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I had to giggle at myself. You know how when you walk an agility course you usually have your arm up directing your invisible dog? Well I was walking the rally course with my arm glued to my side and keeping my body posture like I had my dog there :laugh: What made me laugh even more was a woman walking it near me with her invisible dog, she was going "watching! watching" to it :laugh: I threw in a few "good girls" to my invisible dog, too :D

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I had to giggle at myself. You know how when you walk an agility course you usually have your arm up directing your invisible dog? Well I was walking the rally course with my arm glued to my side and keeping my body posture like I had my dog there :laugh: What made me laugh even more was a woman walking it near me with her invisible dog, she was going "watching! watching" to it :laugh: I threw in a few "good girls" to my invisible dog, too :D

My invisible dog got an "Oh no" when I saw the sign that said drop.. the big dummy handler hasn't taught Lincoln that one yet. :)

Oh and Tiggy I can confirm 100% that Eden Hill will have Rally classes.

Lincoln's third run through:


Edited by valleyCBR
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Is the banging into you stress related???

Have a look at your first send to the box signal on the first clip you posted she goes in exactly the direction you pointed :)

I'm not sure, she's been doing it in training as well. Do you mean the PM trial one? Cos she went crooked due to a mega lump of soil with a hole in top. I had to dodge it in both the seekback and the signals and I remember her going around it the first time in the evening trial.

Its interesting watching the rounds from other states. When I went to Brisbane for the obedience Nationals a couple of years ago I couldn't believe that you would get every position in every pace in CCD :laugh: . In fact the CCD and novice rounds were harder than the open round :D

Watching huski's rounds from today her heeling round lasted longer than the signals round in UD.

Hmm - makes me think I have a long way to go with Soggybear!

I just watched Daisy's round and was going to make a similar comment about how looooong their rounds are! At the 2009 Western Classic when we had a QLD judge for CCD, my heel pattern was really long and all these turns in fast pace :laugh: Then Ruby's novice round at the Nationals with a VIC judge, her fast pace was just a very short straight bit at the very end with NO positions, so less tough than a CCD round!

I would have expected you only start getting all paces and all positions and turns in Open, at least in WA?

Well in QLD even in CCD most judges will give you one of every position in each pace. I can't remember having a shorter heel pattern ever in any level I've done. I was watching a NSW judge yesterday (I ended up under 2 QLD judges in the end) and they had a really really short fast pace, no turns just a straight line with a halt at the end I think, but I'd rather they shorten slow pace instead of fast pace! LOL

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I had to giggle at myself. You know how when you walk an agility course you usually have your arm up directing your invisible dog? Well I was walking the rally course with my arm glued to my side and keeping my body posture like I had my dog there :eek: What made me laugh even more was a woman walking it near me with her invisible dog, she was going "watching! watching" to it ;) I threw in a few "good girls" to my invisible dog, too :curtsey:

My invisible dog got an "Oh no" when I saw the sign that said drop.. the big dummy handler hasn't taught Lincoln that one yet. :cheer:

Oh and Tiggy I can confirm 100% that Eden Hill will have Rally classes.

Lincoln's third run through:


Lincoln was like Tigger :D - he did really well for a pup, he might be big but he's only 7 months so well done :laugh: . Good to hear Eden Hill will have Rally classes :laugh: . Banjo's back to Eden Hill for agility tonight.

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I had to giggle at myself. You know how when you walk an agility course you usually have your arm up directing your invisible dog? Well I was walking the rally course with my arm glued to my side and keeping my body posture like I had my dog there :laugh: What made me laugh even more was a woman walking it near me with her invisible dog, she was going "watching! watching" to it :laugh: I threw in a few "good girls" to my invisible dog, too :D

You dag :eek:

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I had to giggle at myself. You know how when you walk an agility course you usually have your arm up directing your invisible dog? Well I was walking the rally course with my arm glued to my side and keeping my body posture like I had my dog there :eek: What made me laugh even more was a woman walking it near me with her invisible dog, she was going "watching! watching" to it ;) I threw in a few "good girls" to my invisible dog, too :curtsey:

My invisible dog got an "Oh no" when I saw the sign that said drop.. the big dummy handler hasn't taught Lincoln that one yet. :cheer:

Oh and Tiggy I can confirm 100% that Eden Hill will have Rally classes.

Lincoln's third run through:


Lincoln was like Tigger :D - he did really well for a pup, he might be big but he's only 7 months so well done :laugh: . Good to hear Eden Hill will have Rally classes :laugh: . Banjo's back to Eden Hill for agility tonight.

I am doubting that me and Toby will be there tonight, he is itching like mad and my bro flew in from Japan last night so mum is making a special tea.

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I had to giggle at myself. You know how when you walk an agility course you usually have your arm up directing your invisible dog? Well I was walking the rally course with my arm glued to my side and keeping my body posture like I had my dog there :eek: What made me laugh even more was a woman walking it near me with her invisible dog, she was going "watching! watching" to it ;) I threw in a few "good girls" to my invisible dog, too :curtsey:

My invisible dog got an "Oh no" when I saw the sign that said drop.. the big dummy handler hasn't taught Lincoln that one yet. :cheer:

Oh and Tiggy I can confirm 100% that Eden Hill will have Rally classes.

Lincoln's third run through:


Lincoln was like Tigger :D - he did really well for a pup, he might be big but he's only 7 months so well done :laugh: . Good to hear Eden Hill will have Rally classes :laugh: . Banjo's back to Eden Hill for agility tonight.

I am doubting that me and Toby will be there tonight, he is itching like mad and my bro flew in from Japan last night so mum is making a special tea.

Try a Zyrtec anti-histamine for Toby, they work wonders for Mason when nothing else was helping, must be something in the air as Mason has not scrtached a lot for awhile now but on Thursday he started up again and I have had to double up on anti-histamines.

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I had to giggle at myself. You know how when you walk an agility course you usually have your arm up directing your invisible dog? Well I was walking the rally course with my arm glued to my side and keeping my body posture like I had my dog there :eek: What made me laugh even more was a woman walking it near me with her invisible dog, she was going "watching! watching" to it :curtsey: I threw in a few "good girls" to my invisible dog, too :cheer:

My invisible dog got an "Oh no" when I saw the sign that said drop.. the big dummy handler hasn't taught Lincoln that one yet. :party:

Oh and Tiggy I can confirm 100% that Eden Hill will have Rally classes.

Lincoln's third run through:


Lincoln was like Tigger :D - he did really well for a pup, he might be big but he's only 7 months so well done :laugh: . Good to hear Eden Hill will have Rally classes :laugh: . Banjo's back to Eden Hill for agility tonight.

I am doubting that me and Toby will be there tonight, he is itching like mad and my bro flew in from Japan last night so mum is making a special tea.

Try a Zyrtec anti-histamine for Toby, they work wonders for Mason when nothing else was helping, must be something in the air as Mason has not scrtached a lot for awhile now but on Thursday he started up again and I have had to double up on anti-histamines.

I have some I am just waiting for a chance when I can be home with him all day after I give them to him for the first time, just in case. Until then its safe old Polaramine and a tired dog. ;)

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My evil hound just ate the weave poles we were doing beginner 2x2 with. :rolleyes:


They were bamboo stakes for roses... I might try metal stakes with conduit over the top next. Or packing them up after each session.

Dare I ask how your evil hound is going with them.

I started 2 x 2 with Soggybear using an i-squeak to throw on the reward line - but I noticed that she was running between the poles looking over her shoulder at me waiting for me to throw the ball. So then I decided to get off the grass and to do it on the driveway and to use chunks of cheese. Now I have noticed that she is running through the poles looking up in the air - waiting for the food to come flying past :crossfingers: I know SG covers this in the DVD - but her thorwing abilities must be much better than mine - yes I am throwing underarm. I have progressed to 4 poles - but know I will end up going back and starting again!

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Cone racing sounds like a game Kenz would be good at if its anything to do with dog madly running around cones :crossfingers: :rolleyes: :confused::confused: .

The closed trial is on the 26th so can you send her over in time then I'll send her back :)

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Hmm Ptolomy I'll give your 2x2 issue with soggy bear some thought. Kenz use to do that as well. I think I must have delayed the getting it out to throw. So the head was still down I also remember sticking a huge thumping traffic cone out in front (mostly so I had something to aim at).

Wonder if you could do something like that though. Teach Cider to run around the cone and then place the cone out to give her some forward focal point. Thats a bit of lateral thinking and I know not strictly SG but it might help.

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My evil hound just ate the weave poles we were doing beginner 2x2 with. :(


They were bamboo stakes for roses... I might try metal stakes with conduit over the top next. Or packing them up after each session.

Dare I ask how your evil hound is going with them.

I started 2 x 2 with Soggybear using an i-squeak to throw on the reward line - but I noticed that she was running between the poles looking over her shoulder at me waiting for me to throw the ball. So then I decided to get off the grass and to do it on the driveway and to use chunks of cheese. Now I have noticed that she is running through the poles looking up in the air - waiting for the food to come flying past :) I know SG covers this in the DVD - but her thorwing abilities must be much better than mine - yes I am throwing underarm. I have progressed to 4 poles - but know I will end up going back and starting again!

Ptolomy, Rory went through that stage too - I tried to time my throw so that it happened just before he looked - I think.l But anyway, he seemed to get out of it as the poles closed up and he actually started weaving. Now his head is down low, and he's concentrating on getting past the last pole - and my throwing abilities are getting better. I'm using the nylon strip tuggy we got in our goody bag at Nationals - or if I don't have that with me, like yesterday, I use his Kong Wubba bear - I can hurl that by the tails, and we can tug on it. Noth are nice and heavy.

BTW, I have to brag - tried him on 12 poles out on the course in the lunch break between agility trials yesterday (with judge's permission :p ). He hadn't seen poles since last Monday when he did 12 beautifully. Yesterday he started off a bit dodgily, but then got right into it. Not super speedy yet, but it's coming. I need to be working on left hand entries - not as solid as right hand yet.

@ Mrs Rust Bucket

apart from the eating :D , I wouldn't leave the poles out in the early stages. I got them out and set them up each session. Didn't leave poles out until I got to 8 official poles and was too lazy to reset the metal bases. :D

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