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To Stick To The Same Breed?

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Your heart will tell you when you're ready for another, and if that's now, so be it :) After my first dog passed, and we got Rusty, I didn't see it as replacing Lassie, but more so helping to mend the hole in my heart.

I think it's personal choice wether you'd like another amstaff or not...I guess I worry about ever getting another schipperke and comparing it to Biscuit because it will have a lot to live up to! :p However I'm not really a "one breed" person myself, there's a few others I'd like to try before I devote myself purely to one breed :) But I'm sure if you'd like to try another breed whenever you're ready for a new addition, just give us your criteria for another dog and these amazingly knowledgable people will be able to give you informed advice :)

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Not if they get a Papered AmStaff

Honestly, if you are asking these questions i would not be getting a dog right now.

I lost my Bull Terrier a few months ago, in that time 2 litters have come up where i could have had a puppy from. I want a puppy, i miss my boy so much... but i have the What Ifs... What if the new puppy isnt the same... what if it is the same? What do i want? can i look at a new Bully and be happy or will it make me miss my boy more?

I know eventually a puppy will come to live with us and we will be happy, but right now im not too sure. We are giving it till at least the middle of next year before thinking about getting another one... right now i would rather live with the regret of NOT getting one, then regret getting one and having 10+ years with a dog i am not happy with or a dog i couldnt do the right thing for at the start

good luck with it all

Edited by Teebs
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I've owned 5 German Shepherds and currently own greyhounds, up to my 5th there as well. Loved them all, they were/are all different with their own individual quirks.

If you do get another Amstaff make sure you get proper rego papers. It could save you a lot of grief over the next next few years.

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I would take some time to talk to all household members about what was great about your recently departed dog & what where the no so great parts or just didn't fit quite for the household routine etc. then have a look at your list of pros n cons n see if they are breed related or just an individual trait. From there you can decide whether another am staff is right for your household now or maybe it's time to look at other breeds.

I lost a very dear soul mate a yr ago n although his son is here it has actually been a totally unrelated dog that is slowly filling some of the holes in my heart so I think it's more about the individual dog not breed or bloodlines etc.

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When I lost my Westie Cruise, I was never going to get another Westie as I was worried I was always going to measure the new dog up to Cruise. I was offered a pup and at first declined him, two weeks later decided that there was so much to love about the breed in general that I would give another one a shot. I have Hemi who is almost 3 and he has stolen my heart in a completely different way.

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Sorry you lost your girl.Yes another dog can make you happy.You may at first compare the new dog with the first one but keep in mind they are individuals and even another Amstaff will not behave the same ,although there will be some similarities from being the same breed.Look first at what qualities you want in a dog and which breeds suit your lifestyle then research breeds that fit what you are after. Tell us what are you looking for in What size , how much grooming, how much exercise you can give the dog,what activities you want to do together,what size yard you have,any dog allergies in the family ,how much shedding you can manage, have you had other breeds before ,What breeds do you like etc .

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It's so tempting to get another dog of the same breed because the one you had was so special to you but be prepared because its unlikely it will be just like the dog you miss so much.

I did this 3 years ago when I got another Doberman and he is nothing like the heart dog I lost. If I'm completely honest I was trying to have another dog just like the one I lost and it definitely didn't work out the way I was hoping. I dearly love my Dobe but he is nothing like my heart dog and it was my heart that made the decision to get another Dobe and not my head. Our current lifestyle is not really suited to having a large, young working breed who requires as much exercise and mental stimulation as a Dobe. We both work full time and I also have kids who do after school activities and a horse who needs to be tended to twice a day so that leaves me too tired to give Acheron all the time and energy he deserves.

Your situation meh be completely different to mine and it may work out perfectly but this is just what happened with my situation and I wish I had thought about it more carefully and with less emotion that I did.

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My feeling is that as long are you aren't going to try and "replace" your old girl with a new pup of the same breed, there is no reason to change if you do still love Am Staffs. However it may be worth thinking about the kind of dogs that might suit you, and whether going with what you know and love is better than looking into a new breed.

As for when to get a new dog, it's a very personal thing - some people find that getting a new dog helps them to grieve and "get over" (for want of a better term) the loss of their old dog. But for others, remaining dogless for a few months or years is the only way to go. Nobody will be able to tell you which way you should go, it's a decision that you have to make yourself. Or perhaps a realisation, rather than a decision.

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I have had BC's most of my life & am currently on no. 5 & 6 together. I just adore the breed . I have loved each & everyone of them to bits but in many different ways as they just that, all different. My true heart dog was 2 dogs ago & he was a rescue. I know I will never replace him nor do I want to. Thats what makes him all the more special.

You'll know if you listen to your heart when you are ready to get another four legged BF & what breed is entirely a personnal thing. I just love Borders, so I chose to change colours as my heart dog was a red, my 2 atm are traditional, black & white. Maybe that idea may work for you too.

Good luck with what ever you choose to do & I am sorry for your loss.

Edited by BC Crazy
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I've owned 5 German Shepherds and currently own greyhounds, up to my 5th there as well. Loved them all, they were/are all different with their own individual quirks.

I agree with this. I first hesitated and hesitated when getting another dog after the passing of a beloved tibbie. I absolutely love the breed, but had a concern I might be trying to 'replace' one that was much loved.

But, when I finally got a new tibbie, she had her own individual personality....as have the ones I got later.

I think so long as that's kept in mind.... the new one will be an individual & not a mirror image... it's fine to stay with a favourite breed.

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Sorry about the loss of your girl.

I would tend to agree that if you're asking this question perhaps the time isn't right yet. Maybe wait a bit, do some research, look at some pictures and information on line and decide exactly what you want to do.

Do you like Amstaffs particularly or would you perhaps like to have something similar but not quite? I'm thinking Stafford, Bull Terrier, Boxer (perhaps not so much with the heat?), Rhodesian Ridgeback (not quite in the same vein but similar in terms of coat, boof & energy).

There's no reason why you can't just get another Amstaff if this is where your heart is but IMO you'd be best getting a completely different colour so your sub-concious isn't nagging you about 'she's not the same'.

No you probably won't ever love another dog the way you love your special girl - you'll love them just as much but for other reasons.

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I love my breed so having another isn't an issue.

If you have questions about owning the breed again then that is something you all need to decide but you will never replace what you lost your are replacing with a breed that may be special to you & you enjoy being around

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I went through the same thing when I lost my beloved Poochie -- all of us here have experienced it. I was looking into another Aussie Terrier before Poochie was PTS, but I wasn't expecting the wave of grief to be as bad as it was. Devastated is putting it mildly.

A prospective two litters of Aussies came about late May/early June, but as Poochie was PTS on April 24th, I wasn't sure I was ready. I met with the breeder anyway and her two bitches who were due around August, but unfortunately, one girl reabsorbed the puppies and the other only delivered one living pup, who was to go to a show home. I saw it as Poochie looking out for me and fate saying I wasn't ready.

Kirah came home a year later and I couldn't be happier. It did take a while to bond, she's just not Poochie, but she has the quirks and breed traits that I love and they're part of what made Poochie who she was. So as much as I love Poochie, and miss her, I love Aussies too much to let my grief get in the way of owning another.

I think the best thing to do is ask yourself what it was that you loved so much about your Amstaff girl. Was it her personality and breed traits that you loved (along with everything else about her) because if so, then you love the breed as much as you loved your girl. If you find you love the breed, then another Amstaff will be in your future.

I'm sorry to hear about your girl; it's never easy losing a loved one. :hug:

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As well as another Amstaff also look at... Australian Cattle dog ...Labrador.... GS pointer.....Bull Terrier ,a dark colour one Their light skin pigment needs sun protection.

If you enjoy lots of training i would say a Weimaraner or Vizsla but not sure how they are with heat tolerance.

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I have three favourite breeds, unless I inherited a dog from family I would never get another breed than the ones I have. Stick with the breeds you know and are comfortable with or get a breed that you've always wanted. At the end of the day you will love the dog for the dog and not its packaging :)

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