otic. He was desexed recently and I got the vet to have a really good look in his ear while sedated and he said it was badly ulcerated Do you think that the Epi Otic may have caused that?
  21. I am so sorry for your loss Jed. A lovely tribute for a very spirited little girl. Run fast and free Poppy
  22. Sit back, put your feet up, drink the beer and don't worry about it!
  23. Some things that are used to keep cats off benches are bubble wrap and tin foil placed at the entry point. Bubble wrap might work for a dog. If it was my dog I would just stick a big box with a brick in it at the entrance point. When I read threads like this I realise my lot aren't so bad after all!
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