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Im a vet nurse too, and have recently had to euthanaise my beautiful harlequin nitro. There was no way in hell i was leaving him while he was given his wings, i stayed and kissed him and told him how very much i love him, and stayed with him 1/2 hr after he had gone, i juts couldnt leave.

I now have him here with me in a beautiful wooden cremation box

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Yes, I stay. Its one of the hardest decisions to make and you question yourself whether you are doing the right thing or not.

But we all know that when the time comes, we make the right decision for our best friend even though we hate to see them leave... :thumbsup:

Its hard to see them depart, but I like to stay with them so that they can be with people that they know and love during that time...

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Yes I have stayed with two oldies (brother & sister) who needed to be helped on their way within six months of each other. I made the promise to each of them that I would not be selfish and would not let them suffer so that I could keep them with me. My girl was the hardest as she was my heart dog and although I knew she had been sick during the night, I didn't think I would be making that decision when I took her in. My vet and the vet nurse were both lovely and made it a little easier for me. Her brother had me and his nanny to hug & kiss him on his way.

They give us so much love and loyalty during their lives.

Maybe if some of the people who just dump their dogs at pounds were made to stay when they are put to sleep, they might not be so quick to dump their next dog but maybe not.

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Have always stayed and cannot understand people who say ''they can't'' - don't blame them or judge them, just can't understand it.

My heart dog had to be PTS while I was away (accident) and I still feel guilty about not being there for her, 15 years later.

Edited by Sandra777
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My beloved Golden Ronin was pts two years ago next week and it still breaks my heart. :thumbsup: He was the first dog I've stayed with. I think I was too young with the others to be able to cope with staying, but with Ronin I was a bit more grown up and it just felt right. From now on I will stay with my pets when their time comes.

Edited by Crazy Daisy
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I have had to euthanise a number of times over the years, and except for one vet who wouldn't let me, I have always stayed with them. That one haunted me for years. I should have been there. But I was young and the vet was insistent and I allowed myself to be pushed out. Never again, as painful as it is to watch I owe it to them to be there.

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i have stayed with all mine, except one last year, my beautiful wei jed, i had to give him his wings due to aggression, i just couldn't stay, i felt so guilty :thumbsup:

he sat looking up at me in the waiting room, i just had to hand over his lead and leave, i cried for a long time before i could drive home.

something i still feel bad about, cried in the garage last week when i pulled out the dog coats for winter, and his pink one came out first. :D

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My dog was pts last september. It was the hardest thing I have ever done and I stayed with her til the end.

I was shocked at how truly awful it was, the effect of the prior anaesthesia broke my heart, she was so frightened. :thumbsup:

Luckily the surgery was completely empty and the vet was so extremely kind and wonderful.

So far the darkest day of my life. :D

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I have stayed with all of them until the end except the littlest Princess. I just couldnt :thumbsup: i knew i would lose it. My husband stayed with her until the end but i stood outside the vets bawling my eyes out. I didnt go in because i didnt want her to be upset and i was ok until they went in. I have always been "ok" until i got home but with little princess i just couldnt. She was 19 and I know it was the right time but I fell apart. For some reason with her i couldnt but with the rest of them it was always me who stayed and I was always ok until i got home again.

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I had our vet come out to our house and have my dog, Jessie, put to sleep. The decision to do so was excruciating, and I spent days crying beforehand, guilty that I had to make that phone call. The receptionist was so so nice to me, and helped me heaps. I just couldn't get past the fact that I had to 'choose' the time and day that my dog would die. :thumbsup:

She was 13, and had a great life and was such a wonderful part of our family. That morning when I gave her breaky was also tough... as I knew tomorrow she wouldn't be here.

Hubby took the day off work, and we both stayed with Jessie when the vet gave the needle on our lounge room floor. It was so peaceful, I was shocked. We sobbed our hearts out, and told her how much we loved her. We thanked her over and over for being in our lives. Our vet was so wonderful with us and her, I will always remember his manner and I am will forever be grateful that she passed over in such a peaceful environment and with such peace.

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I stayed with my Mum and Dads dog when he had to be PTS - my mum had asked if I would as she was away - it was heartbreaking but I am glad I did.

I have been with all 3 of our dogs and I couldn't do otherwise - my OH was there for Bonnie - our Kelpie x - and it hit him hard as he had never done it before - the vet was wonderful - and I was glad to know the last thing they saw and heard was a familiar person telling them how much they were loved and to run free

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I haven't been there for my own dogs as i haven't had one euthanased yet but i have seen many dogs at the shelter put to sleep as well as taking a clients dog for them. The latter was horrible- they sedated him but not enough and let him stress for 20 minutes before injecting the lethabarb. I don't understand the point of sedating dogs before euthanasia.

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I shared an experience that was deeply personal with whom i thought were like minded people. I was unaware that this was about one person grandstanding their opinion and insulting others who are not of the same opinion.

Edited by Dust Angel
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I stayed with my boy, but my husband couldn't and waited outside. I hugged him and held up the vein for the Vet, Zues wasn't stressed at all because mummy was cuddling him and the nice Vet man was giving him attention too :o He gave me a big kiss just before he was given his wings. It was easier for him because I was there and he didn't know something was "wrong" That was 1 1/2 years ago and I still dream about him and miss him so much sometimes it hurts.

I will always be there for any of my animals when the time comes, but I can understand why some people (like my husband) can't handle it.


RIP beautiful boy xxxooo

Edited by Bow Wowy
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I was pregnant, hysterical and in shock when Squid was PTS. He was already under anesthetic. I would have stopped the process I'm sure. My husband had to take me away. I cuddled Elliot the dear old 17 year old man whilst he was PTS. It was different, he lead a full and wonderful life, Squids circumstance was very different.

Edited by Chewbacca
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I would always want to be there in their last moments - no matter how difficult it was for me.

I missed the death of my heart dog because I was in boarding school at the time and it wasn't a euth but rather more sudden. I wish to this day that I could have held him and been there for him in his final moments. Luckily my mother got there in time, so he had someone familiar holding him.

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I took my old boy to the vet realising it was time. My vet and fave vet nurse couldn't bear for him to go (they'd both treated him a lot over the years). They gave me all these pain killers saying just wait another couple of days. So I went home and stayed in bed with him for 2 and a half days just talking and cuddling. I took him back just before the vet closed on the Saturday and another vet and vet nurse did it for me. I stayed the whole time with him and it was very peaceful for him and me. It was his time. He just put his head down, closed his eyes and was gone. I took his favourite towel with me and they wrapped him in it and some other bags and carried him out to the car for me. I took him home and buried him in the backyard (don't care what the council says!). The vet delivered flowers to me on the Monday expressing how sad they were that my boy had gone. It's two and a half years later and I am crying typing this but don't have any regrets ending things when it was clearly the right time for him. RIP Budda-Boo.

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I have tears reading these posts...

My amazing Kapper dog was PTS at home on New Years Eve last year... he is the first dog I have had euthanased at home and it was a much better experience, for him and for me.

The vet I used was not my regular vet but a mobile vet who specialises in home euths and he was fantastic. We did all the paperwork etc beforehand so that Kapper could get used to him being in the house, and so I didn't have to deal with it afterwards. My boy got to go to the Bridge laying in his favourite spot in the kitchen, relaxed and happy and with me right there. I would have given anything not to have made that decision for him, and I cried the whole time I made the phone call to organise it, but I promised my boy that when his battle became too hard I would not let him suffer. I made his journey to the Bridge the best I could, and I am so glad I did it this way.

Hugs to everyone who has had to say goodbye to a friend... :):o

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The only time i did not stay was with my amazing Thoroughbred Duke he was my hearthorse, i saw the vets car coming down the road and i lost it, i was just pretty much hysterical and he just kept staring at me, straight into my eyes. I was forceably removed as it would not have been in his best interests for me to be there. He went surrounded by my two best friends. I will never forgive myself for not having the strength to keep myself together to give him the final gift he was entitled.

I know he forgave me though, the only thing i remember about the drive home after was a rainbow in a very very clear sky - i know he is waiting for me at the bridge and on the day we meet again we will race together as one once more.

You forgive others, though. :o

I never had a horse, but I've always wondered and thought how difficult it must be. :).

I would never ever not be there for any of my pets; I simply can't imagine not holding them. Calypso died in hospital, very suddenly, and 13 years later I still remember gasping down the phone when I was rung, "But I wasn't there."

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