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Waiting For A Puppy This Thread Is For You

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Jodi ~ I have pm'd you :happydance:

PoppyX ~ Frenchies are hard to find, so I will probably end up getting a pup from interstate too. Good Luck with your pup. Not long now.


Thanks, I PM'ed you back, LOL

I am getting a pretty "popular" breed and even then I am getting a pup from interstate as even though they seem to be extremly popular everywhere else, SA has bugger all breeders of Cavaliers, LOL


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Hi Everyone

Love the pictures of all your new puppies :happydance: they are all so beautiful and I WANT ONE :) lol

I have my name down with a couple of breeders, looking for a second sheltie pup to be a companion to Merlin. Hopefully within a couple of months we will have a buddy for Merlin

Keep all the stories coming, they are great to read :thumbsup:

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Question for your all, just curiosity on my part :happydance:

What made you pick the breed your after?

I wanted to stick with the Bulldog breeds but I was undecided between a British Bulldog, French Bulldog or Boston Terrier.....I like the squished faces, only a mother would love :thumbsup: The Boston we thought might be a little too delicate for 4 active grandkids, so we ruled that breed out. The British I would have loved but with so many health problems, it kinda of put me off, also the larger size of them might have been a problem. So the Frenchie, being the healthier version of all three breeds was it.

I wanted a smallish breed, with no grooming so to speak, I'm not into long haired dogs (the grooming side of it I mean), and I wanted a breed that would alternate between a walk now and again to a couch potato with no hangups either way. The Frenchie fit the bill to a tee.


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I picked the BB for it's laziness, laid back attitude , love of it's family and that adorable squishy face! I thought about the frenchie but don't like the sticky up ears. And to be honest I think I made 100% the right choice. I wanted a smallish dog, but not tiny, more solid. I also wanted a dog that didn't jump around like a crazy psycho. All the adult BB's I have met fit my criteria exactly. And you can't beat a breed you still think is cute as an adult!!

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Hi Everyone, And I'm sorry for the delay with this post. :thumbsup:

We picked up our new baby Labrador Jangels on Saturday @ 8am. He is everything and more than we expected. He is adorable :happydance: and we are in love again. He is boisterous, loves his food & water and doesn't have a shy bone in his body! Toilet training isn't going so well but he has been very quiet during the night. Our breeder is awesome and made our 8 week journey a pleasure.

Jax: Badger and his bottle is so cute

Love the corgi photos.

Congrats to everyone on their new babies. Love the updates & photos

Here is Jangels the day we got home

Edited by jakeyjangels
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Congrats on having Jangels home!

We never really considered anything but a labrador. Beagles were mentioned at one point but they seem to have a less sturdy temperament by reputation. And we're really larger dog people. It's funny, I consider a labrador a "normal" sized dog. Anything smaller is small, anything larger is large. Yet every person (I'm not exaggerating, I mean everyone) we've told about James has immediately said, "You know they're big dogs, right?". Utterly bizarre. So they're a good size, brilliant temperament, shorter haired, handsome little devils and up for a run/swim. Perfect dog :thumbsup: And they're clever - we wouldn't consider one of the less "intelligent" breeds.

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Oh May I Join Too!!

I don't have much longer to wait tho! Tomorrow Night!! :thumbsup:

He isn't a pure bred, he is a shelter puppy, but I love him all the same!

He is supposedly a Koolie Cross Husky.. but who knows!

Here is a couple of pictures of him :laugh:



I'm very excited, as I'm sure all you guys are too!!

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Jakeyjangels, glad its all going so well.. Can't see your pic yet though.. ?

Mavericksmission.. He is GORGEOUS! So, so cute! And I love the name!

Bluefairy, I've always loved Jack's.. Had them growing up. Love their 'big dog in a small body' attitude. Also wanted an active dog.. Hoping to do agility in the future. A couch potato, Badger is NOT! :thumbsup::laugh:

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Hi Holly's mum! :thumbsup:


I have been waiting for my girl so long, hopefully getting her next week.

Poppyx, I thought your date was a definite.. Is it still a 'hopefully'?

The date was definate, but we've had a couple of setbacks and i just dont want to get my hopes up on the date and be knocked back , it should be the 12th if all goes well from now! .....

just breathing..... taking each day as it comes, we've been really busy lately and i hope we can get it together so she can come down next week!

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Very cute puppy MavericksMission!

I too might have a longer wait than I want. I spoke to the breeder the other night and USS only showed two puppies and I think I'm further down the list. I couldn't believe how disappointed I felt. I can't imagine how you feel waiting for years!!

We're looking at a miniature poodle (we already have a JRT and she is just perfect). I was after a dog that didn't shed too much and less likely to cause allergies, smallish, smart, easy to train, full of life, gets on well with other animals and a poodle is what I came up with. I'm a bit nervous (to say the least) about grooming a poodle (only a bit of light stripping with a JRT) but that is the only down side.

Great question Blue Fairy and I have to say I have a very soft spot for all those "squashed in faces" breeds ie pugs, Bostons - just gotta love those smoochy faces.

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bluefairy - we picked a staffy because my OH grew up with them and loves them. Our last pup was a staffy and at that stage I wasn't too fussed whether we got a dog or not, I was pretty happy with my cats and actually wanted a cattle dog, which I've had in the past. But I fell head over heels for our last guy, and just loved the staffy temperment - how they're so loyal & affectionate (something my cats lack lol), their ability to be laid back or little balls of energy - I think they're a nice in-between. All the staffies I have met have been so friendly, as well..they love anyone that's willing to give them the time, which is endearing. And really, they're just beautiful dogs! :laugh:

I keep looking at Joker and saying "isn't he just so beautiful?" :thumbsup: It's probably getting a bit broken-record-like now. It's a good thing he is though, or else this exhaustion would be getting the better of me lol.

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Sorry to hear that Lily! Fingers crossed there were more pups hiding from the ultrasounds.

Maverick'sMission, he's gorgeous! A very nice looking dog. I love the name Hector!

Did anyone else have troubles picking a name for their pup? We struggled to reach a consensus and James was really the only one we all agreed on, although it wasn't anyone's favourite. Funnily enough though, James' brothers all ended up with names that had made it onto our shortlist: Bruce, Harry and Barney.

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Well a BB has always been my dream dog. There is just something about them that just makes my heart melt. So I knew that no matter what I had to get a BB. They are just tops. My husband always wanted a staffy, so because I got what I wanted there was no way I could say no to him. I can't wait to pick up our lil guy on Friday and bring him home.

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Yep, he's getting spoiled today...gave him a bit of watermelon after brekkie and he loved it lol, had to take the rind away because he didn't want to stop!!

Can't wait for pics of your little guy krital!! Bet you're getting excited now!

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