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Do You Assume Your Dog Is An Invited Guest?


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Luckily we live in different cities, but on the few occasions when my eldest sister has visited me, she asks me to shut the dogs out. She always says that it is because her husband doesn't really like to be jumped all over ;) :) , but I know she is the one who finds being in a household of several dogs stressful. They are dirty, you know. LOL

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Luckily we live in different cities, but on the few occasions when my eldest sister has visited me, she asks me to shut the dogs out. She always says that it is because her husband doesn't really like to be jumped all over :) :D , but I know she is the one who finds being in a household of several dogs stressful. They are dirty, you know. LOL

I think that's fair enough too. I put my dog outside, or in another room inside, or at least have him on lead, if any of my guests have any concerns about dogs or don't appreciate them being up close and personal. I especially did this in Mandela's younger days, before his habit of jumping up on people was remedied. I also took into account how well dressed people were (and if they were wearing white ;) :D ). And I didn't need to be asked to do it. I assumed it, unless my guests indicated that they didn't mind. Even then, I used them as a "training opportunity" so that I could teach him acceptable behaviour around other people.

Edited by Erny
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Luckily we live in different cities, but on the few occasions when my eldest sister has visited me, she asks me to shut the dogs out. She always says that it is because her husband doesn't really like to be jumped all over ;) :) , but I know she is the one who finds being in a household of several dogs stressful. They are dirty, you know. LOL

My mum is a big one for "Dogs don't live indoors, Its just not healthy"

Whatever :D .

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The only times I've ever taken my dogs to anyone's house was by prior arrangement, and then it was because our dog at the time was a puppy, and I had taken her to work with me as I was doing a 12 hour shift, and was going to the friends house straight after for a dinner party.

I had arranged it with them a week earlier, and they had the laundry all set up for her to go in when we got there.

Since the vast majority of my firnds have multiple dogs, it would be carnage & chaos if we all toook them whenever we went to each others places!!! ;)

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My mum is a big one for "Dogs don't live indoors, Its just not healthy"

When she had a dog herself, he slept on her bed. I think it is the NUMBER of dogs I have that she can't cope with ;) :) - and I do understand, really. :D

And to go back to the topic: I cannot imagine myself taking my dogs anywhere without asking first.

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Uninvited dogs I can handle, it's uninvited kids I have trouble with...

Oh yes...I'll second that. Most of the dogs I know are better behaved than any of the kids around here, especially those belonging to my family!

Mind you, I'd never just pitch with my dog, I'd always ask first. As he comes to work with me I am careful about making assumptions that he will always be welcome on-site with me. Some customers are disappointed if I pitch without him but others would probably have a heart attack if I brought him with me. I also say to people that I'll not be offended if they say that they don't want him - not everybody is keen on dogs and not all situations are suitable to take your dog.

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Um why is this dog not being kept on the lead? Uninvited - ok its NYE but good manners by the visiting people to KEEP IT ON THE LEAD. Why arent you asking them to keep it on the lead as a visiting dog should not be allowed to leap all over the furniture - or are their kids allowed to do the same thing?

Kids & dogs both should be under control and have manners - if not then they shoudl be restrained.

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No, definitely not being rude! It's your house - you make the rules!

I don't take my two unless I have expressed permission by whoever is inviting me - even family!

The only people who know they don't need to ask when coming here are Woofenpup and ~*Shell*~ - their dogs are always invited. :thumbsup:

Edited by TerraNik
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I'd be really peeved. We have similar rules, and the times that they've been ignored, something bad has happend (such as my kitten being munched and requiring immediete attention).

My older boy is an unregistered service dog, so he comes most places - hospitals, drs etc have all given the ok. But even then I like to double-check.

I think you'll have to tell her that next time it would be better if she came dog-less, and maybe state your reasons why? Otherwise could he be outside for the duration? (if there was shelter and water)

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Can totally relate to this one....Had a friend who used to bring her dog univited all the time - full of fleas & jumped all over the furniture & got hand fed from the table!!!!. Apparently because he was a small breed couldn't do much harm :thumbsup:

My old dog used to get so put out it wasn't fair. He was such a well behaved boy but I never assumed he would automatically be invited anywhere if we were. Eventually I had to have words with her & it contributed to the end of the friendship.

Even my daughter always asks if the dogs can come before she just lets them romp in....its all about good manners I say :laugh:

Edited for spelling

Edited by jodie1
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I would never take my dogs anywhere unless they had been specifically invited. To me that's just completely rude & selfish to turn up with a dog (or children) uninvited & without checking first.

I had a birthday/anniversary party the first year I had Tess. A very good friend of mine brought her dog along, but only because she thought it was a doggy party and not a human one :LOL: Was fine as her dog is well behaved & socialised, and she was absolutely mortified when she realised.

I'm meeting a group of people on Sunday at a kids playground which is within the big park I go to. I will be there in the morning with the hairies, and so asked if they minded if I bring them along. If even one person had expressed concern then I either wouldn't have gone, or wouldn't have taken the dogs.

I'd tell your friends that it is a human, and adult event, and that pup is not invited. If they don't want to leave him home alone, well, they miss out. That's one of the choices you make when you become a dog owner, particularly a puppy.

Good luck slk

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We socialize with our dogs, but so do our friends.............we all take our dogs along and they all get along really well. because we meet quite regularly and some are friends from dog training. So I guess I would not take them uninvited

Our dogs are however really well behaved, well trained and do not go indoors...........Our friends have dog proof yards and mostly the events are outdoor Bar-B-Q's. We even bring our trailer, in case our dogs are required to be in the trailer. I will not leave my dogs at home during the fire season unless I really have to. I am lucky, because hubby works from home.

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I would never bring Gypsy to anyones house without express permission first, and even then it's only happened once when we went to a frinds house for a big night and were planning to spend the next day with them too, and only because they lived too far away to quickly run home and let gyps out for the toilet and feed her. She stayed outside the whole time and on a teather because their yard wasn't dog proof.

I'm the only one of our friends who has a dog so i don't have to worry about anyone wanting to bring a dog here.

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Oh my god! It is your house, just tell her not to bring the damn dog. For god sake people, these are animals, they don't have to go EVERYWHERE! If your guests can't leave the dog home alone then they should just stay home with it.

:thumbsup: My thoughts exactly.

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I think in some cases it can be ok - if its a common thing and you are confident the people dont mind ect. But with a situation where they dont expect the dogs that different and personally Id never take my dogs at ALL if they had such bad manners! If one of y bug dogs jumped up it could cause injury so no Id never risk the dog or the child. On peoples furniture is just plain rude if you ask me.

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