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Thanks evryone. Still waiting to hear back from vets, they were still operating last time I called.

Hang in there valley CBR, he'll be home before you know it and making mischief.

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Lincoln has just come out of surgery. They couldnt find anything but he has severe gastroenterits. The vets prognosis is good, I should be able to visit tomorow though I think he will be there for awhile recuperating.

gald you know what is happening and all went well. i hope he picks up soon and is able to come home and you get a peaceful nights sleep.

Black Belgian if you are still interested in sitting with me on sunday at the dog show please pm me andi will give you details so you know who to look for

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Lincoln has just come out of surgery. They couldnt find anything but he has severe gastroenterits. The vets prognosis is good, I should be able to visit tomorow though I think he will be there for awhile recuperating.

Thank God for that - I hope Lincoln has a speedy recovery and that he will be ok:)

I hope that you are ok too after such an awful shock :thumbsup:

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When I called this morning he was still groggy from the GA but he is improving. Will get a call mid morning with more details.

Just a note to everyone: Have pet insurance. In a situation like this it has enabled us the freedom to choose what is best for his health not double guessing ourselves becase of costs ect.

myzchev I still don't think it has really sunk in yet.

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Lincoln has just come out of surgery. They couldnt find anything but he has severe gastroenterits. The vets prognosis is good, I should be able to visit tomorow though I think he will be there for awhile recuperating.

Just curious what tests did they do before opening him up??

Did the do a barium meal test first or just proceed with surgery??

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Thank goodness Lincoln is ok!! I too am wondering why they opened him up without knowing for sure there was a blockage ;)

I have pet insurance for my two. PetPlan for one and Medibank Private for the other. Very good thing to have :D

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Just got back from the vets. Lincoln was being really sooky and kept trying to get into my lap when I first got there. Then I got to take him out in the garden with the vet so he could have a pee, once he had he kept trying to chase the butterflies. :laugh: I then got to stay while he had a little bit of food. He is getting better and will be allowed home once he is off the pain meds and his blood levels are back to normal. He is half bald though! :) But still looks as cute as ever.

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